Masters+ Disc Golf Tournament Program
As the PDGA continues to grow, so do the number of older disc golf players. Many of the 40 and older players are the ones who have help mold this great sport into what it is today. While it gets tougher to compete with the new young guns, most of us are not ready to ride off into the sunset. We have earned the right to enjoy the fruits of our labor. That is why the PDGA Senior Committee formed a sub-committee to facilitate the creation of tournament and competitive programs for our most deserving demographic.
We are promoting the development of Masters+ tournaments and events, a PDGA version of the Senior Tour. It took the PGA 50 years to create theirs. We are slightly ahead of schedule after 46 years. Not every area around the world is ready for a senior renaissance, but eventually it will arrive. “Build it and they will come.”
We want to give credit to the late Tim Selinske for having the vision so many years ago when he created what is now the Tim Selinske US Masters Disc Golf Championship. The early years were a bit of a struggle, but he persevered and his legacy lives on.
The PDGA has recognized that the Masters+ divisions have reached a critical mass to where they need their own PDGA Masters World Championship. The PDGA’s core mission will still be the Open disc golf players and program. But now the older players are able to step out of the shadows and be recognized for the players that they are.
This initiative is to compliment the virtual, PDGA Global Masters Championship program. The Masters+ tournaments will attract more older players and create more opportunities for them to be able to compete within their respective peer group. That will improve the level of play for the disc golf pioneers around the world.
Eventually, the vision is for each region / state / province / etc. to develop a series of events in their area that could lead to regional championships. Those could become qualifiers for a larger invitational event on a national or continental level. By developing something regionally, it would not require players to do as much traveling to qualify for those upper level invitational events. While the goal might be for this to culminate in a truly global championship event, that is in the far, distant future.
There are two possible paths toward developing these events. The first is to create a new Masters+ event. The second option is to expand existing successful events that have to restrict the number of players in older divisions due to their operational situation. In many areas, disc golf has exploded to where tournaments are filling within minutes of opening up registration. Talk to your local tournament directors about adding a separate Masters+ event or running it on a separate, more senior friendly course at the same time. In areas where the Masters+ field is not large enough for a separate senior format, have them consider including women and youth divisions to help fill the field. Those groups are experiencing a similar situation and would appreciate the opportunity. This would allow for more player in the main venue. It’s a win-win for everyone.
For those of us who have lead the way and laid the ground work for where disc golf is now, there is the last frontier for us to pioneer. After that, we should be able to play off into the sunset.
Jennifer Allen throwing a disc during the opening ceremony of the Tim Selinske U.S. Masters Championship in 2023