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NRDGC Presents: The Thorn Spring League

NRDGC Presents: The Thorn Spring League

Event Info

Pro/Am League

StatusTotal Players
Event complete; official ratings processed.35

Official Results

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MPO · Open (3)

Alex Bush #54698
Christiansburg, Virginia, United States
Trevor Dominy #74823
Bowling green, Kentucky, United States
Rob Zisette #88515
Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - White 10, Blue 11, White 12-18 / Red 10-14; 14 holes; Par 52; 6,813 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - Red 1-5 / gold 6 / white 1-5 / gold 6; 15 holes; Par 58; 7,856 ft.
Randolph Park Disc Golf Course - Front 9 (White tees - yellow baskets) Front 1-8 (blue tee - white basket) #9 to #10 white basket; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,502 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - White 10/ Blue 11-12/ White 13/ Red 14-15/ Gold 16 / Red 17-18 then Red 10-14; 14 holes; Par 52; 6,766 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - Red 1-5 / gold 6 / white 1-5 / gold 6; 15 holes; Par 58; 7,856 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - White 10/ blue 11-12 / White 13-16 / red 17-18 then white 10 / blue 11 / red 12 -14; 14 holes; Par 52; 6,779 ft.
Thorn Spring week 8; 15 holes; Par 58; 8,154 ft.
Thorn Spring League - Week 9; 16 holes; Par 60; 8,358 ft.
122.50Alex Bush5469896643991499945594946955459665197052980
215.00Trevor Dominy7482397854945559494596755935
37.50Rob Zisette88515970471014

MA1 · Advanced (11)

Jordan Porterfield #138641
Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Gregory Reynard #131582
NARROWS, Virginia, United States
Chaz Chinault #40959
Christiansburg, Virginia, United States
Thomas Adams #87042
Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Nick Dishon #92874
Radford, Virginia, United States
Tim Allen #67945
Christiansburg, Virginia, United States
Greg Moench #61002
Parrott, Virginia, United States
Daymon Linkous #212425
Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Champ Humphreys #147966
Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Robert Hayner #77342
York, South Carolina, United States
Tyler Graham #113090
Christiansburg, Virginia, United States
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - Red tees 1-9 then whites 1-6; 15 holes; Par 59; 7,894 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - White 10, Blue 11, White 12-18 / Red 10-14; 14 holes; Par 52; 6,813 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - Red 1-5 / gold 6 / white 1-5 / gold 6; 15 holes; Par 58; 7,856 ft.
Randolph Park Disc Golf Course - Front 9 (White tees - yellow baskets) Front 1-8 (blue tee - white basket) #9 to #10 white basket; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,502 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - White 10/ Blue 11-12/ White 13/ Red 14-15/ Gold 16 / Red 17-18 then Red 10-14; 14 holes; Par 52; 6,766 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - Red 1-5 / gold 6 / white 1-5 / gold 6; 15 holes; Par 58; 7,856 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - White 10/ blue 11-12 / White 13-16 / red 17-18 then white 10 / blue 11 / red 12 -14; 14 holes; Par 52; 6,779 ft.
Thorn Spring week 8; 15 holes; Par 58; 8,154 ft.
Thorn Spring League - Week 9; 16 holes; Par 60; 8,358 ft.
187.50Jordan Porterfield138641915519495288559895559494794358905489305692054960
267.50Gregory Reynard1315828865887551897648455683853954528835692054960
362.50Chaz Chinault40959932559075692553970449795494544977
460.00Thomas Adams8704291553928528856088553954489305692060902
545.00Nick Dishon92874928518975594956838559356582957931
622.50Tim Allen6794594256939568365890057931
720.00Greg Moench610029356485854940
815.00Daymon Linkous21242590056920
910.00Champ Humphreys14796694752938
105.00Robert Hayner7734292860899
105.00Tyler Graham11309090558905

MA2 · Intermediate (12)

