Course Reviews

by PDGAStaff on Aug 1, 2013 at 5:29pm

Open and flat. Not enough terrain and challenge to rate very high. Has length. A nice local course.

by TonyHart87 on Nov 11, 2010 at 1:38pm

Holes are extremely easy. Only one hole (hole 3) matters if you throw backhand or forehand. No deep woods, no hazards, just a few trees here and there. There is nothing to penalize players for a bad throw.

This is an alright course for beginners and if you need to practice your drives in an open area. Although you can easily out-throw almost all the holes if you're not careful. Only one hole is over 300 feet (despite what the signs say).

This should be a par 26 course, even with one bad throw you can still make it in the basket in 3.

by shadow651 on Aug 20, 2010 at 9:50am

Very nice course, one of the few with no deep woods. The course is all in the open area of the park, with a number of trees in the way of some holes. A course that would be good for beginners and experts. Don’t let the fact that it’s a 9-hole fool you, the distances for some holes are very impressive! Well laid out, in a perfectly maintained park. Each Tee has a sticker stamped onto it showing the entire layout for the hole and where the next tee is. This is a must see for any player.