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Around the Globe
Spreading the joy of disc golf

The joy of disc golf is evident in Cambodia. Photo: Greg James
A year ago, when the PDGA unveiled its new logo, the organization was left with a stockpile of former logo discs at our fulfillment house in Georgia, USA.
Our Memberships Manager Vic Allen came up with the cool idea of distributing most of this plastic to our overseas partner countries, across the developing world and elsewhere. In short, this would be another means of PDGA delivering on its mission “to develop disc golf into a globally-recognized competitive sport and recreational activity.”
A total of 3,900 discs were then sent in two batches, last May and November, to 26 countries – 11 in Latin America, 10 in Asia, 3 in Africa, New Zealand, Australia, as well as to Canada’s remote Yukon Territory and to our International Program partners the Paul McBeth Foundation and UPlay. PDGA covered the shipping costs, and provided support letters wherever requested confirming the shipments were donations to benefit local communities, in order to facilitate delivery without or with minimal import duty charges.
In return, PDGA simply asked that the discs be put to the good use of helping to grow the game, through distribution to poorer communities, new players, new locations, women, juniors, in teaching clinics, as event prizes, etc.
The other request was that we be sent photos as evidence that the discs were reaching worthy recipients as intended. These photos say it all:
South Korea
Puerto Rico