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Jerry Randall #112791

Jerry Randall #112791

Player Info

Player Statistics

2019 Season Totals


MA1 · Advanced141782.50
Am Totals:141782.50

2019 Tournament Results

MA1 · Advanced

1297.50SeaTac Tree Smack 2 (AM)B19-Jan-2019
275.00Ice Bowl at White RiverC26-Jan-2019
1125.00Innova presents Winter at the BudC23-Feb-2019
365.00Winter Warm-up presented by Innova C02-Mar to 03-Mar-2019
185.00Run for the RiverC23-Mar-2019
1155.00Discing at the Depot - MA1, MPO, MP40, MP50, FPOC07-Apr-2019
5450.00Fort Steilacoom Open Supported by InnovaA27-Jul to 28-Jul-2019
5225.00Crystal Mountain-Matt Geck Memorial Mountain High-Powered By Innova DiscsB07-Sep to 08-Sep-2019
3225.00Doug Newland Memorial / Washington State Championships 2019B26-Oct to 27-Oct-2019
590.00NAD Putter ChallengeXC02-Nov-2019
190.00Discing with Sasquatch C16-Nov-2019
185.00Last Minute ThrowdownC30-Nov-2019
550.00Holiday FlingC14-Dec-2019
265.00GTFO 2019 - Supported by Innova & DiscraftC28-Dec-2019