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Innova Presents Gargoyles Garden Revenge of the Trees, Three

Innova Presents Gargoyles Garden Revenge of the Trees, Three

Event Info

Pro/Am C-Tier

  • Date: 28-Oct to 29-Oct-2023
  • Location: Mountain view, Hawaii, United States
  • Tournament Director: Kevin Darr
StatusTotal PlayersPro Purse
Event complete; official ratings processed.40$1,067

Official Results

Collapse all divisions

MPO · Mixed Pro Open (6)

Trenton Schroter #59381
Breckenridge, Colorado, United States
Arjang Mirzadegan #25996
Pahoa, Hawaii, United States
Greg Stanbro #65928
Pahoa, Hawaii, United States
Jackson Proctor #203384
Hakalau, Hawaii, United States
Nick Klauba #158136
Lihue, Hawaii, United States
Jack Stanton #2011
Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 1 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,752 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 1 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,752 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 2 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,665 ft.
130.00Trenton Schroter59381958-235098347101648997145$346
225.00Arjang Mirzadegan25996937-15519725296150974153$218
320.00Greg Stanbro65928949-7519725395057895161$164
415.00Jackson Proctor203384933-3588955493953940165
510.00Nick Klauba158136930+5638416285248997173
65.00Jack Stanton2011922+6618635296161850174

MP40 · Mixed Pro 40+ (3)

Robin James #268636
Ocean View, Hawaii, United States
David Gelber #201079
Pepeekeo, Hawaii, United States
Jacob Pangburn #46644
Kapaa, Hawaii, United States
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 1 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,752 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 1 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,752 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 2 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,665 ft.
112.00Robin James268636-10539505296153940158$212
28.00David Gelber201079906E588955790653940168$127
34.00Jacob Pangburn46644903+14658195790660861182

MA1 · Mixed Amateur 1 (5)

Quinn Yeamans #196789
Kealakekua, Hawaii, United States
Cody Silsley #196828
Kealakekua, Hawaii, United States
Jerry Lutz #181416
Pelkie, Michigan, United States
Mariano Hernandez #144652
Redwood City, California, United States
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 1 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,752 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 1 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,752 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 2 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,665 ft.
125.00Quinn Yeamans196789908-10519725296155918158
220.00Dave Miller-7529615493955918161
315.00Cody Silsley196828944-2529615790657895166
410.00Jerry Lutz181416903+8618636087455918176
50.00Mariano Hernandez1446529175691756917999DNF

FA1 · Women's Amateur 1 (2)

Genevieve Azar #236055
Kealakekua, Hawaii, United States
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day1 ams; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,921 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day1 ams; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,921 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 2 am; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,850 ft.
16.00Genevieve Azar236055729-2557775774754787166
23.00Melissa Mellor+27656266759663650195

MA40 · Mixed Amateur 40+ (8)

Casey Hamrick #83960
Bremerton, Washington, United States
Thomas Ramirez #178825
Ocean View, Hawaii, United States
Howard Tan #26209
Pasadena, California, United States
Richard Buers #119913
Bremerton, Washington, United States
Bob Bartlome #67315
Paia, Hawaii, United States
Ryan Moen #178061
Kapaa, Hawaii, United States
Hank Howerton #191401
Kailua Kona, Hawaii, United States
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 1 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,752 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 1 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,752 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 2 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,665 ft.
132.00Casey Hamrick83960867+3608745691755918171
228.00Thomas Ramirez178825884+9549396186362838177
324.00Howard Tan26209899+11648305988556906179
324.00Sean Thompson+11638415790659872179
516.00Richard Buers119913868+14648305592863827182
612.00Bob Bartlome67315839+16618636384160861184
78.00Ryan Moen178061867+27668086483065804195
84.00Hank Howerton191401746+40727426977567782208

FA50 · Women's Amateur 50+ (2)

Kim Fendt #222484
Mountain View, Hawaii, United States
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day1 ams; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,921 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day1 ams; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,921 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 2 am; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,850 ft.
13.00Peggy Stanton+25685816858157741193
21.50Kim Fendt222484484+63695669418968574231

MA60 · Mixed Amateur 60+ (4)

David Reisner #201881
Keaau, Hawaii, United States
Michael Leitch #17635
Mountain View, Hawaii, United States
Howard Reinert #161284
Hilo, Hawaii, United States
John Melchior #200982
Captain Cook, Hawaii, United States
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 1 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,752 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 1 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,752 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 2 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,665 ft.
18.00David Reisner201881872+16598856680859872184
26.00Michael Leitch17635867+17608746483061850185
34.00Howard Reinert161284833+24628526581965804192
42.00John Melchior200982825+35687866581970748203

MA2 · Mixed Amateur 2 (6)

Stuart Fuller #180161
Kapaa, Hawaii, United States
Adam Giacomini #219863
Kapaa, Hawaii, United States
Kelly Sakai #198774
Kailua Kona, Hawaii, United States
David Ashburn #169821
Kapaa, Hawaii, United States
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 1 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,752 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 1 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,752 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 2 pro; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,665 ft.
124.00Stuart Fuller180161802+12638415889559872180
220.00Adam Giacomini219863817+16648305889562838184
316.00Lupe Ojeda+18579066779762838186
412.00Kelly Sakai198774776+24648306483064816192
58.00David Ashburn169821791+33697756680866793201
58.00Andy O'brien+33658196779769759201

MA3 · Mixed Amateur 3 (1)

Sean Fendt #227017
Mountain View, Hawaii, United States
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day1 ams; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,921 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day1 ams; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,921 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 2 am; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,850 ft.
13.00Sean Fendt227017613+26636576759664635194

FA3 · Women's Amateur 3 (1)

Traci Cristobal #219864
Kapaa, Hawaii, United States
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day1 ams; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,921 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day1 ams; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,921 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 2 am; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,850 ft.
11.50Traci Cristobal219864+11607026562654787179

MJ18 · Mixed Junior ≤18 (1)

Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day1 ams; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,921 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day1 ams; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,921 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 2 am; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,850 ft.
12.00Kalani Nakapaahu+237941579

FJ18 · Girls' Junior ≤18 (1)

Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day1 ams; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,921 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day1 ams; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,921 ft.
Gargoyles Garden Disc Golf Course - day 2 am; 18 holes; Par 56; 2,850 ft.
12.00Ivi Ojeda+498237079407161