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Gary Erwin #107161

Gary Erwin #107161

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Dabney State Park - A Little Dab'll Do Ya Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,249 ft.
Dabney State Park - A Little Dab'll Do Ya Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,249 ft.
Willamette Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,842 ft.
Willamette Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,842 ft.
Willamette Park - 2025 NADGT; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,032 ft.
Willamette Park - 2025 NADGT; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,032 ft.
Dallas City Park - 2025 NADGT Exclusive @ Dallas City Park Presented by MVP; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,638 ft.
Dallas City Park - 2025 NADGT Exclusive @ Dallas City Park Presented by MVP; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,638 ft.
Timber Park - Yelling Timber!; 21 holes; Par 64; 6,587 ft.
Timber Park - Yelling Timber!; 21 holes; Par 64; 6,587 ft.
Buxton Woods - Buxton Longs - Par 57; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,974 ft.
Buxton Woods - Buxton Longs - Par 57; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,974 ft.
The Veer - Glendoveer (Ams other than MA1); 18 holes; Par 64; 7,716 ft.
The Veer - Glendoveer (Ams other than MA1) Rd2; 18 holes; Par 64; 7,716 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Champoo Year's Day FA1/FA2/FA3/FA40/FA50/FJ18/FP40/FP50/MA2/MA3/MA40/MA50/MA60/MJ18/MP50; 22 holes; Par 71; 6,878 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Champoo Year's Day FA1/FA2/FA3/FA40/FA50/FJ18/FP40/FP50/MA2/MA3/MA40/MA50/MA60/MJ18/MP50; 22 holes; Par 71; 6,878 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Canyon - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,780 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Canyon - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,780 ft.
Dabney State Park - BFF 2024; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,336 ft.
Timber Park - Default Layout; 21 holes; Par 64; 6,662 ft.
Timber Park - Default Layout; 21 holes; Par 64; 6,662 ft.
Riverbend East at Milo McIver State Park - Milo East B Pool; 18 holes; Par 62; 7,648 ft.
Riverbend West at Milo McIver State Park - Milo West B Pool; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,526 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Champoeg Shootout FA1/FA2/MA50/MA60/MA3/MJ18; 23 holes; Par 72; 7,208 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Champoeg Shootout FA1/FA2/MA50/MA60/MA3/MJ18; 23 holes; Par 72; 7,208 ft.
Memorial Park - Default Layout; 27 holes; Par 81; 6,264 ft.
The Veer - Glendoveer (FA1, MA40, MA50, MA60); 18 holes; Par 64; 8,312 ft.
McCormick Park - 2024 CC Round 2 McCormick Park; 18 holes; Par 63; 6,607 ft.
McCormick Park - 2024 CC Round 3 McCormick Park; 18 holes; Par 64; 6,901 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - MVO Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,788 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - MVO Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,788 ft.
Dexter Park Disc Golf Course - Celebration Dexter Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,906 ft.
Stewart Pond Disc Golf Course - Celebration Stewart Pond Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,740 ft.
Dexter Park Disc Golf Course - Celebration Dexter Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,906 ft.
Lucky Mud Disc Golf Course - Raven - LCO 2024 18 Hole shorts; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,827 ft.
Lucky Mud Disc Golf Course - Raven - LCO 2024 18 Hole shorts; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,827 ft.
Skyline Golf Course - Lucky Sky Short Pads; 18 holes; Par 61; 6,436 ft.
Columbia Shore Disc Golf at Fort Stevens State Park - Summer's End Fling 2024; 23 holes; Par 75; 8,818 ft.
Columbia Shore Disc Golf at Fort Stevens State Park - Summer's End Fling 2024; 23 holes; Par 75; 8,818 ft.
Waterloo Park Disc Golf - Saturday; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,877 ft.
Bryant Park - Saturday Shorts; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,401 ft.
Bryant Park - Sunday - Long AM; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,978 ft.
North Bonneville Disc Golf Course - Bonneville par 54; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,516 ft.
North Bonneville Disc Golf Course - Bonneville par 54; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,516 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Oak Grove Open 2024; 23 holes; Par 74; 8,285 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Oak Grove Open 2024; 23 holes; Par 74; 8,285 ft.
North Bonneville Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,339 ft.
North Bonneville Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,339 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Canyon - Canyon long; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,780 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Canyon - Canyon long; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,780 ft.
Old Mill Disc Golf Course - Old Mill B Pins (Red & Blue); 18 holes; Par 60; 5,956 ft.
Old Mill Disc Golf Course - Old Mill B Pins (Red & Blue); 18 holes; Par 60; 5,956 ft.
Office Bridge at Portal Park - Main; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,010 ft.
Timber Linn - Timber Linn Bronze; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,909 ft.
Timber Linn - Timber Linn Bronze; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,909 ft.
Champoeg State Park - 2024 NADGT @ Champoeg; 23 holes; Par 71; 6,811 ft.
Champoeg State Park - 2024 NADGT @ Champoeg; 23 holes; Par 71; 6,811 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Canyon - Canyon long; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,780 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Canyon - Canyon long; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,780 ft.
BSF 24 Pool B West; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,406 ft.
BSF 24 Pool B East; 18 holes; Par 62; 7,315 ft.
BSF 24 Pool B West; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,406 ft.
Oregon Disc Golf Course at Alton Baker Park - 2024 Zanfel MVP Premier-B course; 18 holes; Par 63; 6,596 ft.
Dexter Park Disc Golf Course - Dexter; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,089 ft.
Dexter Park Disc Golf Course - Dexter Rd3; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,089 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - Saturday Adventure; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,960 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - Sunday Classic; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,311 ft.
Lucky Mud Disc Golf Course - Raven - Lucky Sky 2024 Raven; 20 holes; Par 64; 6,774 ft.
Skyline Golf Course - Lucky Sky Short Pads; 18 holes; Par 61; 6,382 ft.
Waterloo Park Disc Golf - 2024 NADGT Exclusive @ Waterloo DGC; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,485 ft.
Waterloo Park Disc Golf - 2024 NADGT Exclusive @ Waterloo DGC; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,485 ft.
Oregon Disc Golf Course at Alton Baker Park - Red Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,924 ft.
Oregon Disc Golf Course at Alton Baker Park - Red Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,924 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - Tossing at Taloali 5 round 1; 19 holes; Par 60; 6,280 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - Tossing at Taloali 5 round 2; 19 holes; Par 62; 6,496 ft.
The Hoot - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,397 ft.
Pioneer Open Rd1; 18 holes; Par 60; 7,504 ft.
Pioneer Open Rd2; 18 holes; Par 60; 7,504 ft.
Pioneer Open; 18 holes; Par 60; 7,504 ft.
Kitsap Fairgrounds - RED Tees + Temp Holes; 22 holes; Par 66; 4,960 ft.
Kitsap Fairgrounds - RED Tees + Temp Holes; 22 holes; Par 66; 4,960 ft.
Wheatland DGC at Willamette Mission State Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,658 ft.
Wheatland DGC at Willamette Mission State Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,658 ft.
Columbia Shore Disc Golf at Fort Stevens State Park - Summer's End Fling; 23 holes; Par 75; 8,793 ft.
Columbia Shore Disc Golf at Fort Stevens State Park - Summer's End Fling; 23 holes; Par 75; 8,793 ft.
Waterloo Park Disc Golf - Waterloo; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,103 ft.
Bryant Park - Bryant - Short; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,354 ft.
Bryant Park - Bryant - Long; 18 holes; Par 62; 8,083 ft.
New Wilder Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 19 holes; Par 60; 6,000 ft.
New Wilder Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 19 holes; Par 60; 6,000 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Canyon - Canyon Long Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,266 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Canyon - Canyon Long Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,266 ft.
Wheatland DGC at Willamette Mission State Park - WVI 2023 Layout Round 1; 18 holes; Par 60; 7,035 ft.
Wheatland DGC at Willamette Mission State Park - WVI 2023 Round 2 Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,658 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Oak Grove Open 2022; 22 holes; Par 71; 7,762 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Oak Grove Open 2022; 22 holes; Par 71; 7,762 ft.
Whistler's Bend Disc Golf Course - NUI Round 1 and 2 MA2 MA50 FA1; 27 holes; Par 84; 9,010 ft.
