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Enn Kuldjärv #137606

Enn Kuldjärv #137606

Player Info

  • Location: Keila, Estonia
  • Classification: Amateur
  • Member Since: 2020
  • Membership Status: Expired (as of 31-Dec-2023)
  • Career Events: 3

Ratings Detail

Kõrvemaa Prodigy Disc Golf Park - Sportland Kõrvemaa AM; 18 holes; Par 58; 1,568 m
Kõrvemaa Prodigy Disc Golf Park - Sportland Kõrvemaa PRO; 18 holes; Par 59; 2,223 m
Kõrvemaa Prodigy Disc Golf Park - Sportland Kõrvemaa AM; 18 holes; Par 58; 1,568 m
Mäetaguse Disc Golf Park - Royal Bear - Kuninglik Karu; 18 holes; Par 66; 3,075 m
Kiviõli Seikluskeskuse Discgolfpark - Black Rabbit - Must Jänes; 18 holes; Par 59; 1,861 m
Alutaguse Disc Golf Park - Golden Eagle - Kuldne Kotkas ; 18 holes; Par 64; 2,649 m
Alutaguse Disc Golf Park - Kuldne Kotkas 2020; 18 holes; Par 64; 2,649 m
Mäetaguse Disc Golf Park - Kuninglik Karu; 18 holes; Par 64; 2,877 m
Mäetaguse Disc Golf Park - Kuninglik Karu Finals; 18 holes; Par 64; 2,877 m
Sportland esitleb: Prodigy ChampionshipC27-Aug to 28-Aug-2022MA3157848YesYes
Sportland esitleb: Prodigy ChampionshipC27-Aug to 28-Aug-2022MA3266870YesYes
Sportland esitleb: Prodigy ChampionshipC27-Aug to 28-Aug-2022MA3356860YesYes
ET#7 - Baltic Disc Golf Championships Alutaguse Open presented by Innova Champion DiscsA1-Jul to 3-Jul-2022MA3181856YesYes
ET#7 - Baltic Disc Golf Championships Alutaguse Open presented by Innova Champion DiscsA1-Jul to 3-Jul-2022MA3269822YesYes
ET#7 - Baltic Disc Golf Championships Alutaguse Open presented by Innova Champion DiscsA1-Jul to 3-Jul-2022MA3372916YesYes
BDGC Alutaguse Open 2020 Sponsored by Innova Champion DiscsA24-Jul to 26-Jul-2020MA4173886NoNo
BDGC Alutaguse Open 2020 Sponsored by Innova Champion DiscsA24-Jul to 26-Jul-2020MA4272893NoNo
BDGC Alutaguse Open 2020 Sponsored by Innova Champion DiscsA24-Jul to 26-Jul-2020MA4Finals74860NoNo