Course Reviews

by jdinfinity on Jun 4, 2016 at 7:39pm

Directions are incorrect and refer to the old course design. Stay LEFT of parking lot, opposite side next to the basketball hoops for first hole!! NOT right, near the ballfields like the directions specify. ALSO, the map provided here IS correct and reflects this.

Tees are rubber and a bit slippery. Has short basket and long basket placements that change monthly The views are spectacular and the holes challenging. Great variety of open, elevation, wooded, short, long, although not many holes over 400ft in length. During the summer from June-August, the course is vacant, and you'll have it to yourself, but be vigilant about spotting as it gets overgrown. The school year in the spring and fall can bring a packed course, but it's still not as bad as TC or other metro areas. Signature hole is #17 which overlooks the campus and the entire Mississippi river valley. -jdinfinity #26350