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Cole Kammien #111463

Cole Kammien #111463

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Endicott Park - Week 7 Oct 2024; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,335 ft.
Endicott Park - Week 7 Oct 2024; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,335 ft.
Endicott Park - STL Open 2024; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,420 ft.
Willmore Park Disc Golf - Willmore BDO; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,443 ft.
The Bunker at Jefferson Barracks - Bunker Week 9; 18 holes; Par 68; 7,359 ft.
Jefferson Barracks Historical Park - Original - JB OG Week 6; 18 holes; Par 60; 7,209 ft.
Jefferson Barracks Historical Park - Original - JB OG Week 4; 18 holes; Par 58; 7,162 ft.
The Bunker at Jefferson Barracks - Bunker Week 1 (MPO, MP40, & MA1); 18 holes; Par 66; 7,537 ft.
Endicott Park - League 2024 June Week 2; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,645 ft.
Carrollton Park Disc Golf Course - STLO 2023 Carrollton Blues; 18 holes; Par 66; 9,251 ft.
Logan University Disc Golf Course - STLO 2023 Logan MPO; 18 holes; Par 65; 7,782 ft.
Logan University Disc Golf Course - STLO 2023 Logan MPO; 18 holes; Par 65; 7,782 ft.
The Bunker at Jefferson Barracks - Shamrock week 9/10; 18 holes; Par 63; 6,973 ft.
The Bunker at Jefferson Barracks - Shamrock league week 3/4; 18 holes; Par 65; 6,995 ft.
The Bunker at Jefferson Barracks - Shamrock league week 5/6; 18 holes; Par 65; 7,355 ft.
The Bunker at Jefferson Barracks - Shamrock league week 5/6; 18 holes; Par 65; 7,355 ft.
The Bunker at Jefferson Barracks - Shamrock Bunker week 7/8; 18 holes; Par 65; 7,441 ft.
The Bunker at Jefferson Barracks - Shamrock week 9/10; 18 holes; Par 63; 6,973 ft.
The Bunker at Jefferson Barracks - Dark Ace Open - The Bunker; 18 holes; Par 65; 7,413 ft.
Jefferson Barracks Historical Park - Original - Dark Ace Open - JB; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,516 ft.
The Bunker at Jefferson Barracks - Dark Ace Open - The Bunker; 18 holes; Par 65; 7,413 ft.
Carrollton Park Disc Golf Course - St. Louis Traveling League NOCO Week #7; 18 holes; Par 64; 7,585 ft.
Jefferson Barracks Historical Park - Original - St. Louis Traveling League Week #6; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,479 ft.
Jefferson Barracks Historical Park - Original - JB BDO; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,637 ft.
Jefferson Barracks Historical Park - Original - Turkey Toss Layout; 27 holes; Par 85; 8,551 ft.
The Bunker at Jefferson Barracks - BDO Bunker; 18 holes; Par 62; 6,629 ft.
Willmore Park Disc Golf - Willmore Meramec Meltdown 2022; 18 holes; Par 60; 7,106 ft.
Unger Park - Unger Meramec Meltdown 2022; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,960 ft.
Sioux Passage Park - Briscoe Woods - Briscoe Woods; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,081 ft.
Sioux Passage Park - Original - Sioux; 18 holes; Par 62; 8,437 ft.
New Melle Lakes - New Melle REDS - SCO; 18 holes; Par 59; 5,920 ft.
New Melle Lakes - New Melle REDS - SCO; 18 holes; Par 59; 5,920 ft.
Jefferson Barracks Historical Park - Original - JB OG BDO; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,075 ft.
Jefferson Barracks Historical Park - Original - JB OG BDO; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,075 ft.
Jefferson Barracks Historical Park - Original - JB OG BDO; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,075 ft.
Endicott Park - Endicott Killer B's 2022; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,042 ft.
Carrollton Park Disc Golf Course - POOL A 2022 KILLER B'S CARROLLTON LAYOUT; 18 holes; Par 66; 9,266 ft.
Sioux Passage Park - Original - 2022 Killer B's Sioux Passage Layout; 18 holes; Par 63; 8,609 ft.
La Vista Park - POOL A 2022 Killer B's Layout; 18 holes; Par 61; 8,018 ft.
Willmore Park Disc Golf - Willmore Open 2021 Layout; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,998 ft.
