Camping: no
Facilities: yes
Pay to Play: yes
Handicap Accessible: no
Private: yes
Tee Signs: no

Course Details

Target Type: Baskets
Tee Type: Natural
Course Length: 2,497ft
Alternate Length: 0ft
Hole Length: Under 300ft: 6 | 300 - 400ft: 2 | Over 400ft: 1


Unique homemade baskets and an out of the way location add interest. $3/person, ask for a map.


From Schuyler; Hwy 30 seven miles west of the 30/15 intersection. Turn north on Road 4 (NOT Road 4a!) at the green Camp Luther sign and go 5.5 miles north to the camp on the right.


Phone: 888-639-5809