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Why do the career wins and earnings seem incorrect on my player profile page?

  • Career wins consist of individual wins in any Amateur or Pro division of a stroke-play tournament. Doubles, PDGA League, and other formats are not included in this total.
  • Career earnings are only displayed for players who are classified as Professional. This includes any Pro who has been reclassified as an Am.
  • Player and tournament statistics are compiled from officially processed tournament data from PDGA sanctioned events only. If you just won an event this past weekend, it won't show up until we receive the tournament report from the tournament director and officially process and calculate the results for publishing to the website.
  • We may not have complete data for some of those players who have been around for decades. This is only an aggregation of tournament and player data that we have records for in the database. There is an ongoing effort to enter in all the tournament data that was recorded on paper back in the early days of the PDGA.