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PDGA World Rankings

Due to travel restrictions and cancellation of the 2020 PDGA World Championships due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the PDGA World Rankings were not assigned for 2020.

See below for information on world rankings events, categories, process details, and more.

2019 MPO World Rankings - Year End

Rank Prev Name PDGA # Country WRPR RR Worlds USDGC Euro NET DGPT Points  
1 1 Paul McBeth 27523 US 1055 1 1  64  1 · 1 1
2 2 Richard Wysocki 38008 US 1049 2 2 ·  3  2 2.3 2.1
3 10 Eagle Wynn McMahon 37817 US 1045 3  8  7 2 2.5 2.5 3.3
4 5 James Conrad 17295 US 1035 9 3 1 8 4.8 4.8 5.1
5 7 Chris Dickerson 62467 US 1040 4 5 5 · · 13.3 5.9
6 17 Simon Lizotte 8332 US 1038 6 8  53  9 4.5 3.3 6.1
7 6 Kevin Jones 41760 US 1037 7 7  33  9 6.8 3 6.6
8 15 Calvin Heimburg 45971 US 1039 5 20  28  · 2.5 4.5 7
9 9 Nathan Sexton 18824 US 1037 7 6 10  15  12.8 · 8.3
10 21 Garrett Gurthie 13864 US 1029 14 12  19  · 7.3 2.8 10.7
11 30 Jeremy Koling 33705 US 1023 17 · 2 5  26.8  13.5 11.9
12 22 Emerson Keith 47472 US 1025 16 3 14 · · 9 12.3
13 51 Chris Clemons 50401 US 1024 16.5 12 4 ·  20.3  9.5 12.5
14 42 Joel Freeman 69509 US 1026 15.5  31  10 · 9 12 12.9
15 17 Nikko Locastro 11534 US 1023 17 10 2 · · 15.3 13.1
16 47 Joshua Anthon 17946 US 1031 12 15 · · · 18 13.5
17 73 Alex Russell 66362 US 1027 15  31  7 · 20 9.5 13.6
17 53 Austin Hannum 68835 US 1027 15 15  30  7 15.3 14.3 13.6
19 - Albert Tamm 76669 EE 1024 16.5  31  10 3 · 26 14.8
20 66 Eric Oakley 53565 US 1018 19.5 10  25  9 16.5 15.3 15

2019 FPO World Rankings - Year End

Rank Prev Name PDGA # Country WRPR RR Worlds USWDGC Euro NET DGPT Points  
1 1 Paige Pierce 29190 US 979 1 1  2  1 1.4 1 1.1
2 4 Catrina Allen 44184 US 976 2 3  6  3 0.8 1.5 2.1
3 7 Henna Blomroos 59227 FI 963 3 4 · 2 · · 3
4 10 Kristin Lätt 73986 EE 962 4  6  1 5 1.3 · 3.2
5 2 Sarah Hokom 34563 US 962 4  5  4 · 1.8 2.8 3.4
6 3 Eveliina Salonen 64927 FI 962 4 2 · 4 · · 3.7
7 6 Paige Shue 33833 US 948 7  20  4 · 2.1 5 5.4
8 11 Rebecca Cox 32917 US 943 11 9 3 · 8.1 3.5 7.6
9 5 Jessica Weese 50656 US 943 11  13  8 · 4.1 4.8 8.3
10 9 Madison Walker 59431 US 944 10 17 · · 6.8 3.8 9.6
11 8 Lisa Fajkus 32654 US 941 14 7 12 · 7.4 4 9.7
12 15 Elaine King 3090 US 941 14 · · · 6.1 7.7 11.6
13 13 Jennifer Allen 15354 US 948 7 45 · · 3.1 7 12.7
14 46 Valerie Mandujano 62879 US 946 9 10 · · · · 13.2
15 18 Vanessa Van Dyken 62325 US 936 18  45  16 · 4.1 6.8 13.5
16 16 Holly Finley 51277 US 933 21 8 14 · 8.8 8.8 13.6
17 20 Hailey King 81351 US 938 17 17  21  · 14.8 6 14.8
18 34 Missy Gannon 85942 US 936 18 12 19 · · 8.8 15.6
19 - Heather Young 100965 US 942 13 · 7 · · · 16
20 - Callie McMorran 64751 US 927 24 15 10 · 16.1 10.3 16.6

World Rankings - Events/Categories

  • WRPR = World Rankings Player Rating
    • WRPR is the average of round ratings from B-tier and higher events in the 12 months prior to the World Ranking update.
  • RR = Ranking based on WRPR
  • Worlds = Ranking based on 2019 Pro Worlds
  • USDGC/USWDGC = Ranking based on 2019 USDGC / 2019 USWDGC
  • Euro = Ranking basked on 2019 European Open
  • NET = Average of a player's best finishes in National Tour and EuroTour events during the past 12 months
    • Best four finishes for MPO, best three finishes for FPO
  • DGPT = Disc Golf Pro Tour - Average of 4 best finishes during past 12 months


  • MPO competitors with a World Rankings Player Rating (WRPR; see Events/Categories section below) of 1000 or higher based on a minimum of 12 rated rounds (at least 8 for non-North American competitors) are included to start the World Rankings process. They will be assigned a World Ranking if they meet one of the following criteria:
    • Completed 2019 Pro Worlds in Open division or earned points in at least two of the events/categories listed in the "Events/Categories" section below
    • A World Ranking is always assigned to MPO competitors with a WRPR of 1020 or higher. However, one of the following penalties may apply.
      • If the competitor did not complete or earn points in any event or series included in World Rankings, they receive an 8-point penalty added to their World Ranking point total.
      • If the competitor completed or earned points in only one series or event (excluding MPO in Worlds) included in World Rankings, they receive a 4-point penalty added to their World Ranking point total.

