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Jordan Brewer #132562

Jordan Brewer #132562

Player Info

Ratings Detail

The Admiral - White Tees; 18 holes; Par 65; 8,217 ft.
The Admiral - Admiral Red White & You RED; 22 holes; Par 78; 6,731 ft.
The Admiral - Admiral Red White & You Round WHITE; 22 holes; Par 78; 8,355 ft.
Langan Municipal Park - Municipal whites long pins; 20 holes; Par 64; 7,252 ft.
University of South Alabama - Southside Smackdown 18 par 64; 20 holes; Par 64; 7,140 ft.
The Admiral - Admiral Red White & You Round WHITE; 22 holes; Par 78; 8,355 ft.
The Admiral - Admiral Red White & You RED; 22 holes; Par 78; 6,731 ft.
Chickasabogue County Park - New Ridge - Ridge 1; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,546 ft.
Chickasabogue County Park - Original - PALMETTO 1; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,276 ft.
The Admiral - Admiral Red; 18 holes; Par 65; 5,518 ft.
The Admiral - Admiral Red; 18 holes; Par 65; 5,518 ft.
COM MADGA FLEX C29-Mar-2023MA2174852YesYes
Red, White, & YOU - RED,GREEN,PURPLEC30-Jul-2022RAE169920YesYes
Red, White, & YOU - RED,GREEN,PURPLEC30-Jul-2022RAE277911YesYes
Southside Smackdown 18 Presented by Dynamic DiscsC23-Apr-2022MA2161945YesYes
Southside Smackdown 18 Presented by Dynamic DiscsC23-Apr-2022MA2263952YesYes
The Red, White, and YOU presented by Mobile Disc Golf PaparazziC31-Jul-2021RAE187851YesYes
The Red, White, and YOU presented by Mobile Disc Golf PaparazziC31-Jul-2021RAE270910YesYes
SkySouth presents The Memorial Day Am-JamC29-May-2021MA21126206YesNo
SkySouth presents The Memorial Day Am-JamC29-May-2021MA2255877YesYes
Southside Winter Slam Driven By InnovaC8-Feb-2020MA4163873NoNo
Southside Winter Slam Driven By InnovaC8-Feb-2020MA4259913NoNo