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Year Established:
(3 votes)
Courses Close By
- Brickeberg, Örebro SE(3 votes)
- Axbergs IF Discgolfbana, Dyltabruk SENo votes yet
- Ånnaboda DiscGolfPark, Garphyttan SE(1 vote)
- Djupadalsbadet, Kumla SENo votes yet
- Odebsbackens, Örebro SENo votes yet
- Hampetorps DiscGolfPark, Hampetorp SENo votes yet
- Sandvikens Discgolfbana, Karlskoga SENo votes yet
- Sandtorpsbadet, Karlskoga SENo votes yet
- Tallbackens Discgolfbana, Brevens Bruk SE(1 vote)
- SJ-Gropen, Degerfors SENo votes yet
Nice 18 hole course, a lot of the holes are in the same area without a lot of difference between them, except holes 10 to 16. Nicley maintend but a lot of other activites in the area can make it a bit crowded.