Willmore Park Disc Golf - Willmore Open 2021 Layout; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,998 ft.
Quail Ridge - Quail BLUES - SCO; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,814 ft.
New Melle Lakes - New Melle BLUES- SCO; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,493 ft.
Indian Camp Creek Park - ICC BLUES - SCO; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,187 ft.
Logan University Disc Golf Course - Logan STLO21; 18 holes; Par 63; 7,862 ft.
Logan University Disc Golf Course - Logan STLO21; 18 holes; Par 63; 7,862 ft.
Carrollton Park Disc Golf Course - Carrollton STLO21; 18 holes; Par 66; 9,197 ft.
Carrollton Park Disc Golf Course - STLO 2021; 18 holes; Par 67; 8,950 ft.
Willmore Park Disc Golf - WWPDGA2021C; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,990 ft.
Willmore Park Disc Golf - WWPDGA2021D; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,477 ft.
Unger Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,960 ft.
Willmore Park Disc Golf - Meramec Meltdown 2021; 18 holes; Par 60; 7,560 ft.
Harmony Bends Disc Golf at Strawn Park - Harmony Bends White Tees, Red Tee on 11 and 15, No Hole 12; 17 holes; Par 65; 7,721 ft.
Harmony Bends Disc Golf at Strawn Park - Harmony Bends White Tees, Red Tee on 11 and 15, No Hole 12; 17 holes; Par 65; 7,721 ft.
Jefferson Barracks Historical Park - Original - JB OG; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,356 ft.
The Bunker at Jefferson Barracks - The Bunker; 18 holes; Par 64; 6,814 ft.
Endicott Park - 2021 Killer B Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,063 ft.
Carrollton Park Disc Golf Course - 2021 Killer B Pool A Layout; 18 holes; Par 67; 9,186 ft.
Sioux Passage Park - Original - 2021 Killer B Layout Sioux; 18 holes; Par 56; 7,181 ft.
La Vista Park - 2021 Killer B Layout La Vista; 18 holes; Par 66; 7,671 ft.
Jefferson Barracks Historical Park - Original - JB Killer B Layout ; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,310 ft.
Willmore Park Disc Golf - Willmore Killer B Layout; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,392 ft.
Willmore Park Disc Golf - Willmore Rd2; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,644 ft.
Jefferson Barracks Historical Park - Original - JB ; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,476 ft.
Willmore Park Disc Golf - Tournament Layout; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,198 ft.
Willmore Park Disc Golf - Tournament Layout; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,198 ft.
Endicott Friday’s Flex Singles PDGAL16-Aug to 25-Oct-2024MPO855912YesYes
Endicott Friday’s Flex Singles PDGAL16-Aug to 25-Oct-2024MPO752946YesYes
Endicott Friday’s Flex Singles PDGAL16-Aug to 25-Oct-2024MPO258886YesYes
BDO Event #7: Willmore C9-Aug-2024MPO159888YesYes
St. Louis Traveling League Summer '24: South City Loop EditionL14-Jun to 23-Aug-2024MPO975896YesYes
St. Louis Traveling League Summer '24: South City Loop EditionL14-Jun to 23-Aug-2024MPO661928YesYes
St. Louis Traveling League Summer '24: South City Loop EditionL14-Jun to 23-Aug-2024MPO456972YesYes
St. Louis Traveling League Summer '24: South City Loop EditionL14-Jun to 23-Aug-2024MPO170956YesYes
Endicott Friday’s Flex Singles PDGAL31-May to 2-Aug-2024MPO256911YesYes
St. Louis Open presented by MVP Disc SportsA15-Sep to 17-Sep-2023MPO175916NoNo
