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Taylor Lysenko #116062

Taylor Lysenko #116062

Player Info

Ratings Detail

New Quarter Park - Short to red flags AM; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,598 ft.
Waller Mill Park Disc Golf Course - WM Long to Short; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,576 ft.
Waller Mill Park Disc Golf Course - WM Short to Short; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,106 ft.
Munden Point - Cottonmouth Classic XI Red to Yellow - 21 Holes; 21 holes; Par 65; 7,005 ft.
Munden Point - Cottonmouth Classic XI White to Red - 21 Holes; 21 holes; Par 66; 6,839 ft.
Bennett's Creek Park - White; 18 holes; Par 59; 5,628 ft.
Bennett's Creek Park - White; 18 holes; Par 59; 5,628 ft.
New Quarter Park - Let Freedom Fly 2021; 19 holes; Par 58; 5,805 ft.
New Quarter Park - Let Freedom Fly 2021; 19 holes; Par 58; 5,805 ft.
Munden Point - Cottonmouth Classic XI Red to Yellow - 21 Holes; 21 holes; Par 65; 7,005 ft.
Munden Point - Cottonmouth Classic XI White to Red - 21 Holes; 21 holes; Par 66; 6,839 ft.
Bayville Farms Park - Red tee to Yellow Basket; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,215 ft.
Bayville Farms Park - White Tees to Red Basket; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,482 ft.
Munden Point - Cottonmouth Classic X White to Red 21 holes; 21 holes; Par 63; 6,230 ft.
Munden Point - Cottonmouth Classic X Red to Red 21 holes; 21 holes; Par 63; 7,426 ft.
Bayville Farms Park - Red to Yellow +3; 21 holes; Par 63; 6,194 ft.
Bayville Farms Park - White to Red +3; 21 holes; Par 63; 6,414 ft.
Bayville Farms Park - Blue to Red +3; 21 holes; Par 63; 6,820 ft.
Munden Point - Short to Red; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,252 ft.
Munden Point - Red to Yellow; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,327 ft.
24th Annual Colonial Fall ColorsB6-Nov to 7-Nov-2021MA2351968YesYes
24th Annual Colonial Fall ColorsB6-Nov to 7-Nov-2021MA2263897YesYes
24th Annual Colonial Fall ColorsB6-Nov to 7-Nov-2021MA2162822YesNo
Cottonmouth Classic XII - All Am's except MA1 and MA40 Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC18-Sep-2021MA2264935YesYes
Cottonmouth Classic XII - All Am's except MA1 and MA40 Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC18-Sep-2021MA2166894YesYes
Battle at Bennett'sC22-May-2021MA2261899YesYes
Battle at Bennett'sC22-May-2021MA2161899YesYes
Let Freedom Fly 2.0C21-Feb-2021MA2257931NoNo
Let Freedom Fly 2.0C21-Feb-2021MA2159910NoNo
Cottonmouth Classic XI - All Am except MA1C12-Sep-2020MA2269891NoNo
Cottonmouth Classic XI - All Am except MA1C12-Sep-2020MA2162927NoNo
15th Annual Bayville Bash Driven by Innova - All Am but MA1C27-Jun-2020MA2259828NoNo
15th Annual Bayville Bash Driven by Innova - All Am but MA1C27-Jun-2020MA2162815NoNo
Cottonmouth Classic XC14-Sep-2019MA1265880NoNo
Cottonmouth Classic XC14-Sep-2019MA1169916NoNo
Bayville Bash XIVB29-Jun to 30-Jun-2019MA2364904NoNo
Bayville Bash XIVB29-Jun to 30-Jun-2019MA2275812NoNo
Bayville Bash XIVB29-Jun to 30-Jun-2019MA2168898NoNo
Nextgen Exclusive- Munden Meltdown C2-Jun-2019MA1156865NoNo
Nextgen Exclusive- Munden Meltdown C2-Jun-2019MA1255902NoNo