Whistler's Bend Disc Golf Course - NUI Round 1 and 2 MA2 MA50 FA1; 27 holes; Par 84; 9,010 ft.
NUI Round 3 MA2 MA50 FA1; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,355 ft.
Shelton Springs Disc Golf - Spring Board; 18 holes; Par 62; 5,820 ft.
Shelton Springs Disc Golf - Spring Board; 18 holes; Par 62; 5,820 ft.
Shelton Springs Disc Golf - Spring Board; 18 holes; Par 62; 5,820 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Champoeg Shootout 2023; 22 holes; Par 71; 7,989 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Champoeg Shootout 2023; 22 holes; Par 71; 7,989 ft.
Riverbend West at Milo McIver State Park - Milo West B Pool; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,391 ft.
Riverbend East at Milo McIver State Park - Milo East B Pool; 18 holes; Par 62; 7,950 ft.
Riverbend West at Milo McIver State Park - Milo West B Pool; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,391 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Highland - Highland; 18 holes; Par 54; 3,179 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Highland - Highland; 18 holes; Par 54; 3,179 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Canyon - DGMT Canyon; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,800 ft.
Stewart Pond Disc Golf Course - Stewart Pond; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,513 ft.
Camp Serene Disc Golf Course - Camp Serene; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,248 ft.
Dexter Park Disc Golf Course - Dexter; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,984 ft.
Dexter Park Disc Golf Course - Dexter; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,984 ft.
Dallas City Park - Dallas City Championship; 18 holes; Par 57; 4,875 ft.
Dallas City Park - Dallas City Championship; 18 holes; Par 57; 4,875 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - LSO 2023 Round 1; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,410 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - LSO 2023 Round 2; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,107 ft.
Timber Park - Tax Day at Timber; 21 holes; Par 64; 6,667 ft.
Timber Park - Tax Day at Timber; 21 holes; Par 64; 6,667 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Long Pads; 22 holes; Par 69; 7,439 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Long Pads; 22 holes; Par 69; 7,439 ft.
The Hoot - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,356 ft.
Pioneer Open 2023; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,329 ft.
Pioneer Open 2023; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,329 ft.
Timber Park - Yelling Timber!; 21 holes; Par 64; 6,674 ft.
Timber Park - Yelling Timber!; 21 holes; Par 64; 6,674 ft.
Memorial Park - 27 Holes; 27 holes; Par 81; 6,264 ft.
Timber Park - Default Layout; 21 holes; Par 64; 7,080 ft.
Timber Park - Default Layout; 21 holes; Par 64; 7,080 ft.
Milo West Long Pads; 18 holes; Par 60; 8,243 ft.
Riverbend East at Milo McIver State Park - Milo East Long Pads; 18 holes; Par 61; 8,260 ft.
Camp Serene Disc Golf Course - Resistance Discs Fall Classic; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,349 ft.
Camp Serene Disc Golf Course - Resistance Discs Fall Classic; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,349 ft.
Riverbend East at Milo McIver State Park - Pro Pads Round 1 (Except 14E); 18 holes; Par 61; 7,580 ft.
Riverbend West at Milo McIver State Park - AM Pads Round 2; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,041 ft.
Riverbend East at Milo McIver State Park - AM Pads Round 3; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,131 ft.
Wheatland DGC at Willamette Mission State Park - WVI 2022 Layout Round 1; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,114 ft.
Wheatland DGC at Willamette Mission State Park - WVI 2022 Layout Round 2; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,482 ft.
Horseshoe Lake - Lakeside - Lakeside - ALT Pool C; 20 holes; Par 66; 8,890 ft.
Horseshoe Lake - Lakeside - Lakeside - ALT Pool C; 20 holes; Par 66; 8,890 ft.
Horseshoe Lake - Canyon - Canyon - Hole 1 - ALT Pool C; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,935 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Oak Grove Open 2022 Rd1; 22 holes; Par 70; 7,762 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Oak Grove Open 2022; 22 holes; Par 70; 7,762 ft.
Buxton Woods - 2022 Buxton Bash round 1; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,070 ft.
Buxton Woods - 2022 Buxton Bash round 2; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,252 ft.
Adair Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,100 ft.
Adair Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,100 ft.
Camp Serene Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 60; 5,469 ft.
Camp Serene Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 60; 5,469 ft.
Pool A; 27 holes; Par 95; 12,995 ft.
Pool A; 27 holes; Par 95; 12,995 ft.
Pool A (21 Holes); 21 holes; Par 76; 10,615 ft.
Champoeg State Park - 2022 19 hole; 19 holes; Par 61; 6,597 ft.
Champoeg State Park - 2022 19 hole; 19 holes; Par 61; 6,597 ft.
Memorial Park - 27 Holes; 27 holes; Par 81; 6,264 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - 1R, 2B, 4R, 10B, 18R to Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,850 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - 1R, 2B, 4R, 10B, 18R to Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,850 ft.
Locks Approach Disc Golf Course - Locks Approach par 55; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,067 ft.
North Bonneville Disc Golf Course - Bonneville par 54; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,516 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Canyon - Canyon long; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,780 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Highland - Highland; 18 holes; Par 54; 3,179 ft.
Santiam Open Resistance Discs ; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,835 ft.
Santiam Open Community Disc Golf Lounge Course; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,440 ft.
Buxton Woods - Holiday Huk 2021; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,432 ft.
Buxton Woods - Holiday Huk 2021; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,432 ft.
Dave Heiders Hike - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,000 ft.
Dave Heiders Hike - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,000 ft.
Keizer Rapids Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,344 ft.
Riverbend West at Milo McIver State Park - Milo East; 18 holes; Par 61; 8,599 ft.
Riverbend West at Milo McIver State Park - Milo West; 18 holes; Par 61; 8,741 ft.
Riverbend West at Milo McIver State Park - Milo West Short BSF Layout ; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,567 ft.
Riverbend West at Milo McIver State Park - Milo East Short BSF Layout ; 18 holes; Par 62; 7,914 ft.
McCormick Park - McCormick 2021 CC; 18 holes; Par 63; 6,692 ft.
Trojan Park - Trojan 2021 CC; 18 holes; Par 58; 7,234 ft.
McCormick Park - McCormick 2021 CC; 18 holes; Par 63; 6,692 ft.
Wheatland DGC at Willamette Mission State Park - WVI 2021 Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,868 ft.
Wheatland DGC at Willamette Mission State Park - WVI 2021 Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,868 ft.
Dabney State Park - Sandy River Shootout; 19 holes; Par 58; 5,443 ft.
Dabney State Park - Sandy River Shootout; 19 holes; Par 58; 5,443 ft.
Timber Park - Yelling Timber!; 21 holes; Par 65; 6,942 ft.
Timber Park - Yelling Timber!; 21 holes; Par 65; 6,942 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - Salem Open, round 1; 19 holes; Par 57; 5,255 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - Salem Open, round 2; 19 holes; Par 60; 6,501 ft.
Waterloo Park Disc Golf - All long placements; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,136 ft.
Bryant Park - All Short locations; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,362 ft.
Bryant Park - All Long placements; 18 holes; Par 63; 8,241 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - Tossing at Taloali 2021 round one; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,291 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - Tossing at Taloali 2021 round two; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,354 ft.
Champoeg State Park - 2021 Oak Grove Open; 22 holes; Par 72; 7,190 ft.
Champoeg State Park - 2021 Oak Grove Open; 22 holes; Par 72; 7,190 ft.
Champoeg State Park - 2021 Oak Grove Open; 22 holes; Par 72; 7,190 ft.
Buxton Woods - Par 54; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,714 ft.
Buxton Woods - Par 54; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,714 ft.
North Seatac Disc Golf Course - Takeoff 2021; 27 holes; Par 87; 9,986 ft.
North Seatac Disc Golf Course - Takeoff 2021-R2; 27 holes; Par 87; 9,892 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - Crushing at the Camp 2021 round one; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,086 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - Crushing at the Camp 2021 round two; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,149 ft.
Old Mill Disc Golf Course - Old Mill B Pins (Red & Blue); 18 holes; Par 60; 5,956 ft.
Old Mill Disc Golf Course - Old Mill B Pins (Red & Blue); 18 holes; Par 60; 5,956 ft.
Buxton Woods - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,255 ft.
