Course Reviews

by iamjake648 on Jul 24, 2014 at 12:24pm

Very fun and varied course. Hole 2 teeoff is missing it seemed. Otherwise, I highly recommend it. If the course was kept up a bit better, it would be a five.

by PDGAStaff on Jun 29, 2013 at 9:40am

Good variety and elevation. The course layout is broken up as it utilizes different sections of the park and the tee signs need to be redone - bring the map the first time. Play Brickyard if you only have time for one course in the area.

by Longtees on Oct 27, 2009 at 12:52pm

Every course designer should come and take notes on the way wakanda is set up. Recommended for all players. This course has it all: open, wooded, short, long, uphill, downhill, water, and other hazzards. The park is big and beautiful offering many different activities. After playing this course and the surrounding courses I felt like moving here.