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Women's Logo Contest

Women's Logo Contest

Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - 16:19

2012 PDGA Women’s Committee Logo Contest

Where are the female disc golfers and how do we recruit more of them?

How many times have you heard this question? As a female disc golfer I find myself asking this question all the time. 

Currently only 7% of PDGA members are female. This is one of the lowest female to male ratios of any co-ed sport in existence today. With your help the PDGA Women’s committee is dedicating all its efforts in 2012 to getting back to our mission of: attracting, encouraging, and retaining more female participation in organized disc golf events. To quote Val Jenkins, “January is a time for new beginnings and rejuvenation of past efforts.”

The time is now and we need your help!

You can help us by creating a female-inspired logo for the PDGA Women’s committee! This is a chance for you to create something that can be used for years to come as an inspiration for female disc golfers everywhere. Plus you can win some really cool prizes.

For contest details and to submit your logo: go to Entries are being accepted now through January 23rd and voting will be cast January 24-31. The logo with the most votes by 11:59pm PST on January 31st will receive:

Paid PDGA Membership for 2012 (if you are already a current member for 2012 then we will extend your membership to 2013) as well as paid entry into the 2012 Magnolia Open.

This contest is for women only (sorry guys). However, if you are a male disc golfer and you can talk your wife, sister or girlfriend into creating a truly awesome logo we can throw some disc golf swag your way for plugging the women’s committee for us.