Jarod Porterfield #180691
Christiansbrg, Virginia, United States
Dwight Brady #127239
Radford, Virginia, United States
Ben Rudisill #109215
Pulaski, Virginia, United States
Matt Manning #155740
Radford, Virginia, United States
Asa Spiller #108934
Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Sean Harmon #168048
Christiansburg, Virginia, United States
Wes Fenton #120563
Radford, Virginia, United States
Greg Tew #160561
Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Justin McKinney #135320
Glen Allen, Virginia, United States
Chris Cook #14487
Dublin, Virginia, United States
Dustin Olin #19745
Troutville, Virginia, United States
Daniel Richards #91775
Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - Red tees 1-9 then whites 1-6; 15 holes; Par 59; 7,894 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - White 10, Blue 11, White 12-18 / Red 10-14; 14 holes; Par 52; 6,813 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - Red 1-5 / gold 6 / white 1-5 / gold 6; 15 holes; Par 58; 7,856 ft.
Randolph Park Disc Golf Course - Front 9 (White tees - yellow baskets) Front 1-8 (blue tee - white basket) #9 to #10 white basket; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,502 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - White 10/ Blue 11-12/ White 13/ Red 14-15/ Gold 16 / Red 17-18 then Red 10-14; 14 holes; Par 52; 6,766 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - Red 1-5 / gold 6 / white 1-5 / gold 6; 15 holes; Par 58; 7,856 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - White 10/ blue 11-12 / White 13-16 / red 17-18 then white 10 / blue 11 / red 12 -14; 14 holes; Par 52; 6,779 ft.
Thorn Spring week 8; 15 holes; Par 58; 8,154 ft.
Thorn Spring League - Week 9; 16 holes; Par 60; 8,358 ft.
176.00Jarod Porterfield180691873489815189759895589194992056925518955395060902
272.00Dwight Brady127239901598645189762865589194893254945479425692058921
358.00Ben Rudisill10921590354917489325593550908538715791062882
448.00Matt Manning1557408865986451897628655792952885608855584860902
542.00Asa Spiller1089348985788546956589056286551895
616.00Sean Harmon1680488865387456925
712.00Wes Fenton1205639085989062882
88.00Greg Tew1605618765986468823
96.00Justin McKinney13532086660885
96.00Chris Cook1448787864863
114.00Dustin Olin1974589765853
122.00Daniel Richards9177585059803

MA3 · Recreational (9)

Mike Porterfield #201577
Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Jason Spicer #108410
Narrows, Virginia, United States
Shemaiah Beach #122284
Christiansburg, Virginia, United States
Sue Spicer #108411
Narrows, Virginia, United States
Dylan Surface #166675
Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Matt Tolbert #138861
Christiansburg, Virginia, United States
Zane Coble #147450
Pulaski, Virginia, United States
Stephen McNabb #140048
Christiansburg, Virginia, United States
Hank Hanks #171648
Pulaski, Virginia, United States
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - Red tees 1-9 then whites 1-6; 15 holes; Par 59; 7,894 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - White 10, Blue 11, White 12-18 / Red 10-14; 14 holes; Par 52; 6,813 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - Red 1-5 / gold 6 / white 1-5 / gold 6; 15 holes; Par 58; 7,856 ft.
Randolph Park Disc Golf Course - Front 9 (White tees - yellow baskets) Front 1-8 (blue tee - white basket) #9 to #10 white basket; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,502 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - White 10/ Blue 11-12/ White 13/ Red 14-15/ Gold 16 / Red 17-18 then Red 10-14; 14 holes; Par 52; 6,766 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - Red 1-5 / gold 6 / white 1-5 / gold 6; 15 holes; Par 58; 7,856 ft.
Thorn Spring Disc Golf Course - White 10/ blue 11-12 / White 13-16 / red 17-18 then white 10 / blue 11 / red 12 -14; 14 holes; Par 52; 6,779 ft.
Thorn Spring week 8; 15 holes; Par 58; 8,154 ft.
Thorn Spring League - Week 9; 16 holes; Par 60; 8,358 ft.
122.50Mike Porterfield201577808667905782766838588146385559801
221.00Jason Spicer108410883608996484562882
315.00Shemaiah Beach12228483359864588157078673756617776780971794
410.50Sue Spicer108411810717876781566843
410.50Dylan Surface1666758305486064863
67.50Matt Tolbert1388618335683874765
67.50Zane Coble14745081964858
84.50Stephen McNabb14004882468817
93.00Hank Hanks1716487876573372777