Buxton Woods - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,255 ft.
Hyzer Pines - Round 1 ams; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,720 ft.
Hyzer Pines - Open R1 Ams R2; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,900 ft.
Pioneer Open; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,950 ft.
Pioneer Open; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,950 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Highland - Highland; 18 holes; Par 54; 3,179 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Canyon - Canyon long; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,780 ft.
Am Course; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,078 ft.
Am Course; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,078 ft.
North Seatac Disc Golf Course - 5-24; 20 holes; Par 66; 7,917 ft.
North Seatac Disc Golf Course - 1-15, 23-27; 20 holes; Par 61; 6,713 ft.
Santiam Open Resistance Discs Course ; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,775 ft.
Santiam Open Discraft Course ; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,320 ft.
Oak Knoll Golf Course - winter layout 2020; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,277 ft.
Buxton Woods - Par 54; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,809 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Fall Fling (shorts par 56); 18 holes; Par 56; 5,851 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Fall Fling (shorts par 56) Rd2; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,851 ft.
Riverbend West at Milo McIver State Park - 27-Hole Par 91 (Longs); 27 holes; Par 91; 12,500 ft.
Riverbend West at Milo McIver State Park - 27-Hole Par 92 (Shorts); 27 holes; Par 92; 10,700 ft.
Riverbend West at Milo McIver State Park - Milo East Short 21-Holes ; 21 holes; Par 68; 7,470 ft.
Riverbend West at Milo McIver State Park - Milo East Short 21-Holes ; 21 holes; Par 68; 7,470 ft.
McCormick Park - 2020 Columbia Cup Round One; 18 holes; Par 61; 6,161 ft.
McCormick Park - 2020 Columbia Cup Round Two; 18 holes; Par 63; 6,692 ft.
Tree Top Disc Golf Course at Sorosis Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,789 ft.
Tree Top Disc Golf Course at Sorosis Park - Short; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,519 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Oak Grove Open 2020; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,134 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Oak Grove Open 2020; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,134 ft.
Horseshoe Lake - Lakeside - Am Divisions - 27 holes; 27 holes; Par 94; 13,025 ft.
Horseshoe Lake - Lakeside - Am Divisions - 27 holes; 27 holes; Par 94; 13,025 ft.
Horseshoe Lake - Lakeside - Am Divisions - 18 holes; 18 holes; Par 63; 9,055 ft.
The Hoot - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,160 ft.
Timber Park - Safari; 19 holes; Par 63; 6,000 ft.
Timber Park - Safari; 19 holes; Par 63; 6,000 ft.
North Seatac Disc Golf Course - Takeoff 2020; 27 holes; Par 87; 9,892 ft.
North Seatac Disc Golf Course - Takeoff 2020 Rd2; 27 holes; Par 87; 9,892 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - Pool B - Camp T; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,000 ft.
Keizer Rapids Disc Golf Course - Pool B - Keizer; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,000 ft.
Wheatland DGC at Willamette Mission State Park - All Pools; 18 holes; Par 60; 7,500 ft.
Wheatland DGC at Willamette Mission State Park - Pac West Classic ; 20 holes; Par 65; 7,572 ft.
Wheatland DGC at Willamette Mission State Park - Pac West Classic ; 20 holes; Par 65; 7,572 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - Tossing at Taloali 2020; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,301 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - Tossing at Taloali 2020; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,301 ft.
Bryant Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,104 ft.
Bryant Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,104 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - R1 - (MA1, MA40, MA50); 20 holes; Par 62; 4,545 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - R2 - (MA1, MA40, MA50); 20 holes; Par 62; 4,545 ft.
Buxton Woods - Beaver State Bash ; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,931 ft.
Buxton Woods - Beaver State Bash ; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,931 ft.
Timberlinn park; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,598 ft.
Waterloo Park Disc Golf - Regular course par 55; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,823 ft.
McCormick Park - Columbia Cup Round One Rd1; 18 holes; Par 62; 6,405 ft.
McCormick Park - Columbia Cup Round One; 18 holes; Par 62; 6,405 ft.
Dallas City Park - NADGT Exclusive Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,697 ft.
Dallas City Park - NADGT Exclusive Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,697 ft.
Prodigy Course (Red Course); 18 holes; Par 56; 5,105 ft.
Pac-West Course (Silver Course); 18 holes; Par 56; 6,248 ft.
Buxton Woods - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,974 ft.
Buxton Woods - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,974 ft.
Bine Brewing Santiam Open; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,120 ft.
Tiger Discs Course Santiam Open; 18 holes; Par 60; 8,500 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Standard Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,465 ft.
Champoeg State Park - Standard Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,465 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - Short Layout; 20 holes; Par 60; 4,545 ft.
Timber Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,659 ft.
Timber Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,659 ft.
Timber Park - Slosh #1 2019; 21 holes; Par 64; 6,827 ft.
Timber Park - Slosh #1 2019; 21 holes; Par 64; 6,827 ft.
Keizer Rapids Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,862 ft.
Keizer Rapids Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,862 ft.
Fort Steilacoom S.E. Disc Golf Course - am layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,043 ft.
Fort Steilacoom N.W. Disc Golf Course - marked course; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,140 ft.
Fort Steilacoom S.E. Disc Golf Course - am layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,043 ft.
McCormick Park - Columbia Cup Round One; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,213 ft.
McCormick Park - Columbia Cup Round Two; 18 holes; Par 62; 6,405 ft.
Farragut State Park - Northstar - Group 6 round 1; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,994 ft.
Farragut State Park - Wreckreator - Group 6 Round 2; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,602 ft.
Farragut State Park - A.W.O.L. - Group 6 round 3; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,746 ft.
Adair Park - President's Cup Layout, Round 1; 19 holes; Par 59; 6,180 ft.
Adair Park - President's Cup Layout, Round 2; 19 holes; Par 59; 6,035 ft.
Dexter Park Disc Golf Course - Dexter 19-hole Layout; 19 holes; Par 57; 5,586 ft.
Stewart Pond Disc Golf Course - Stewart Pond 6323ft. Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,323 ft.
Dexter Park Disc Golf Course - Dexter 19-hole Layout; 19 holes; Par 57; 5,586 ft.
Champoeg State Park - 2019 Oak Grove Open; 27 holes; Par 86; 10,007 ft.
Champoeg State Park - 2019 Oak Grove Open; 27 holes; Par 86; 10,007 ft.
Adair Park - Regular course par 57; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,315 ft.
Bryant Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 63; 8,263 ft.
Adair Park - Regular course par 57; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,315 ft.
Willamette Park - Willamette Open Long Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,324 ft.
Willamette Park - Willamette Open Long Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,324 ft.
Mt Bachelor 2019 Nordic Track - Short Tees; 18 holes; Par 63; 7,615 ft.
Mt Bachelor 2019 Nordic Track - Short Tees; 18 holes; Par 63; 7,615 ft.
Bryant Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,691 ft.
Bryant Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,691 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Canyon - Longs; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,266 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Meadow Ridge - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,035 ft.
Horning's Hideout - Canyon - Longs; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,266 ft.
Wheatland DGC at Willamette Mission State Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,700 ft.
Wheatland DGC at Willamette Mission State Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,700 ft.
LBCC temp course; 20 holes; Par 64; 10,666 ft.
LBCC temp course; 20 holes; Par 64; 10,666 ft.
Woodmansee Park - 2nd Annual Father's Day Fling Round 1; 17 holes; Par 53; 5,470 ft.
Woodmansee Park - Father's Day Fling; 19 holes; Par 61; 6,530 ft.
Waterloo Park Disc Golf - Waterloo disc golf; 20 holes; Par 61; 6,179 ft.
Waterloo Park Disc Golf - Waterloo disc golf; 20 holes; Par 61; 6,179 ft.
Cascades Gateway - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,500 ft.
Cascades Gateway - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,500 ft.
Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course - Taloali - Pool B; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,372 ft.
Keizer Rapids Disc Golf Course - KRR Pool B; 18 holes; Par 59; 5,718 ft.
Wheatland DGC at Willamette Mission State Park - Normal 18 + two temp holes; 20 holes; Par 65; 7,443 ft.
Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 60; 6,556 ft.
Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 60; 6,556 ft.
White River - Blue Course; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,926 ft.
White River - Red Course; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,678 ft.
