About the PDGA Global Masters Series
In 2023, the PDGA introduced the PDGA Global Masters Series. All Masters and older players will be able to compete virtually for a Global Championship in their respective divisions. It will be based upon their best eight round ratings throughout the year in any division they are eligible to play in any PDGA sanctioned tournament. The Series will run from January 1st to December 31st of each calendar year.
One of the biggest huddles that older players face is the lack of other competitive players in their division at many PDGA tournaments. Even in larger events, the Masters and older divisions are often limited or not offered. With the advent of the PDGA Global Masters Series, Masters+ disc golfers will be able to compete virtually with every other disc golfer in their division around the world every time they play in a PDGA ‘C’-Tier or higher event. If their division is not offered, their round will count as long as they play within a division they are eligible to compete. The more you play, the better your chances of winning.
This doesn’t replace the experience of playing head-to-head. But it does give players over 40 that live in developing areas or where there just aren’t a lot of competing older players, a venue to compete with others without having to travel as far. They will be able to follow their standings on the PDGA website throughout the year.
For more details, go to the Global Masters Series page.