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Logan Burrow #126814

Logan Burrow #126814

Logan Burrow 126814's picture
Logan Burrow 126814's picture

Player Info

Player Statistics

2023 Season Totals


MPO · Mixed Pro Open11480.00$0
Pro Totals:11480.00$0


MA1 · Mixed Amateur 14415137.50
Am Totals:4415137.50

2023 Tournament Results

MPO · Open

105.002022 Huron Valley Saturday SinglesL17-Dec to 11-Feb-2023
6230.00Vienna Spring Singles (Pro)L14-Mar to 16-May-2023
367.50StoneCo Spring Singles PRO/AML19-Mar to 21-May-2023
920.002023 Pug Life Disc Golf Spring Sanctioned Fridays pt2L12-May to 07-Jul-2023
210.00Aeronautics Aerial Attack C13-May-2023
1385.00Vienna Summer Singles (MPO/MA1) L23-May to 25-Jul-2023
275.00StoneCo Summer Singles L28-May to 30-Jul-2023
2327.50Vienna Fall Singles (MPO/MA1) L01-Aug to 03-Oct-2023
1515.00StoneCo Fall SinglesL06-Aug to 08-Oct-2023
32.50Monday Parmelee SinglesL25-Sep to 30-Oct-2023
1312.50Vienna Late Fall Singles (PRO/AM) L10-Oct to 28-Nov-2023

MA1 · Mixed Amateur 1

3105.0014th Annual Frigid Doe Ice Bowl (CEP Charity - Rated)XC14-Jan-2023
11120.002023 NADGT: Flex Start @ Jim Warner fueled by Adrenaline Heaven SportsC03-Feb-2023
9640.002023 NADGT Premier Tour @ International Disc Golf Center Presented by ProdigyA04-Feb to 05-Feb-2023
16120.00Kent Lake Classic - MPO & MA1C26-Feb-2023
1060.00LIVE @ LAKESHORE!!!C11-Mar-2023
197.50Belle River Battle C/B12-Mar-2023
815.002023 GASDG Sanctioned Singles #1 - MPO/FPO, MA1-2L17-Mar to 19-May-2023
14140.00Southern Michigan Open Supported By InnovaA25-Mar to 26-Mar-2023
570.002023 SPRING THROWDOWN @ STONECO!!!C02-Apr-2023
3255.00Victory Park Open - MA1, MA3, Pro MastersB08-Apr-2023
125.00Woodlands Walleye Run 2023C15-Apr-2023
325.002023 BIRDIE MADNESS @ McCOMB!!!C16-Apr-2023
625.00Just Foolin' AroundC20-Apr-2023
20240.0034th Annual No Foolin' Tournament presented by DiscraftA21-Apr to 23-Apr-2023
397.50Aerodynamic OpenB30-Apr-2023
8320.00M.O.B. Shootout Sponsored By InnovaA06-May to 07-May-2023
350.00Daywalkers DoublesXC27-May-2023
14460.00Dairy Queen Presents the Brent Hambrick Memorial Open Sponsored by DiscraftA02-Jun to 04-Jun-2023
441560.002023 PDGA United States Amateur Disc Golf ChampionshipM09-Jun to 11-Jun-2023
162.50OTTAWA PARK FRIDAYS!!!L09-Jun to 11-Aug-2023
325.00Huron Valley Solstice Singles L13-Jun to 01-Aug-2023
945.00Summer Solstice TournamentB18-Jun-2023
1235.00Ohio Amateur Championship Friday 1 Round of 18 Sneak PeekC23-Jun-2023
3710.00Ohio Amateur Championships supported by InnovaA24-Jun to 25-Jun-2023
15240.00Caesar Ford Amateur ChampionshipB01-Jul to 02-Jul-2023
1380.00Lower Peninsula Open - Presented by InnovaA07-Jul to 09-Jul-2023
352.50Aeronautics Aviation AdventureB15-Jul-2023
417.50Woodlands Weekly League - Session 4 - LongsL19-Jul to 23-Aug-2023
11210.00Discraft's 30th CCR Open fueled by Great Lakes DiscA21-Jul to 23-Jul-2023
2690.00River City Open presented by Discraft - AmA29-Jul to 30-Jul-2023
385.00Ledgestone Flex - Maxwell Park (CEP Charity - Rated)XC01-Aug-2023
145.00Ledgestone Flex - Washington Park (CEP Charity - Rated)XC01-Aug-2023
11330.00Ledgestone Flex - Wildlife Prairie Park (CEP Charity - Rated)XC02-Aug-2023
153160.00Discraft Ledgestone OpenA04-Aug to 06-Aug-2023
1307.50Route 33 ClassicB12-Aug to 13-Aug-2023
321330.00Discraft Great Lakes OpenA18-Aug to 20-Aug-2023
845.00Hazy Shade presents The BYOG Flex at Echo Driven by Innova DiscsC25-Aug-2023
47.50Woodlands Weekly League - Session 5 - LongsL29-Aug to 31-Oct-2023
125.00Burr Oak Blast Off (Friday Flex)C08-Sep-2023
3165.00Burr Oak BlitzB09-Sep to 10-Sep-2023
720.00Annihilation At Addison C16-Sep-2023
51860.00USDGC DoublesXC29-Sep to 01-Oct-2023
535.002023 FALL THROWDOWN @ STONECO!!!C15-Oct-2023
221890.002023 NADGT National ChampionshipsA01-Nov to 04-Nov-2023