White River - Blue Course; 19 holes; Par 58; 6,191 ft.
White River - Red Course; 19 holes; Par 57; 5,678 ft.
North Seatac Disc Golf Course - 5-23; 19 holes; Par 63; 7,475 ft.
North Seatac Disc Golf Course - 1-14, 23-27; 19 holes; Par 58; 6,452 ft.
Canyonview Adventure Course (OB) Long tees; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,783 ft.
Horseshoe Lake - Lakeside - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 62; 8,265 ft.
Horseshoe Lake - Lakeside - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 62; 8,265 ft.
Keizer Rapids Disc Golf Course - Long Layout ; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,973 ft.
Keizer Rapids Disc Golf Course - Long Layout ; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,973 ft.
Fort Steilacoom N.W. Disc Golf Course - NW; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,700 ft.
Fort Steilacoom S.E. Disc Golf Course - SE am; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,680 ft.
Fort Steilacoom S.E. Disc Golf Course - SE am; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,680 ft.
Oregon State Hospital - 9 Holes Twice through (Mandos, OB, Hazards); 18 holes; Par 54; 6,054 ft.
McCormick Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 62; 6,442 ft.
McCormick Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 62; 6,442 ft.
Ralph Williamson Memorial Disc Golf Course - R1; 20 holes; Par 62; 6,958 ft.
Ralph Williamson Memorial Disc Golf Course - R2; 20 holes; Par 61; 6,475 ft.
Ralph Williamson Memorial Disc Golf Course - R3; 20 holes; Par 61; 6,496 ft.
Camp Taloali - Alt Tees + Temp Course; 27 holes; Par 83; 10,458 ft.
Camp Taloali - Long Tees + Temp Course; 27 holes; Par 84; 10,738 ft.
Bryant Park - Championship; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,685 ft.
Temp course ; 18 holes; Par 57; 7,548 ft.
Temp course ; 18 holes; Par 57; 7,548 ft.
Shelton Springs Disc Golf - Red tees; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,330 ft.
Shelton Springs Disc Golf - Black Tees; 18 holes; Par 63; 8,025 ft.
Temp course; 20 holes; Par 61; 7,548 ft.
Temp course; 20 holes; Par 61; 7,548 ft.
Bryant Park - Championship; 18 holes; Par 60; 7,485 ft.
Bryant Park - Championship; 18 holes; Par 60; 7,485 ft.
Woodmansee Park - Father's Day Fling Advanced/Pro; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,000 ft.
Woodmansee Park - Father's Day Fling Advanced/Pro; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,000 ft.
Timber Linn - Short course with about 9 championship holes; 22 holes; Par 68; 6,737 ft.
Timber Linn - Short course with about 9 championship holes; 22 holes; Par 68; 6,737 ft.
Timber Park - Timber Park - Long tees, ; 21 holes; Par 64; 6,779 ft.
Timber Park - Timber Park - Long tees, ; 21 holes; Par 64; 6,779 ft.
Waterloo Park Disc Golf - Regular course with 4 temp holes; 22 holes; Par 67; 6,742 ft.
Waterloo Park Disc Golf - Regular course with 4 temp holes; 22 holes; Par 67; 6,742 ft.
Keizer Rapids Disc Golf Course - Standard ; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,862 ft.
Keizer Rapids Disc Golf Course - Standard ; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,862 ft.
A Little Dab'll Do YaC9-Mar-2025MA60161851YesYes
A Little Dab'll Do YaC9-Mar-2025MA60257896YesYes
Willamette Valley Ice Bowl 2025 (CEP Charity - Rated)XC1-Mar-2025MA60157874YesYes
Willamette Valley Ice Bowl 2025 (CEP Charity - Rated)XC1-Mar-2025MA60259850YesYes
2025 NADGT Exclusive @ Willamette SPonsored by DiscraftB22-Feb-2025MA60156910YesYes
2025 NADGT Exclusive @ Willamette SPonsored by DiscraftB22-Feb-2025MA60257899YesYes
2025 NADGT Exclusive @ Dallas City Park Presented by MVPB25-Jan-2025MA60156891YesYes
2025 NADGT Exclusive @ Dallas City Park Presented by MVPB25-Jan-2025MA60255903YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents It's Going Down, I'm Yelling Timber!C18-Jan-2025MA60170882YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents It's Going Down, I'm Yelling Timber!C18-Jan-2025MA60267910YesYes
2024-25 Stumptown Slosh Series #3 @Buxton Presented By InnovaC11-Jan-2025MA60168875YesYes
2024-25 Stumptown Slosh Series #3 @Buxton Presented By InnovaC11-Jan-2025MA60269866YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents New Year at the VeerC4-Jan-2025MA60168901YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents New Year at the VeerC4-Jan-2025MA60268910YesYes
2nd Annual Champoo-Year's Day presented by disc junctionC1-Jan-2025MA60168886YesYes
2nd Annual Champoo-Year's Day presented by disc junctionC1-Jan-2025MA60271857YesYes
Holiday Hangover at Horning's Hideout presented by InnovaC29-Dec-2024MA60159891YesYes
Holiday Hangover at Horning's Hideout presented by InnovaC29-Dec-2024MA60262859YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents Black Friday Flex at DabneyC29-Nov-2024MA60165836YesYes
Timber Showdown Presented by disc junctionC16-Nov-2024MA60164924YesYes
Timber Showdown Presented by disc junctionC16-Nov-2024MA60268886YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents Riverbend RideC9-Nov-2024MA60167893YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents Riverbend RideC9-Nov-2024MA60270896YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents the Champoeg ShootoutC19-Oct-2024MA60174865YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents the Champoeg ShootoutC19-Oct-2024MA60272883YesYes
Flexing at Memorial by Kuhl DiscsC12-Oct-2024MA50173869YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents the 2024 Columbia Cup Sponsored by Westside DiscsA4-Oct to 6-Oct-2024MA60173887YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents the 2024 Columbia Cup Sponsored by Westside DiscsA4-Oct to 6-Oct-2024MA60269885YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents the 2024 Columbia Cup Sponsored by Westside DiscsA4-Oct to 6-Oct-2024MA60363946YesYes
Mid-Valley Open Presented by Innova and Kuhl DiscsB21-Sep to 22-Sep-2024MA50168841YesYes
Mid-Valley Open Presented by Innova and Kuhl DiscsB21-Sep to 22-Sep-2024MA50262899YesYes
36th Annual Eugene Disc Golf Celebration presented by Clean JuiceB14-Sep to 15-Sep-2024MA60156922YesYes
