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Terry Reese #127800

Terry Reese #127800

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Buffalo Mountain Disc Golf - Red; 18 holes; Par 58; 4,497 ft.
Spilman Park Disc Golf Course - Spilman Park; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,757 ft.
Rockwater Park - Rockwater Park; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,499 ft.
Spilman Park Disc Golf Course - Spilman Park; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,757 ft.
Pendleton Fairways Disc Golf Course - Default Layout27 hole hybrid 2019; 27 holes; Par 94; 12,398 ft.
Prodigy Disc Presents The Grand Opening @ Buffalo Mountain Disc GolfB11-Jun to 12-Jun-2022MA3169736YesYes
Culpeper Memorial Open powered by Prodigy DiscB28-May to 29-May-2022MA3162759YesYes
Culpeper Memorial Open powered by Prodigy DiscB28-May to 29-May-2022MA3267746YesYes
Culpeper Memorial Open powered by Prodigy DiscB28-May to 29-May-2022MA3359799YesYes
The Secretariat at PendletonC14-Dec-2019MA31128749NoNo