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Cory Haynes #105008

Cory Haynes #105008

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Ballou Park Disc Golf Course #2 - White Tees; 27 holes; Par 82; 6,503 ft.
Ballou Park Disc Golf Course #2 - Whites + 3 Blues; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,592 ft.
Ballou Park Disc Golf Course #2 - Whites + 11 Blues; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,459 ft.
Ballou Park Disc Golf Course #2 - Rec/Women/Junior Round 1; 18 holes; Par 55; 3,931 ft.
Ballou Park Disc Golf Course #2 - Rec/Women/Junior Round 2; 18 holes; Par 58; 4,705 ft.
Danville Disc Golf Spring 2018 LeagueL4-Apr to 30-May-2018MA1386814YesYes
Danville Disc Golf Spring 2018 LeagueL4-Apr to 30-May-2018MA1462846YesYes
Danville Disc Golf Spring 2018 LeagueL4-Apr to 30-May-2018MA1572767YesYes
The John Dodd Memorial benefiting the Semper Fi FundC2-Sep-2017MA3157838YesYes
The John Dodd Memorial benefiting the Semper Fi FundC2-Sep-2017MA3263785YesYes