36th Annual Eugene Disc Golf Celebration presented by Clean JuiceB14-Sep to 15-Sep-2024MA60257935YesYes
36th Annual Eugene Disc Golf Celebration presented by Clean JuiceB14-Sep to 15-Sep-2024MA60358901YesYes
LCO - The Lower Columbia Open Supported by InnovaB7-Sep to 8-Sep-2024MA60157915YesYes
LCO - The Lower Columbia Open Supported by InnovaB7-Sep to 8-Sep-2024MA60259894YesYes
LCO - The Lower Columbia Open Supported by InnovaB7-Sep to 8-Sep-2024MA60362880YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents the Summer's End Fling Sponsored by Fort George BreweryB31-Aug to 1-Sep-2024MA60182874YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents the Summer's End Fling Sponsored by Fort George BreweryB31-Aug to 1-Sep-2024MA60284859YesYes
Calapooia ClassicB24-Aug to 25-Aug-2024MA60161869YesYes
Calapooia ClassicB24-Aug to 25-Aug-2024MA60265854YesYes
Calapooia ClassicB24-Aug to 25-Aug-2024MA60375858YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents the Bigfoot Trail OpenC17-Aug-2024MA60159879YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents the Bigfoot Trail OpenC17-Aug-2024MA60262846YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents the 2024 Oak Grove OpenB27-Jul to 28-Jul-2024MA60176896YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents the 2024 Oak Grove OpenB27-Jul to 28-Jul-2024MA60275904YesYes
2024 NADGT: C-Tier @ North BonnevilleC14-Jul-2024MA60158883YesYes
2024 NADGT: C-Tier @ North BonnevilleC14-Jul-2024MA60263827YesYes
Disc Co at Horning's HideoutC13-Jul-2024MA50156917YesYes
Disc Co at Horning's HideoutC13-Jul-2024MA50256917YesYes
Middle Fork OpenC29-Jun to 30-Jun-2024MA60169828YesYes
Middle Fork OpenC29-Jun to 30-Jun-2024MA60266858YesYes
Middle Fork OpenC29-Jun to 30-Jun-2024MA60366819YesYes
Race for the Cup #3C22-Jun-2024MA60156902YesYes
Race for the Cup #3C22-Jun-2024MA60262833YesYes
2024 NADGT Exclusive @ ChampoegB15-Jun-2024MA60167917YesYes
2024 NADGT Exclusive @ ChampoegB15-Jun-2024MA60272869YesYes
Cancer Playbook for Dogs Invitational w/ GKproB25-May to 26-May-2024MA60156928YesYes
Cancer Playbook for Dogs Invitational w/ GKproB25-May to 26-May-2024MA60262865YesYes
2024 Beaver State Fling AM and DGMT WeekendA17-May to 19-May-2024MA60179831YesYes
2024 Beaver State Fling AM and DGMT WeekendA17-May to 19-May-2024MA60266890YesYes
2024 Beaver State Fling AM and DGMT WeekendA17-May to 19-May-2024MA60375864YesYes
2024 NADGT Zanfel Tour: OREGON Presented by MVPA3-May to 5-May-2024MA60167884YesYes
2024 NADGT Zanfel Tour: OREGON Presented by MVPA3-May to 5-May-2024MA60264886YesYes
2024 NADGT Zanfel Tour: OREGON Presented by MVPA3-May to 5-May-2024MA60361898YesYes
Liquid Sunshine OpenB27-Apr to 28-Apr-2024MA65168817YesYes
Liquid Sunshine OpenB27-Apr to 28-Apr-2024MA65258864YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents the Lucky Sky Challenge Sponsored by Debi Trull, Owner/Realtor, Realty WestB13-Apr to 14-Apr-2024MA60173847YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents the Lucky Sky Challenge Sponsored by Debi Trull, Owner/Realtor, Realty WestB13-Apr to 14-Apr-2024MA60267855YesYes
2024 NADGT Exclusive @ Waterloo DGCB30-Mar-2024MA60161862YesYes
2024 NADGT Exclusive @ Waterloo DGCB30-Mar-2024MA60263840YesYes
The Jim McLean MemorialC/B16-Mar to 17-Mar-2024MA60149922YesYes
The Jim McLean MemorialC/B16-Mar to 17-Mar-2024MA60254854YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents Tossing at Taloali 5C9-Mar-2024MA60167863YesYes
All Day Disc Golf Presents Tossing at Taloali 5C9-Mar-2024MA60269862YesYes
Flex at The Hoot by Kuhl DiscsC24-Feb-2024MA60173822NoNo
Grit Discs presents The Pioneer Open supported by Innova DiscsA16-Feb to 18-Feb-2024MA60171866NoNo
Grit Discs presents The Pioneer Open supported by Innova DiscsA16-Feb to 18-Feb-2024MA60275809NoNo
Grit Discs presents The Pioneer Open supported by Innova DiscsA16-Feb to 18-Feb-2024MA60364879NoNo
King of the Jungle - Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC23-Sep-2023MA60166863NoNo
King of the Jungle - Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC23-Sep-2023MA60262907NoNo
Wheatland Throwdown by Kuhl DiscsC9-Sep-2023MA60159890NoNo
Wheatland Throwdown by Kuhl DiscsC9-Sep-2023MA60262858NoNo
All Day Disc Golf Presents the Summer's End Fling Sponsored by Fort George BreweryB2-Sep to 3-Sep-2023MA60185867NoNo
All Day Disc Golf Presents the Summer's End Fling Sponsored by Fort George BreweryB2-Sep to 3-Sep-2023MA60290830NoNo
Calapooia Classic Presented by Danner BootsB26-Aug to 27-Aug-2023MA60158911NoNo
Calapooia Classic Presented by Danner BootsB26-Aug to 27-Aug-2023MA60264856NoNo
Calapooia Classic Presented by Danner BootsB26-Aug to 27-Aug-2023MA60376861NoNo
It's Wilder on the Coast - AM Day (MA2, MA3, FA1, MA40, MA50, MA60, MJ18)C19-Aug-2023MA60171850NoNo
It's Wilder on the Coast - AM Day (MA2, MA3, FA1, MA40, MA50, MA60, MJ18)C19-Aug-2023MA60270859NoNo
Disc Golf Depot Championships Supported by Innova Champion DiscsB12-Aug to 13-Aug-2023MA60164838NoNo
Disc Golf Depot Championships Supported by Innova Champion DiscsB12-Aug to 13-Aug-2023MA60257913NoNo
2023 Willamette Valley Invitational C6-Aug-2023MA60162891NoNo
2023 Willamette Valley Invitational C6-Aug-2023MA60263875NoNo
All Day Disc Golf Presents the 2023 Oak Grove OpenB29-Jul to 30-Jul-2023MA60169931NoNo
All Day Disc Golf Presents the 2023 Oak Grove OpenB29-Jul to 30-Jul-2023MA60273897NoNo
North Umpqua Invitational supported by InnovaA14-Jul to 16-Jul-2023MA50189907NoNo
North Umpqua Invitational supported by InnovaA14-Jul to 16-Jul-2023MA50297853NoNo
North Umpqua Invitational supported by InnovaA14-Jul to 16-Jul-2023MA50Finals61877NoNo
2023 NADGT Zanfel Premier Tour: WASHINGTON Presented by Discraft Washington State Amateur ChampionshipsA30-Jun to 2-Jul-2023MA60159883NoNo
2023 NADGT Zanfel Premier Tour: WASHINGTON Presented by Discraft Washington State Amateur ChampionshipsA30-Jun to 2-Jul-2023MA60263839NoNo
2023 NADGT Zanfel Premier Tour: WASHINGTON Presented by Discraft Washington State Amateur ChampionshipsA30-Jun to 2-Jul-2023MA60358894NoNo
All Day Disc Golf Presents the Champoeg Shootout Sponsored by Westside DiscsC24-Jun to 25-Jun-2023MA60172894NoNo
