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Scott McClellan #115089

Scott McClellan #115089

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Browns and Bows Disc Golf Course - Front - Front NADGT layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,314 ft.
Browns and Bows Disc Golf Course - Back - nadgt #2 Back; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,070 ft.
Pinto Lake Championship Disc Golf Course - Short Layout; 20 holes; Par 61; 6,500 ft.
Pinto Lake Championship Disc Golf Course - Long Layout; 20 holes; Par 68; 8,188 ft.
Emerald Hills Disc Golf Course - Main layout; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,962 ft.
Browns and Bows Disc Golf Course - Front - NADGT event Front; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,314 ft.
Browns and Bows Disc Golf Course - Front - NADGT event Back; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,197 ft.
Highland Springs Reservoir - Steady Ed’s Birthday Bash ; 27 holes; Par 81; 8,246 ft.
Highland Springs Reservoir - Steady Ed’s Birthday Bash ; 27 holes; Par 81; 8,246 ft.
Default Layout; 27 holes; Par 86; 7,982 ft.
Default Layout; 27 holes; Par 86; 7,982 ft.
Golden Gate Park Disc Golf Course - Week Three; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,500 ft.
Golden Gate Park Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,388 ft.
Golden Gate Park Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,388 ft.
Golden Gate Park Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,388 ft.
Golden Gate Park Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,388 ft.
Golden Gate Park Disc Golf Course - Week one; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,500 ft.
Monarch Bay - Melee "Safari" Layout; 22 holes; Par 71; 7,690 ft.
Salmon River Disc Golf Course - 22 Hole Tournament Layout no OB on 19; 22 holes; Par 66; 6,564 ft.
Salmon River Disc Golf Course - 22 Hole Tournament long pins; 22 holes; Par 66; 6,934 ft.
Salmon River Disc Golf Course - 22 Hole Tournament Layout no OB on 19; 22 holes; Par 66; 6,564 ft.
Gleneagles Disc Golf Course - SFO Am Layout; 18 holes; Par 64; 10,159 ft.
Golden Gate Park Disc Golf Course - Week Four; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,500 ft.
NADGT Exclusive @ Browns-n-Bows #2B10-Oct-2021MA1250928YesYes
NADGT Exclusive @ Browns-n-Bows #2B10-Oct-2021MA1157925YesYes
NADGT Exclusive @ Pinto LakeB14-Aug-2021MA1268897YesYes
NADGT Exclusive @ Pinto LakeB14-Aug-2021MA1176893YesYes
Emerald Hills Thursday PDGA League [August - October 2021]L12-Aug to 7-Oct-2021RAD861896YesYes
NADGT Exclusive @ Browns-n-BowsB25-Jul-2021MA1150927YesYes
NADGT Exclusive @ Browns-n-BowsB25-Jul-2021MA1252929YesYes
Steady Ed’s Birthday BashB12-Jun to 13-Jun-2021MA1285910YesYes
Steady Ed’s Birthday BashB12-Jun to 13-Jun-2021MA1187896YesYes
The McConaughy Disc Golf Rendezvous Driven by InnovaB5-Jun to 6-Jun-2021MA1198884YesYes
The McConaughy Disc Golf Rendezvous Driven by InnovaB5-Jun to 6-Jun-2021MA1298884YesYes
GGP Sunday Morning PDGA LeagueL21-Mar to 2-May-2021MA1351998YesYes
GGP Sunday Morning PDGA LeagueL21-Mar to 2-May-2021MA1753950YesYes
GGP Sunday Morning PDGA LeagueL21-Mar to 2-May-2021MA1651972YesYes
GGP Sunday Morning PDGA LeagueL21-Mar to 2-May-2021MA1549994YesYes
GGP Sunday Morning PDGA LeagueL21-Mar to 2-May-2021MA1458895YesYes
GGP Sunday Morning PDGA LeagueL21-Mar to 2-May-2021MA1156918YesYes
Melee at Monarch BayC24-Oct-2020MA1174926YesYes
Salmon River Disc Golf TournamentB1-Jun to 2-Jun-2019MA2169940NoNo
Salmon River Disc Golf TournamentB1-Jun to 2-Jun-2019MA2370934NoNo
Salmon River Disc Golf TournamentB1-Jun to 2-Jun-2019MA2276883NoNo
San Francisco Open - Amateur Hours driven by InnovaC5-May-2019MA2174924NoNo
GGP Saturday Morning PDGA LeagueL23-Mar to 27-Apr-2019MA2459884NoNo