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"Let's Make Time for Disc Golf"

"Let's Make Time for Disc Golf"

Marco Polo program sparks events in Mongolia

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 - 13:40

(Report submitted by Sukhbold Gombojav #269858 — Mongolia Country Coordinator)

In response to the request of Turgen Club, this summer, within the framework of the Marco Polo program, for the first time in Mongolia, PDGA delivered 9 permanent baskets and discs to the Turgen Club grounds through a grant.

Learn More About the PDGA Marco Polo Program >>

Additionally, the Paul McBeth Foundation team came to Mongolia, mapped the field with 18 holes according to international standards and donated 9 more baskets. Teepad grass was provided, opening up full opportunities for Mongolians to play disc golf in the future. In addition to improving the facilities at the Turgen club, it has become an exemplary disc golf course in Mongolia.




As a result, the promotion of disc golf among citizens of Mongolia, official organizations, families, friends, seniors and children began, and activities started to become more widespread.

The Mongolian Disc Golf Association began organizing tournaments at the Turgen club field in June, and every Saturday from July, UDG series league tournaments were held using the UDisc application. Prizes were awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, including discs and cash awards. In total, of 38 participants took part in the series 103 times.

To further develop the sport of disc golf among the public and make it a mainstream sport, in September, we collaborated with the State Committee of Physical Education and Sports of Mongolia to host an event called "Let's make time for disc golf." Competitions were held in categories for teenagers, young people, adults, seniors, families and friends.

  • A total of 47 students from secondary schools participated in the teen competition, with 37 males and 10 females.
  • A total of 47 people participated in the youth competition, including 32 males and 15 females.
  • A total of 54 people participated in the adult competition, with an equal number of 27 males and 27 females competing in teams.
  • A total of 24 people took part in the senior competition, including 17 males and 7 females.
  • A total of 13 people participated in the family competition, which had the fewest participants.
  • A total of 22 people took part in the friends and closing competition.

During closing ceremony, athletes who qualified for the finals competed with each other, and one athlete from each of the teen, youth and senior age groups was selected. A DJ performance also took place at the end of an event.

Approximately 500 people attended the events, and total of 58 people were involved in organizing the event.

It is believed that the children, youth and elders of Ulaanbaatar city were supported with health activities by giving them the opportunity to spend their free time properly — playing sports in the nature, walking actively in the fresh air, and spending time in a healthy and safe green environment.

In the future, we believe spreading the sport of disc golf throughout Mongolia, involving universities and general education schools, including classes and communities, will expand the scope. This will allow people of all ages to practice disc golf, and disc golf baskets will be placed in the parks and sports fields across all provinces. We believe that this establishment will develop into a universal sport.

Therefore, the Mongolian Disc Golf Association will work hard to achieve our goals, focusing on excellence, growth, and inclusivity. We also express our gratitude to PDGA.


Submitted by evstv2000 on

Fabulous. In 2009-12 or so I worked 3 times with the Tibetan Buddhist Mongolian Cultural Center in Bloomington IN, founded by the Dalai Lama's brother, and taught Mongolian-American summer camper youth the game using the portable baskets of the Hoosier Guerrilla Disc Golf Alliance. It was fun. The food was great and the throat singing was amazing.