All Day Disc Golf Presents the Champoeg Shootout Sponsored by Westside DiscsC24-Jun to 25-Jun-2023MA60274877NoNo
2023 Beaver State Fling AM & Masters Weekend Presented by Innova DiscsA16-Jun to 18-Jun-2023MA60174877NoNo
2023 Beaver State Fling AM & Masters Weekend Presented by Innova DiscsA16-Jun to 18-Jun-2023MA60266894NoNo
2023 Beaver State Fling AM & Masters Weekend Presented by Innova DiscsA16-Jun to 18-Jun-2023MA60376861NoNo
Masters Hideout Prsented By InnovaB10-Jun to 11-Jun-2023MA60144935NoNo
Masters Hideout Prsented By InnovaB10-Jun to 11-Jun-2023MA60245919NoNo
Masters Hideout Prsented By InnovaB10-Jun to 11-Jun-2023MA60358913NoNo
2023 PDGA Tim Selinske US Masters Disc Golf Championships Presented by InnovaM25-May to 28-May-2023MA65160920NoNo
2023 PDGA Tim Selinske US Masters Disc Golf Championships Presented by InnovaM25-May to 28-May-2023MA65254939NoNo
2023 PDGA Tim Selinske US Masters Disc Golf Championships Presented by InnovaM25-May to 28-May-2023MA65358923NoNo
2023 PDGA Tim Selinske US Masters Disc Golf Championships Presented by InnovaM25-May to 28-May-2023MA65Finals65853NoNo
Dallas City Championship by Kuhl DiscsC13-May-2023MA50152914NoNo
Dallas City Championship by Kuhl DiscsC13-May-2023MA50255877NoNo
Liquid Sunshine OpenB29-Apr to 30-Apr-2023MA55157870NoNo
Liquid Sunshine OpenB29-Apr to 30-Apr-2023MA55258844NoNo
All Day Disc Golf Presents Tax Day at TimberC15-Apr-2023MA60172832NoNo
All Day Disc Golf Presents Tax Day at TimberC15-Apr-2023MA60270852NoNo
Kuhl Discs C-Tier #16C1-Apr-2023MA50180843NoNo
Kuhl Discs C-Tier #16C1-Apr-2023MA50283818NoNo
Flex at the HootC4-Mar-2023MA50167880NoNo
Grit Discs presents The Pioneer Open Supported by InnovaB18-Feb to 19-Feb-2023MA60164892NoNo
Grit Discs presents The Pioneer Open Supported by InnovaB18-Feb to 19-Feb-2023MA60265882NoNo
All Day Disc Golf Presents It's Going Down I'm Yelling Timber!C21-Jan-2023MA60172844NoNo
All Day Disc Golf Presents It's Going Down I'm Yelling Timber!C21-Jan-2023MA60278786NoNo
2023 Disc Golf Flex C-Tier Warm-up by Kuhl DiscsC7-Jan-2023MA50175854NoNo
Grit Discs Winter Series - Timber parkC17-Dec-2022MA50170838NoNo
Grit Discs Winter Series - Timber parkC17-Dec-2022MA50271827NoNo
Riverbend RideC12-Nov-2022MA60175841NoNo
Riverbend RideC12-Nov-2022MA60271873NoNo
Camp Serene Fall Classic Presented by Resistance Discs AM DayB29-Oct-2022MA60156923NoNo
Camp Serene Fall Classic Presented by Resistance Discs AM DayB29-Oct-2022MA60261869NoNo
2022 Mt Hood Masters Driven by InnovaB21-Oct to 23-Oct-2022MA60170880NoNo
2022 Mt Hood Masters Driven by InnovaB21-Oct to 23-Oct-2022MA60266888NoNo
2022 Mt Hood Masters Driven by InnovaB21-Oct to 23-Oct-2022MA60364888NoNo
Willamette Valley InvitationalC8-Oct-2022MA60164888NoNo
Willamette Valley InvitationalC8-Oct-2022MA60267875NoNo
Wild West Shootout - Presented by Dynamic Discs, Hosted by 7 Seas BrewingB24-Sep to 25-Sep-2022MA60182821NoNo
Wild West Shootout - Presented by Dynamic Discs, Hosted by 7 Seas BrewingB24-Sep to 25-Sep-2022MA60276870NoNo
Wild West Shootout - Presented by Dynamic Discs, Hosted by 7 Seas BrewingB24-Sep to 25-Sep-2022MA60371844NoNo
2022 Oak Grove OpenB30-Jul to 31-Jul-2022MA60177864NoNo
2022 Oak Grove OpenB30-Jul to 31-Jul-2022MA60273883NoNo
All Day Disc Golf Presents the 2022 Buxton BashC16-Jul to 17-Jul-2022MA60171819NoNo
All Day Disc Golf Presents the 2022 Buxton BashC16-Jul to 17-Jul-2022MA60268863NoNo
WDGC President's Cup 2022 "Powered by Innova" - All Ams except MA1B9-Jul-2022MA60164850NoNo
WDGC President's Cup 2022 "Powered by Innova" - All Ams except MA1B9-Jul-2022MA60267819NoNo
2022 Race for the Cup #3C18-Jun-2022MA60162914NoNo
2022 Race for the Cup #3C18-Jun-2022MA60263904NoNo
Kitsap Classic - Driven by Innova, Hosted by A Advanced Septic & ConstructionA13-May to 15-May-2022MA601107875NoNo
Kitsap Classic - Driven by Innova, Hosted by A Advanced Septic & ConstructionA13-May to 15-May-2022MA602105886NoNo
Kitsap Classic - Driven by Innova, Hosted by A Advanced Septic & ConstructionA13-May to 15-May-2022MA60386878NoNo
All Day Disc Golf Presents the Champoeg Shootout Driven by InnovaC7-May to 8-May-2022MA60163903NoNo
All Day Disc Golf Presents the Champoeg Shootout Driven by InnovaC7-May to 8-May-2022MA60267865NoNo
Flexing at Memorial by Kuhl DiscsC23-Apr-2022MA50170905NoNo
Cherryland's EOM C-Tier Series #3 presented with Oregon Disc GolfC27-Mar-2022MA60152880NoNo
Cherryland's EOM C-Tier Series #3 presented with Oregon Disc GolfC27-Mar-2022MA60256826NoNo
Columbia Cup: Crossing the Bridge of the Gods Sponsored by Westside DiscsC5-Mar to 6-Mar-2022MA60170838NoNo
Columbia Cup: Crossing the Bridge of the Gods Sponsored by Westside DiscsC5-Mar to 6-Mar-2022MA60265828NoNo
Columbia Cup: Hyzer at Horning'sC12-Feb to 13-Feb-2022MA60162858NoNo
Columbia Cup: Hyzer at Horning'sC12-Feb to 13-Feb-2022MA60248884NoNo
Santiam Open Presented by Resistance DiscsB16-Jan-2022MA50170866NoNo
Santiam Open Presented by Resistance DiscsB16-Jan-2022MA50268862NoNo
Columbia Cup: Holiday Huk Sponsored by Westside DiscsC4-Dec to 5-Dec-2021MA50175806NoNo
Columbia Cup: Holiday Huk Sponsored by Westside DiscsC4-Dec to 5-Dec-2021MA50269861NoNo
Stumptown Slosh Heider's Hike (Am only)C21-Nov-2021MA50161925NoNo
Stumptown Slosh Heider's Hike (Am only)C21-Nov-2021MA50266878NoNo
Kuhl Discs C-Tier #9C14-Nov-2021MA50157914NoNo
Columbia Cup: Riverbend RideC6-Nov-2021MA60176870NoNo
Columbia Cup: Riverbend RideC6-Nov-2021MA60276871NoNo
FlighTowel Presents Mt. Hood Masters' Championship Driven by Innova 2021B23-Oct to 24-Oct-2021MA60169885NoNo
FlighTowel Presents Mt. Hood Masters' Championship Driven by Innova 2021B23-Oct to 24-Oct-2021MA60271865NoNo
2021 Columbia Cup Sponsored by Andrew Paulson Realty and Zach Todd the Mortgage GuyB9-Oct to 10-Oct-2021MA50167911NoNo
2021 Columbia Cup Sponsored by Andrew Paulson Realty and Zach Todd the Mortgage GuyB9-Oct to 10-Oct-2021MA50268894NoNo
2021 Columbia Cup Sponsored by Andrew Paulson Realty and Zach Todd the Mortgage GuyB9-Oct to 10-Oct-2021MA50368902NoNo
Willamette Valley InvitationalC3-Oct-2021MA60164876NoNo
Willamette Valley InvitationalC3-Oct-2021MA60263886NoNo
The Sandy River ShootoutC2-Oct-2021MA60168835NoNo
