Course Reviews

by Vankirk1977 on Jun 24, 2018 at 5:32pm

This review is based on a novice player. Hole 1 starts at the amphitheatre and goes to the right while the practice hole is to the left. Hole 2 tee pad is across the entrance road. Hole 3 tee pad is along the wall and has a blind tee shot to the basket on the left behind the trees. Hole 9 tee pad is across the field next to the wooden building. There are at least 5 wide open holes. I actually loved this course and thought about playing an extra 9 after I finished 18. I would have given one more star if the signage was better. They were worn and unreadable in most cases. I'm really not sure if I played hole 3 correctly because of lack of decent signs. Overall, a good course for beginners but the experienced players will have a field day.

by tklott on Jan 5, 2011 at 11:51am

a real basic course...not too difficult, a real grip and rip kinda time...