Course Reviews

by PDGAStaff on Jul 4, 2013 at 7:48pm

Well designed course in a hilly park with some variety.

by AfricanDGer on Aug 14, 2010 at 5:03pm

I was favorably impressed with this course. Definitely challenging and fun for more than just amateurs, but it is wide-open enough for beginners not to get frustrated by losing discs.

by Ib6t9n on Jun 3, 2010 at 9:49pm

I was impressed and surprised with how well laid out this course was. The first 6 holes are all similar to each other with trees being the main obstacle but from there the course gets more interesting. You have to be careful on one hole (13 or 15 I think) as right behind the basket it drops off into a river. An overthrow here will likely cost you a disc.

by Longtees on Nov 3, 2009 at 7:30pm

A well designed course with plenty of trees and some elevation. challenging for beginners and fun for pro's.