The Sandy River ShootoutC2-Oct-2021MA60260916NoNo
Columbia Cup: It's going down I'm yelling Timber! Sponsored by Westside DiscsC18-Sep to 19-Sep-2021MA60174856NoNo
Columbia Cup: It's going down I'm yelling Timber! Sponsored by Westside DiscsC18-Sep to 19-Sep-2021MA60268910NoNo
Salem Open Presented by Prodigy and Kuhl DiscsB11-Sep to 12-Sep-2021MA2156896NoNo
Salem Open Presented by Prodigy and Kuhl DiscsB11-Sep to 12-Sep-2021MA2268876NoNo
Calapooia ClassicB28-Aug to 29-Aug-2021MA60161896NoNo
Calapooia ClassicB28-Aug to 29-Aug-2021MA60267856NoNo
Calapooia ClassicB28-Aug to 29-Aug-2021MA60373880NoNo
Columbia Cup: Tossing at Taloali 2 Sponsored by Westside DiscsC21-Aug to 22-Aug-2021MA60160892NoNo
Columbia Cup: Tossing at Taloali 2 Sponsored by Westside DiscsC21-Aug to 22-Aug-2021MA60266844NoNo
2021 Oak Grove OpenB31-Jul to 1-Aug-2021MA60173902NoNo
2021 Oak Grove OpenB31-Jul to 1-Aug-2021MA60278861NoNo
Oak Grove Open Warmup FlexC30-Jul-2021MA60177868NoNo
Columbia Cup: Buxton Bash Sponsored by Westside DiscsC17-Jul to 18-Jul-2021MA60155924NoNo
Columbia Cup: Buxton Bash Sponsored by Westside DiscsC17-Jul to 18-Jul-2021MA60261858NoNo
SeaTac Takeoff 2021B1-May to 2-May-2021MA60197892NoNo
SeaTac Takeoff 2021B1-May to 2-May-2021MA602100867NoNo
Columbia Cup: Crushing at the Camp Sponsored by Westside DiscsC10-Apr to 11-Apr-2021MA60161882NoNo
Columbia Cup: Crushing at the Camp Sponsored by Westside DiscsC10-Apr to 11-Apr-2021MA60261885NoNo
Mountain Town ThrowdownC3-Apr-2021MA50165882NoNo
Mountain Town ThrowdownC3-Apr-2021MA50263901NoNo
2021 Buxton Woods Spring Celebration Sponsored Locally by BuddiesB19-Mar to 21-Mar-2021MA55269864NoNo
2021 Buxton Woods Spring Celebration Sponsored Locally by BuddiesB19-Mar to 21-Mar-2021MA55367883NoNo
Shamrock Showdown C13-Mar to 14-Mar-2021MA50157888NoNo
Shamrock Showdown C13-Mar to 14-Mar-2021MA50262881NoNo
Pioneer Open 2021 powered by Prodigy DiscsB27-Feb to 28-Feb-2021MA50170854NoNo
Pioneer Open 2021 powered by Prodigy DiscsB27-Feb to 28-Feb-2021MA50266891NoNo
Columbia Cup: Hyzer at Horning's Sponsored by Westside DiscsC6-Feb to 7-Feb-2021MA60150854NoNo
Columbia Cup: Hyzer at Horning's Sponsored by Westside DiscsC6-Feb to 7-Feb-2021MA60261879NoNo
Winter Siege at Pineway Presented by DiscmaniaB30-Jan-2021MA50161822NoNo
Winter Siege at Pineway Presented by DiscmaniaB30-Jan-2021MA50259846NoNo
SeaTac Tree Smack 4 (AM, no MA1)B16-Jan-2021MA60176881NoNo
SeaTac Tree Smack 4 (AM, no MA1)B16-Jan-2021MA60266914NoNo
2021 Santiam OpenB10-Jan-2021MA50168881NoNo
2021 Santiam OpenB10-Jan-2021MA50266879NoNo
New Year's Flex at Oak KnollC1-Jan-2021MA50168835NoNo
Columbia Cup: Holiday HukC19-Dec to 20-Dec-2020MA50168828NoNo
Columbia Cup: Fall FlingC14-Nov to 15-Nov-2020MA60162858NoNo
Columbia Cup: Fall FlingC14-Nov to 15-Nov-2020MA60258866NoNo
Cherryland's "Timber Falls" NADGT Nationals Warm UP - Oregon/WashingtonB31-Oct to 1-Nov-2020MA501107858NoNo
Cherryland's "Timber Falls" NADGT Nationals Warm UP - Oregon/WashingtonB31-Oct to 1-Nov-2020MA50288899NoNo
Mt. Hood Master's Championship Driven by InnovaB17-Oct to 18-Oct-2020MA60162939NoNo
Mt. Hood Master's Championship Driven by InnovaB17-Oct to 18-Oct-2020MA60270861NoNo
2020 Columbia Cup Powered by Prodigy DiscB10-Oct to 11-Oct-2020MA50170871NoNo
2020 Columbia Cup Powered by Prodigy DiscB10-Oct to 11-Oct-2020MA50269911NoNo
Cherry FlingC26-Sep-2020MA50160875NoNo
Cherry FlingC26-Sep-2020MA50260839NoNo
2020 Oak Grove Open presented by Prodigy DiscB5-Sep to 6-Sep-2020MA60161898NoNo
2020 Oak Grove Open presented by Prodigy DiscB5-Sep to 6-Sep-2020MA60259917NoNo
Kitsap Classic - Driven by Innova, Hosted by A Advanced Septic & ConstructionA28-Aug to 30-Aug-2020MA601112853NoNo
Kitsap Classic - Driven by Innova, Hosted by A Advanced Septic & ConstructionA28-Aug to 30-Aug-2020MA602105892NoNo
Kitsap Classic - Driven by Innova, Hosted by A Advanced Septic & ConstructionA28-Aug to 30-Aug-2020MA60377854NoNo
Cherryland's "'Hoot'ing Good Time" Flex Start C-TierC23-Aug-2020MA50162906NoNo
Oregon Open Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC22-Aug-2020MA50175874NoNo
Oregon Open Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC22-Aug-2020MA50275874NoNo
SeaTac Takeoff 2020B8-Aug to 9-Aug-2020MA601101881NoNo
SeaTac Takeoff 2020B8-Aug to 9-Aug-2020MA60297897NoNo
2nd Annual Cherryland Disc Golf Festival and Tournament - NADGT Affiliate & GDG $5K/$10K EventB1-Aug to 2-Aug-2020MA50158888NoNo
2nd Annual Cherryland Disc Golf Festival and Tournament - NADGT Affiliate & GDG $5K/$10K EventB1-Aug to 2-Aug-2020MA50257897NoNo
2nd Annual Cherryland Disc Golf Festival and Tournament - NADGT Affiliate & GDG $5K/$10K EventB1-Aug to 2-Aug-2020MA50367861NoNo
Pac-West ClassicB25-Jul to 26-Jul-2020MA60175860NoNo
Pac-West ClassicB25-Jul to 26-Jul-2020MA60266937NoNo
Columbia Cup: Tossing at TaloaliC18-Jul to 19-Jul-2020MA60158907NoNo
Columbia Cup: Tossing at TaloaliC18-Jul to 19-Jul-2020MA60262865NoNo
Race for the Cup #4 Bryant ParkC11-Jul-2020MA50166899NoNo
Race for the Cup #4 Bryant ParkC11-Jul-2020MA50271854NoNo
Cherryland's #2 NADGT Exclusive - Camp TaloaliB5-Jul-2020MA50172841NoNo
Cherryland's #2 NADGT Exclusive - Camp TaloaliB5-Jul-2020MA50265890NoNo
Beaver State Bash at Buxton Woods Powered by Prodigy DiscC27-Jun to 28-Jun-2020MA50169845NoNo
Beaver State Bash at Buxton Woods Powered by Prodigy DiscC27-Jun to 28-Jun-2020MA50265883NoNo
Race for the Cup 1+2=3C20-Jun to 21-Jun-2020MA60161899NoNo
Race for the Cup 1+2=3C20-Jun to 21-Jun-2020MA60258903NoNo
Columbia Cup: Social Disctance C TierC13-Jun to 14-Jun-2020MA50170890NoNo
Columbia Cup: Social Disctance C TierC13-Jun to 14-Jun-2020MA50266903NoNo
Cherryland's #1 NADGT Exclusive - Dallas DGCB7-Mar-2020MA50154915NoNo
Cherryland's #1 NADGT Exclusive - Dallas DGCB7-Mar-2020MA50257880NoNo
Pioneer Open 2020B29-Feb to 1-Mar-2020MA50155888NoNo
Pioneer Open 2020B29-Feb to 1-Mar-2020MA50258888NoNo
Slosh #4C22-Feb-2020MA50166899NoNo
Slosh #4C22-Feb-2020MA50270863NoNo
Santiam Open presented by Bine Valley Brewing B19-Jan-2020MA50168856NoNo
Santiam Open presented by Bine Valley Brewing B19-Jan-2020MA50273822NoNo
Stumptown Slosh #3C18-Jan-2020MA50160912NoNo
Stumptown Slosh #3C18-Jan-2020MA50261902NoNo
