Epilä DiscGolfPark
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Course Type:
# Holes:
Year Established:
(1 vote)
Location Type:
Course Details
Target Type: DISCatcher
Tee Type: Rubber Mats
Elevation: Flat
Hole Length: Under 300ft: 0 | 300 - 400ft: 0 | Over 400ft: 0
Course Designer: Jussi Meresmaa
Big park by a small lake with grass fields, trees and a little creek. Some fairways are pretty tight and some wide open. *Dec 2018 - map here is with 9 holes. Please post the updated map.
From downtown, take Pispalan valtatie west, left to Rankasillankatu and there's parking lot (rahkasillankatu 10). 1st tee 300 meters in the park.
First Tee:
Parking Lot:
Email: Jussi Meresmaa #14600
Phone: +358 40 5781474
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