World Rankings - Process Details


The World Ranking Player Rating (WRPR) used for this calculation is based on a straight average of round ratings during the 12 most recent months prior to the date of the most recent PDGA Player Ratings update. Note that a player's WRPR could easily be different from a player’s official PDGA Player Rating, especially for those who are less active. This is because the 12 months used for the WRPR is the same period for everyone, unlike the official PDGA Player Ratings where the 12 months used are based on the individual player’s most recent 12-month period of actively competing in PDGA-sanctioned events. Furthermore, unlike official PDGA Player Ratings, the most recent 25% of round ratings are not double-weighted for the WRPR and no very low rated rounds are excluded.

Adjusted Rating Rank (RR)

The Adjusted RR (WRPR) Rank is the lower value of their rank below the top rated MPO/FPO player or the amount of rating points their WRPR is below the top rated player of their gender multiplied by 0.5. The player with the highest WRPR receives a rank of 1. Let’s say their rating is 1055. A player with a WRPR of 1035 would receive an Adjusted RR of 11 (i.e. 1 + 0.5 x [1055 – 1035]) regardless how many players have a WRPR above them. From a practical standpoint, each rating point difference between players is worth less than 0.1 throw. When a player wins an event, it's at least by one throw. Using the 0.5 multiplier in this WRPR process tightens up the spacing between players to reflect the reality that a player with a rating only one point lower than another will lose to the higher rated player by roughly one half throw every 4-6 rounds.

Event-Specific Points

The finish position of every player being ranked in the World Rankings is entered in a table. Then, their adjusted finish position is determined based only on how they finished relative to each other. Let's say the player finishing 15th at the USDGC (USWDGC) currently has a 990 (890) rating so they're not part of the World Rankings. The World Ranked player who finished 16th moves up to 15th place for ranking points. Every world ranked player below them also moves up one position. The number of USDGC (USWDGC) points will equal whatever a player’s adjusted ranking position turns out to be. In other words, if a player has 14 World Ranked players who finished ahead of them at the USDGC (USWDGC), they would get 15 USDGC (USWDGC) points. Players who are tied get the same number of points.

National Tour & EuroTour Points

The average of an MPO player's best four finishes (FPO – best three) in either NTs (National Tour) or ETs (Eurotour) in the past 12 months will be a factor worth 1/6 of their World Ranking Points. Because the strength of fields in the NT versus ET can vary more than 35 rating points, a bonus has been added that can reduce a player’s ranking (lower is better) in an event by up to 0.25. For MPO, the average rating of the top 15 finishers is subtracted from 1000 and divided by 100. So, an event where the top 15 finishers average 1020, each player in that event would get an added deduction from their finish position equal to 0.20 ([1020-1000]/100) as a bonus. If the average of the top 15 is less than 1000, no bonus is calculated. For FPO, the average rating of the top 4 finishers is calculated, subtracted from 930, then divided by 100.

Disc Golf Pro Tour Points

The average of a player's best four finishes in Disc Golf Pro Tour events in the last 12 months will be a factor worth 1/6 of their World Ranking Points.

Weighting Factors

A player’s Adjusted Rating Ranking points will be weighted from 10% to 100% depending on how many major events each played. The more major events a player completes, the less weight their Adj RR receives. If a player completes no major events nor participates in at least four events in the NT/ET series, their WRPR Points will get 100% weight, but the player will also receive the maximum in penalty points (see below). The weighting percentages for each major event will fluctuate depending on the player turnout each year. The major events for MPO and separately for FPO with the largest field sizes will be capped at a max of 25% weight with others receiving less weight proportionately based on field size.

Time Period Weighting

The weighting for each major event will slightly decrease in each update during the year each event is counted in the rankings by using the following weighting factors. Event played in past 3 months = 1.09, past 4-6 months = 1.03, past 7-9 months = 0.97 and past 10-12 months = 0.91.

Dropped Events

If a player has received a ranking in at least 4 event categories (Worlds, USDGC/USWDGC, Euro, NET, DGPT), their worst (highest) ranking of those categories will be dropped if that ranking is above their RR value.

Final Ranking

The weights are multiplied by the points earned for each item to determine a player's point total. The total points for each player are ranked from low to high to determine their World Ranking. Tied players receive the same ranking but their order on the list is based on who has the higher WRPR rating.