Cherryland's ICE BOWL for Marion Polk Food ShareC5-Jan-2020MA60154911NoNo
Black Friday Driven by InnovaC29-Nov-2019MA40161807NoNo
Black Friday Driven by InnovaC29-Nov-2019MA40258845NoNo
Stumptown Slosh #1C9-Nov-2019MA50168884NoNo
Stumptown Slosh #1C9-Nov-2019MA50267894NoNo
Krushing at Keizer 3 C2-Nov-2019MA60157905NoNo
Krushing at Keizer 3 C2-Nov-2019MA60261861NoNo
Doug Newland Memorial / Washington State Championships 2019B26-Oct to 27-Oct-2019MA60156932NoNo
Doug Newland Memorial / Washington State Championships 2019B26-Oct to 27-Oct-2019MA60273810NoNo
Doug Newland Memorial / Washington State Championships 2019B26-Oct to 27-Oct-2019MA60359900NoNo
2019 Columbia Cup Presented by Prodigy DiscC12-Oct-2019MA50166883NoNo
2019 Columbia Cup Presented by Prodigy DiscC12-Oct-2019MA50265913NoNo
2019 Farragut Open Presented by Dynamic DiscsA/B27-Sep to 29-Sep-2019MA60160853NoNo
2019 Farragut Open Presented by Dynamic DiscsA/B27-Sep to 29-Sep-2019MA60268894NoNo
2019 Farragut Open Presented by Dynamic DiscsA/B27-Sep to 29-Sep-2019MA60365914NoNo
President's Cup 2019C21-Sep-2019MA60164902NoNo
President's Cup 2019C21-Sep-2019MA60266887NoNo
Eugene Disc Golf CelebrationB7-Sep to 8-Sep-2019MA60165888NoNo
Eugene Disc Golf CelebrationB7-Sep to 8-Sep-2019MA60265851NoNo
Eugene Disc Golf CelebrationB7-Sep to 8-Sep-2019MA60363907NoNo
Oak Grove Open presented by Oregon Sports & Family Chiropractic and InnovaB31-Aug to 1-Sep-2019MA50198861NoNo
Oak Grove Open presented by Oregon Sports & Family Chiropractic and InnovaB31-Aug to 1-Sep-2019MA50297867NoNo
Calapooia ClassicB24-Aug to 25-Aug-2019MA60162914NoNo
Calapooia ClassicB24-Aug to 25-Aug-2019MA60275867NoNo
Calapooia ClassicB24-Aug to 25-Aug-2019MA60367867NoNo
Willamette OpenC17-Aug-2019MA60163864NoNo
Willamette OpenC17-Aug-2019MA60265844NoNo
Battle at Bachelor presented by Bevel Craft BrewingB10-Aug to 11-Aug-2019MA40178825NoNo
Battle at Bachelor presented by Bevel Craft BrewingB10-Aug to 11-Aug-2019MA40275850NoNo
Race for the Cup #4 BryantC13-Jul-2019MA60174849NoNo
Race for the Cup #4 BryantC13-Jul-2019MA60272866NoNo
Huk For Independence 2019B6-Jul to 7-Jul-2019MA50165833NoNo
Huk For Independence 2019B6-Jul to 7-Jul-2019MA50272890NoNo
Huk For Independence 2019B6-Jul to 7-Jul-2019MA50363854NoNo
NG Exclusive - WV Chain Gang Wheatland EventC30-Jun-2019MA50162903NoNo
NG Exclusive - WV Chain Gang Wheatland EventC30-Jun-2019MA50266864NoNo
Race for the Cup #3 LBCCC22-Jun-2019MA60176832NoNo
Race for the Cup #3 LBCCC22-Jun-2019MA60273858NoNo
2nd Annual Father's Day Fling - Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC16-Jun-2019MA60167924NoNo
2nd Annual Father's Day Fling - Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC16-Jun-2019MA60271856NoNo
Race for the Cup #2 WaterlooC18-May-2019MA60167875NoNo
Race for the Cup #2 WaterlooC18-May-2019MA60272827NoNo
NG Exclusive - Northwest QualifierC11-May-2019MA50161809NoNo
NG Exclusive - Northwest QualifierC11-May-2019MA50256871NoNo
Cherryland Disc Golf Festival and Tournament Sponsored by Latitude 64 - A GDG $5K/$10K EventC/B4-May to 5-May-2019MA60159862NoNo
Cherryland Disc Golf Festival and Tournament Sponsored by Latitude 64 - A GDG $5K/$10K EventC/B4-May to 5-May-2019MA60265834NoNo
Cherryland Disc Golf Festival and Tournament Sponsored by Latitude 64 - A GDG $5K/$10K EventC/B4-May to 5-May-2019MA60378815NoNo
Race for the Cup #1 Timber LinnC13-Apr-2019MA60175803NoNo
Race for the Cup #1 Timber LinnC13-Apr-2019MA60268870NoNo
Run for the RiverC23-Mar-2019MA60167838NoNo
Run for the RiverC23-Mar-2019MA60259857NoNo
Ice Bowl at White RiverC26-Jan-2019MA60174823NoNo
Ice Bowl at White RiverC26-Jan-2019MA60263839NoNo
SeaTac Tree Smack 2 (AM)B19-Jan-2019MA60180821NoNo
SeaTac Tree Smack 2 (AM)B19-Jan-2019MA60276809NoNo
Sasquatch Series #2: Psycho Santa 7 Presented by Discmania and Dude ClothingC22-Dec-2018MA50164880NoNo
First Annual Team HOODCHAIN Invitational #PoweredByProdigyC1-Dec-2018MA60166911NoNo
First Annual Team HOODCHAIN Invitational #PoweredByProdigyC1-Dec-2018MA60273850NoNo
Krushing At Keizer C17-Nov-2018MA55160875NoNo
Krushing At Keizer C17-Nov-2018MA55262853NoNo
44th Annual Doug Newland Memorial Washington State ChampionshipsB3-Nov to 4-Nov-2018MA60167866NoNo
44th Annual Doug Newland Memorial Washington State ChampionshipsB3-Nov to 4-Nov-2018MA60265858NoNo
44th Annual Doug Newland Memorial Washington State ChampionshipsB3-Nov to 4-Nov-2018MA60368828NoNo
Sasquatch Series #1: Haunted Hospital - 1 Round C-tier C27-Oct-2018MA40160886NoNo
Columbia Cup Presented by Prodigy DiscC13-Oct-2018MA50177825NoNo
Columbia Cup Presented by Prodigy DiscC13-Oct-2018MA50261963NoNo
Lakewood Fall ClassicB22-Sep to 23-Sep-2018MA60172869NoNo
Lakewood Fall ClassicB22-Sep to 23-Sep-2018MA60274841NoNo
Lakewood Fall ClassicB22-Sep to 23-Sep-2018MA60375806NoNo
Locals Route Disc Golf Presents: Lucky Huck 4C15-Sep-2018MA60199801NoNo
Locals Route Disc Golf Presents: Lucky Huck 4C15-Sep-2018MA60292864NoNo
Calapooia Classic Presented by InnovaB25-Aug to 26-Aug-2018MA60169891NoNo
Calapooia Classic Presented by InnovaB25-Aug to 26-Aug-2018MA60270814NoNo
Calapooia Classic Presented by InnovaB25-Aug to 26-Aug-2018MA60364873NoNo
Shelton Springs Pro/Am Sponsored by Dynamic Discs - AmC28-Jul-2018MA60165852NoNo
Shelton Springs Pro/Am Sponsored by Dynamic Discs - AmC28-Jul-2018MA60271902NoNo
Race for the Cup #4 LBCC Presented by InnovaC14-Jul-2018MA60177812NoNo
Race for the Cup #4 LBCC Presented by InnovaC14-Jul-2018MA60269884NoNo
Race for the Cup #3 Bryant Presented by InnovaC23-Jun-2018MA50174851NoNo
Race for the Cup #3 Bryant Presented by InnovaC23-Jun-2018MA50278817NoNo
Father's Day Fling C17-Jun-2018MA60163860NoNo
Father's Day Fling C17-Jun-2018MA60264850NoNo
Race for the Cup # Timber LinnC19-May-2018MA50174845NoNo
Race for the Cup # Timber LinnC19-May-2018MA50270883NoNo
Throw Pink Oregon II by Innova & DiscstrictB5-May-2018MA40175817NoNo
Throw Pink Oregon II by Innova & DiscstrictB5-May-2018MA40272846NoNo
Race for the Cup #1C14-Apr-2018MA50175851NoNo
Race for the Cup #1C14-Apr-2018MA50273869NoNo
Keizer Rapids RogaineC24-Mar-2018MA60158898NoNo
Keizer Rapids RogaineC24-Mar-2018MA60261865NoNo