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Amber Matthews #129105

Amber Matthews #129105

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Splinter City Disc Golf Course - WGE BLUE TEES ; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,573 ft.
Splinter City Disc Golf Course - WGE BLUE TEES ; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,573 ft.
Splinter City Disc Golf Course - Splinter City Blues; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,573 ft.
Splinter City Disc Golf Course - Splinter City Blues; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,573 ft.
Splinter City Disc Golf Course - Master Splinter City Blues; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,573 ft.
Splinter City Disc Golf Course - Master Splinter City Blues; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,573 ft.
Splinter City Disc Golf Course - Splinter City Front Long / Back Short; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,274 ft.
Splinter City Disc Golf Course - 18 Hole Par 57; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,450 ft.
Splinter City Disc Golf Course - 18 Hole Par 57; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,450 ft.
Splinter City Disc Golf Course - Blues Tees ; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,573 ft.
Splinter City Disc Golf Course - R2 Splinter City Blue Tees; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,573 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - 19 Hole Layout / Short Tees; 19 holes; Par 66; 6,394 ft.
MBO A Pool - R3 Splinter City Gold Tees; 18 holes; Par 58; 7,326 ft.
MBO A Pool - R2 Socastee Long Tees; 19 holes; Par 64; 7,394 ft.
MBO A Pool - R1 Splinter City Gold Tees; 18 holes; Par 58; 7,326 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - 19 SHORT TEE ; 19 holes; Par 66; 6,438 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - 19 SHORT TEE ; 19 holes; Par 66; 6,438 ft.
Arrowhead ; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,316 ft.
Arrowhead ; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,316 ft.
Sewee Outpost Disc Golf - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,517 ft.
Sewee Outpost Disc Golf - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,517 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - 19 hole layout shorts; 19 holes; Par 66; 6,394 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - Short Long week 10 ; 18 holes; Par 63; 6,700 ft.
Warrior Run Disc Golf at Stables Park - 18 holes par 54 ; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,000 ft.
Arrowhead County Club - The Water Way Course - Arrowhead ; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,346 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - 19 Hole Long Shootout ; 19 holes; Par 66; 7,346 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - 19 hole layout shorts; 19 holes; Par 66; 6,394 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - 19 hole layout shorts; 19 holes; Par 66; 6,394 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - 19 Hole Long Shootout ; 19 holes; Par 66; 7,346 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - 19 Hole Long Shootout ; 19 holes; Par 66; 7,346 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - 19 hole layout shorts; 19 holes; Par 66; 6,394 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - 19 hole layout shorts; 19 holes; Par 66; 6,394 ft.
Warrior Run Disc Golf at Stables Park - 18 holes par 54 ; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,000 ft.
Warrior Run Disc Golf at Stables Park - 22 Hole League Layout; 22 holes; Par 66; 7,000 ft.
Warrior Run Disc Golf at Stables Park - Soc Spring League 4th week; 22 holes; Par 66; 7,000 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - Altered time delay layout; 17 holes; Par 60; 6,048 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - Spike Hyzer Layout; 19 holes; Par 66; 6,458 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - 19 hole layout shorts; 19 holes; Par 66; 6,394 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - 19 hole layout shorts; 19 holes; Par 66; 6,394 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - 19 Long Tees; 19 holes; Par 66; 7,000 ft.
Socastee Recreation Park - 19 Long Tees Rd2; 19 holes; Par 66; 7,000 ft.
WGE - at the Beach - Presented by Myrtle Beach Disc Golf ClubC6-Aug-2022FA2263805YesYes
WGE - at the Beach - Presented by Myrtle Beach Disc Golf ClubC6-Aug-2022FA2169733YesYes
2022 Stephen Capalbo Memorial JamC23-Apr-2022FA1168739YesYes
2022 Stephen Capalbo Memorial JamC23-Apr-2022FA1267751YesYes
Master Splinter City 2B16-Apr-2022FPO163799YesYes
Master Splinter City 2B16-Apr-2022FPO270714YesYes
MBDGC 2-Wave WednesdaysL23-Mar to 27-Apr-2022FA1466810YesYes
The Chili Open 3C9-Jan-2021FA2263821YesYes
The Chili Open 3C9-Jan-2021FA2166787YesYes
Christmas Eve Early Presents C24-Dec-2020FA1167771NoNo
MBDGC 2020 Year-End Fundraiser ShootoutC28-Nov-2020FA1270740NoNo
MBDGC 2020 Year-End Fundraiser ShootoutC28-Nov-2020FA1174824NoNo
2020 Myrtle Beach OpenA23-Oct to 25-Oct-2020FA1384720NoNo
2020 Myrtle Beach OpenA23-Oct to 25-Oct-2020FA1290776NoNo
2020 Myrtle Beach OpenA23-Oct to 25-Oct-2020FA1184723NoNo
Inside the Circle Championship C26-Sep-2020FA2281768NoNo
Inside the Circle Championship C26-Sep-2020FA2182759NoNo
The Invitational at Arrowhead C18-Jul-2020FA2173785NoNo
The Invitational at Arrowhead C18-Jul-2020FA2279726NoNo
EverGreen OpenC20-Jun-2020FA2163768NoNo
EverGreen OpenC20-Jun-2020FA2266730NoNo
Wednesday SuperFlex ShootoutL3-Jun to 12-Aug-2020FA2672833NoNo
Wednesday SuperFlex ShootoutL3-Jun to 12-Aug-2020FA21080755NoNo
Wednesday SuperFlex ShootoutL3-Jun to 12-Aug-2020FA2866754NoNo
Wednesday SuperFlex ShootoutL3-Jun to 12-Aug-2020FA2771789NoNo
Wednesday SuperFlex ShootoutL3-Jun to 12-Aug-2020FA2578806NoNo
Wednesday SuperFlex ShootoutL3-Jun to 12-Aug-2020FA2476795NoNo
Wednesday SuperFlex ShootoutL3-Jun to 12-Aug-2020FA2379768NoNo
Wednesday SuperFlex ShootoutL3-Jun to 12-Aug-2020FA2286735NoNo
Wednesday SuperFlex ShootoutL3-Jun to 12-Aug-2020FA2977814NoNo
SocaTree ShakeDown C15-Mar-2020FA2180799NoNo
SocaTree ShakeDown C15-Mar-2020FA2286747NoNo
Socastee Spring LeagueL15-Feb to 11-Apr-2020FA1371708NoNo
Socastee Spring LeagueL15-Feb to 11-Apr-2020FA1284656NoNo
Socastee Spring LeagueL15-Feb to 11-Apr-2020FA1479778NoNo
Spike Hyzer's: Myrtle Beach Invitational VIC1-Feb-2020FA1274791NoNo
Spike Hyzer's: Myrtle Beach Invitational VIC1-Feb-2020FA1191711NoNo
Myrtle Beach Chili Open IIC11-Jan-2020FA2289707NoNo
Myrtle Beach Chili Open IIC11-Jan-2020FA2188715NoNo
MBDGC 2019 Year-End Fundraiser ShootoutXC21-Dec-2019FA2194717NoNo
MBDGC 2019 Year-End Fundraiser ShootoutXC21-Dec-2019FA2288714NoNo