Meet PDGA #250000
Meet PDGA #250000
Marking a Moment in Disc Golf History

As the Professional Disc Golf Association neared the quarter-million-member milestone, thousands of active members and disc golf fans watched, waiting for the 250,000th PDGA number to be captured by one lucky player. On Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 10:17 am ET, PDGA #250,000 was officially assigned. So, who is this mystery person? Our membership department had the pleasure of connecting with PDGA #250,000, Mark Fredericks.
Located in Fort Mill, South Carolina, Mark has been playing disc golf for a little over a year.
When asked if he was aiming to get #250,000, Mark said, “I was! I knew I wanted to sign up and start competing in C-tier tournaments soon and I had been tracking the number as it got closer to #250,000. I must have checked the PDGA member list 100 times in the 2-3 days before I got the number. I even woke up at 3 am to check the night before I got it!”
Clearly luck was on his side as 60 memberships were created within one minute of Mark receiving PDGA #250,000.
Mark frequents the Angry Beaver course at Elon Park in Charlotte, North Carolina, and plans to play competitively starting this year. When asked what his goal is, Mark explained “I’d love to be competitive in MPO in local tourneys around the Charlotte area. That’s a high goal for where I’m at now, but especially now that I’m #250,000 I want to make something of it!”
Looking back at previous PDGA membership milestones, PDGA #100,000 was assigned on October 2, 2017, 41 years after Steady Ed Hendrick founded the Professional Disc Golf Association in 1976. In less than 6 years since the #100,000 milestone was secured, membership numbers increased by 150,000 and continue to grow in 2023.
Thank you to Disc Golf Pins and Local Line Apparel for donating merchandise for the PDGA #250,000 prize package.
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