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Brad Roberts #11397

Brad Roberts #11397

Player Info

Player Statistics

1995 Season Totals


MA1 · Advanced8
Am Totals:8

1995 Tournament Results

MA1 · Advanced

51Shoe Sensation OpenA08-Apr to 09-Apr-1995
38Spring Amateur OpenerC15-Apr-1995
20Fling-A-Thing Otter Creek ParkB22-Apr-1995
27The Nashville OpenB29-Apr to 30-Apr-1995
18Brandenburg - 4B03-Jun to 04-Jun-1995
25Derby City Disc Golf Classic (Am)A24-Jun to 25-Jun-1995
24Tennessee's DoubledecadiscA23-Sep to 24-Sep-1995
1815th Annual Fall Disc Golf TourB14-Oct-1995