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Clifton McDonnell #12920

Clifton McDonnell #12920

Clifton McDonnell 12920's picture
Clifton McDonnell 12920's picture

Player Info

  • Location: Columbia, Missouri, United States
  • Classification: Amateur
  • Member Since: 1997
  • Membership Status: Current (through 31-Dec-2024)
  • Current Rating: 881 (as of 09-Apr-2024)
  • Career Events: 26
  • Career Wins: 3
  • Global Masters Series 2024 Rank: #3538

Player Statistics

2024 Season Totals


MP50 · Mixed Pro 50+13.00$0
Pro Totals:13.00$0

2024 Tournament Results

MP50 · Mixed Pro 50+

33.00Rendezvous at Oakland sponsored by Grow and ThrowC06-Apr-2024