St. Louis Open presented by MVP Disc SportsA15-Sep to 17-Sep-2023MPO277845NoNo
St. Louis Open presented by MVP Disc SportsA15-Sep to 17-Sep-2023MPO366936NoNo
Shamrock EDM Flex at The BunkerL24-Jul to 2-Oct-2023MPO963986NoNo
Shamrock EDM Flex at The BunkerL24-Jul to 2-Oct-2023MPO465955NoNo
Shamrock EDM Flex at The BunkerL24-Jul to 2-Oct-2023MPO5631000NoNo
Shamrock EDM Flex at The BunkerL24-Jul to 2-Oct-2023MPO666979NoNo
Shamrock EDM Flex at The BunkerL24-Jul to 2-Oct-2023MPO868962NoNo
Shamrock EDM Flex at The BunkerL24-Jul to 2-Oct-2023MPO1065971NoNo
Dark Ace OpenB24-Jun to 25-Jun-2023MPO173928NoNo
Dark Ace OpenB24-Jun to 25-Jun-2023MPO261891NoNo
Dark Ace OpenB24-Jun to 25-Jun-2023MPO372935NoNo
St. Louis Traveling League- North County EditionL9-Jun to 18-Aug-2023MPO764904NoNo
St. Louis Traveling LeagueL17-Mar to 19-May-2023MPO650957NoNo
BDO Event #3: Jefferson Barracks C10-Mar-2023MPO152955NoNo
Turkey TossC25-Nov-2022MA1188921NoNo
Brett's Day Off Flex Start Series Event #9: BunkerC10-Oct-2022MPO169908NoNo
Meramec MeltdownC20-Aug-2022MA1253976NoNo
Meramec MeltdownC20-Aug-2022MA1149965NoNo
Smokin Aces DG presents: Smokin Aces at SiouxC13-Aug-2022MA1260939NoNo
Smokin Aces DG presents: Smokin Aces at SiouxC13-Aug-2022MA1160966NoNo
Chasin the Chains at New MelleC24-Apr-2022MA1156904NoNo
Chasin the Chains at New MelleC24-Apr-2022MA1263825NoNo
Battle at the Barracks 3C/B23-Apr-2022MA1164851NoNo
Battle at the Barracks 3C/B23-Apr-2022MA1253965NoNo
Brett's Day Off Flex Start Series Event #4: Jefferson BarracksC22-Apr-2022MPO152969NoNo
Rock Road RumbleB27-Mar-2022MA1257945NoNo
Rock Road RumbleB27-Mar-2022MA1172948NoNo
The PassageB26-Mar-2022MA1276894NoNo
The PassageB26-Mar-2022MA11601000NoNo
The 8th Annual Willmore OpenC30-Oct-2021MA1261903NoNo
The 8th Annual Willmore OpenC30-Oct-2021MA1158932NoNo
St. Charles Open: Smokin Aces ChampionshipA15-Oct to 17-Oct-2021MA1264944NoNo
St. Charles Open: Smokin Aces ChampionshipA15-Oct to 17-Oct-2021MA1369944NoNo
St. Charles Open: Smokin Aces ChampionshipA15-Oct to 17-Oct-2021MA1171930NoNo
St. Louis OpenA17-Sep to 19-Sep-2021MA1162969NoNo
St. Louis OpenA17-Sep to 19-Sep-2021MA1266936NoNo
St. Louis OpenA17-Sep to 19-Sep-2021MA1366973NoNo
STLO Flex StartC15-Sep-2021MA1173924NoNo
Willmore WednesdayL1-Sep to 20-Oct-2021MPO558906NoNo
Willmore WednesdayL1-Sep to 20-Oct-2021MPO853946NoNo
Meramec MeltdownC21-Aug-2021MA1255916NoNo
Meramec MeltdownC21-Aug-2021MA1162913NoNo
NADGT Premier @ Harmony BendsB1-May to 2-May-2021MA1171902NoNo
NADGT Premier @ Harmony BendsB1-May to 2-May-2021MA1269918NoNo
Battle at the Barracks 2-presented by Dynamic DiscsC/B24-Apr-2021MA1161910NoNo
Battle at the Barracks 2-presented by Dynamic DiscsC/B24-Apr-2021MA1269955NoNo
Rock Road RumbleB28-Mar-2021MA1266882NoNo
Rock Road RumbleB28-Mar-2021MA1170981NoNo
The PassageB27-Mar-2021MA1258959NoNo
The PassageB27-Mar-2021MA1168934NoNo
Southside Showdown, Powered By ProdigyB6-Sep-2020MA1262861NoNo
Southside Showdown, Powered By ProdigyB6-Sep-2020MA1160929NoNo
Smokin Aces presents: South City Showdown sponsored by Dynamic DiscsB15-Feb-2020MA1258926NoNo
Smokin Aces presents: South City Showdown sponsored by Dynamic DiscsB15-Feb-2020MA1168850NoNo
The 6th Annual Willmore Open Powered by ProdigyB25-Aug-2018MA2266869NoNo
The 6th Annual Willmore Open Powered by ProdigyB25-Aug-2018MA2161916NoNo