Leads Extended in Estonia
Leads Extended in Estonia
2023 PDGA EuroTour #8 — Alutaguse Open Round 2 Recap

MPO leader Daniel Davidsson. Photo: Joosep Martinsson
FPO leader Heidi Laine. Photo: Joosep Martinsson
The day dawned radiant, with 20 degrees Celsius and no wind but, curiously, several players told us that the increasing humidity influenced their game, both at the level of disc flight (humid air is less dense and is equivalent to gaining height), in the clothing comfort and the discs grip: Disc Golf is a complex sport!
Heidi Laine came to the first tee with a 10-stroke lead, and an unexpected initial bogey showed that it was going to be an eventful round: two double bogeys on the 6th and 8th left the door open for her rivals to get closer, but the Finn mentally reset on the back nine to get back on the birdie trail and present a card of -5 with only 3 pars!
Jenni Karppinen. Photo: Joosep Martinsson
The one who climbed four positions was her compatriot Jenni Karppinen, who seemed to maintain themomentum of her eagle on the 18th yesterday to match the best result and climb to second place with -5. More credit to her when she told us this morning at the hotel that she was suffering from some balance problems and dizziness.
Two bogeys and a triple bogey in the first five holes seemed to discard the Estonian Kristi Unt who, like a Phoenix Bird, was able to recover to save the round and, with a total of -3, stay in the group that fights, at least, for the second step of the podium.And closing this leading group are no less than three other players from the Baltic country: Anneli Tõugjas-Männiste, Maarja Soasepp and Keiti Tätte who, with very similar rounds, will have to play tomorrow for the places of honor in the last day of this PDGA Euro Tour Lone Star Disc Alutaguse Open.
We had the opportunity to enjoy the game of the leading card when, suddenly, an alert on the cell phone made us quickly return to the interview set: Scott Stokely had just set the hot round with -11, and only a lamppost that got in his way on the 18th hole prevented him from lowering his score even further! His genuine joy and his attitude towards Disc Golf are a good example for many players who were probably not born when he was already associated with the PDGA in 1986...
Two other players matched his round: Joona Jeinänen, who continues to suffer from his tendency to have less competitive first rounds, and the leader, also from Finland, Daniel Davidsson, who improved yesterday's round by one stroke (he himself pointed out that the weather conditions were perfect) and who was very calm for tomorrow's round but warned that the 3-stroke lead he has is not enough to play conservatively and that he will attack again. It is worth noting that he remains bogey-free after two rounds.
Jesse Nieminen. Photo: Mauri Levandi
We checked Jesse Nieminen's card, and the back nine was completely blue, with nine birdies in a row that propel him to the second position! Don't miss his video interview in which he confirms that it's not that he was slow to "warm up" but that the design of the holes in the second half of the course favored his style of play, as well as some considerations about the design of the course.
And tied with him to close an exciting lead card for tomorrow, we find one of the favorites: the Estonian Albert Tamm, who continues to delight fans with his high power and repeated the famous Eagle on the 18th hole that circulates the social media with a drive close to 180 meters and that no less than 10 players have achieved today! Sometimes, even a birdie can make you lose a stroke to your rivals.
And the third player tied with -18 is also the Estonian Mauri Villmann, who repeated his score from yesterday and who achieved a perfect 100% in putting C1X (between 3.3 and 10 m).Nothing is decided yet.
See you tomorrow in Mäetagusefor the final round of PDGA Euro Tour Lone Star Disc Alutaguse Open!