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Marshall Miller #115239

Marshall Miller #115239

Player Info

Ratings Detail

SA Open 2019 Parklands Course - 2020 Aussie Disc Golf Day Adelaide Parklands; 18 holes; Par 60; 1,966 m
SA Open 2019 Parklands Course - 2020 Aussie Disc Golf Day Adelaide Parklands; 18 holes; Par 60; 1,966 m
Crater Lakes Disc Golf Park - Pro Layout - Crater Lakes Disc Golf Park - Pro Layout; 18 holes; Par 65; 2,648 m
Mount Gambier Disc Golf Park Attamurra - Mount Gambier Disc Golf Park Attamurra; 18 holes; Par 63; 2,644 m
Crater Lakes Disc Golf Park - Pro Layout - Crater Lakes Disc Golf Park - Pro Layout; 18 holes; Par 65; 2,648 m
Mount Gambier Disc Golf Park Attamurra - Mount Gambier Disc Golf Park Attamurra; 18 holes; Par 63; 2,644 m
SA Open 2019 Parklands Course - 2019 Temporary Course rounds 1 & 2; 18 holes; Par 60; 1,986 m
SA Open 2019 Parklands Course - 2019 Temporary Course rounds 1 & 2; 18 holes; Par 60; 1,986 m
SA Open 2019 Parklands Course - 2019 Temporary Course round 3; 18 holes; Par 58; 1,796 m
Inverleigh Disc Golf Championship Gold Course Rd1; 18 holes; Par 64; 2,906 m
Inverleigh Disc Golf Championship Gold Course; 18 holes; Par 64; 2,906 m
Inverleigh Disc Golf Championship Gold Course; 18 holes; Par 64; 2,906 m
Aussie Disc Golf Day - AdelaideC5-Dec-2020MA2167878YesYes
Aussie Disc Golf Day - AdelaideC5-Dec-2020MA2271842YesYes
2019 Australian Disc Golf Championships Presented by Prodigy DiscB1-Nov to 3-Nov-2019MA2179858YesYes
2019 Australian Disc Golf Championships Presented by Prodigy DiscB1-Nov to 3-Nov-2019MA2281811YesYes
2019 Australian Disc Golf Championships Presented by Prodigy DiscB1-Nov to 3-Nov-2019MA2380850YesYes
2019 Australian Disc Golf Championships Presented by Prodigy DiscB1-Nov to 3-Nov-2019MA2479827YesYes
South Australian Disc Golf Open 2019C18-May to 19-May-2019MA4167863YesYes
South Australian Disc Golf Open 2019C18-May to 19-May-2019MA4261920YesYes
South Australian Disc Golf Open 2019C18-May to 19-May-2019MA4366830YesYes
Latitude 64° presents Victorian Disc Golf Open 2019C26-Apr to 28-Apr-2019MA4186814NoNo
Latitude 64° presents Victorian Disc Golf Open 2019C26-Apr to 28-Apr-2019MA4281852NoNo
Latitude 64° presents Victorian Disc Golf Open 2019C26-Apr to 28-Apr-2019MA4380859NoNo