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Chris DeHaan #13911

Chris DeHaan #13911

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Kress Creek Farms Disc Golf Course - Halloween FleXL ; 18 holes; Par 60; 7,232 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Shady Strokes Short 2022; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,000 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Shady Strokes Long 2022; 18 holes; Par 60; 7,500 ft.
Kress Creek Farms Disc Golf Course - OG 18; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,040 ft.
Kress Creek Farms Disc Golf Course - OG 13 with 5 B pins; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,900 ft.
Walnut Hollow - Long - Walnut Hollow; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,630 ft.
Fel-Pro RRR Disc Golf Course - Fel-Pro RRR; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,418 ft.
Kress Creek Farms Disc Golf Course - OG 18; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,105 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - 2022 Shady Strokes Longs (18 sewer); 18 holes; Par 60; 7,330 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Croak at the Oaks; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,753 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Croak at the Oaks; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,753 ft.
The Canyons at Dellwood Park - Masters - Uppers; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,810 ft.
The Canyons at Dellwood Park - Masters - Uppers; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,810 ft.
Kress Creek Farms Disc Golf Course - Monster Jr.; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,800 ft.
Kress Creek Farms Disc Golf Course - MONSTER 2022; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,165 ft.
West Main Park - Main; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,896 ft.
Anna Page Park - South - Main; 18 holes; Par 61; 6,749 ft.
Anna Page Park - West - Spring Thing 2022 Mix; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,752 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Shady Christmas 21; 21 holes; Par 63; 6,720 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Shady Strokes Short 2021; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,810 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Shady Strokes Long 2021; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,468 ft.
Fel-Pro RRR Disc Golf Course - 2020 Redesign; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,418 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Shady Strokes Mostly Short; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,970 ft.
The Canyons at Dellwood Park - Canyons Orig 18, 6A, 6E White A Pins; 20 holes; Par 66; 6,550 ft.
Highland (Pilcher) Park - Highland White 16Alt A (10,11 B); 18 holes; Par 58; 5,952 ft.
Rolling Knolls Disc Golf Course - Rolling Knolls Long Pins; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,396 ft.
Rolling Knolls Disc Golf Course - Spring 2021; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,493 ft.
Indian Oaks - Classic 20, Short 8; 20 holes; Par 62; 6,462 ft.
Indian Oaks - Classic 20, Long 8; 20 holes; Par 62; 6,634 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - 2020 Shady Christmas; 20 holes; Par 62; 7,148 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Shady Strokes 2020 Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,859 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Shady Strokes 2020 Longs; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,438 ft.
Lemon Lake County Park - White - White; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,136 ft.
Lemon Lake County Park - Red - Red Rd2; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,060 ft.
The Canyons at Dellwood Park - Dellwood Orig 18 White A; 18 holes; Par 59; 5,730 ft.
Highland (Pilcher) Park - Highland White RLR; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,134 ft.
Walnut Hollow - Long - Long w/ OB's; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,635 ft.
Katherine Legge Memorial Park - White Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,510 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Shady Christmas Layout; 20 holes; Par 63; 7,189 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Short Pins; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,030 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Long Pins; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,285 ft.
Anna Page Park - East - Long Tees to Long Pins; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,780 ft.
Anna Page Park - South - Regular Tees; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,556 ft.
Rolling Knolls Disc Golf Course - Odds Long, Evens Short; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,325 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Alternate; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,319 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Alternate; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,319 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - June Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,329 ft.
Rolling Knolls Disc Golf Course - Longs minus Hole 3; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,492 ft.
The Canyons at Dellwood Park - White Tees, A Pins; 27 holes; Par 84; 8,284 ft.
Eagle Ridge Park at Civic Center - White Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,018 ft.
Highland (Pilcher) Park - Highland White Tees; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,134 ft.
Rolling Knolls Disc Golf Course - Short Pins; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,952 ft.
Rolling Knolls Disc Golf Course - Long Pins; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,592 ft.
Rolling Knolls Disc Golf Course - April Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,445 ft.
Katherine Legge Memorial Park - White Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,510 ft.
Rolling Knolls Disc Golf Course - May Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,472 ft.
Rolling Knolls Disc Golf Course - 2019 Spring Thing Round 1; 20 holes; Par 64; 6,828 ft.
Rolling Knolls Disc Golf Course - 2019 Spring Thing Round 2; 20 holes; Par 64; 6,860 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Shady Christmas Layout; 20 holes; Par 63; 7,047 ft.
The Canyons at Dellwood Park - Canyons 27 White B; 27 holes; Par 86; 8,558 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Short Pins; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,060 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Long Pins; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,251 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Long Pins; 18 holes; Par 58; 7,038 ft.
The Canyons at Dellwood Park - Original 18 Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,866 ft.
West Park - Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,239 ft.
Katherine Legge Memorial Park - White Tees ; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,510 ft.
Anna Page Park - South - Anna Page Park - South; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,365 ft.
Anna Page Park - West - Anna Page Park - West; 18 holes; Par 58; 7,386 ft.
The Canyons at Dellwood Park - Canyons White Tees; 24 holes; Par 78; 7,561 ft.
Highland (Pilcher) Park - Highland Blue Tees; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,884 ft.
Margreth Riemer Reservoir - Default Layout; 22 holes; Par 66; 6,594 ft.
Margreth Riemer Reservoir - no temps; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,694 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - alternate; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,533 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - regular; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,214 ft.
Squaw Creek Gold DGC - Gold layout; 18 holes; Par 65; 8,075 ft.
Trinity Links - Short Tees; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,300 ft.
The Canyons at Dellwood Park - White Tees 27 Holes; 27 holes; Par 85; 8,284 ft.
Kress Creek Farms Disc Golf Course - Regular Tees; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,287 ft.
Shady Oaks Park - Regular Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,090 ft.
The Oaks - Mixed Tees 27 Holes; 27 holes; Par 81; 8,314 ft.
Rolling Knolls Disc Golf Course - Spring Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,495 ft.
Fox River Park - Grey Fox - Regular Tees; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,692 ft.
Rolling Knolls Disc Golf Course - Spring Thing Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,495 ft.
Rolling Knolls Disc Golf Course - Spring Thing Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,495 ft.
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 59
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 59
The Canyons at Dellwood White 27; 27 holes; Par 85; 8,408 ft.
Anna Page Park - West; 18 holes; Par 57; 7,058 ft.
Rolling Knolls Original Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,229 ft.
Squaw Creek Gold DGC w/ Stockade; 19 holes; Par 69; 8,075 ft.
Shady Oaks Park Regular teepads w/ Long 10; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,090 ft.
Shady Oaks Park Alternate Teepads w/ Long 10; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,510 ft.
Rolling Knolls Original Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,229 ft.
Rolling Knolls Original Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,229 ft.
Dellwood White 24; 24 holes; Par 78
Highland Blue Tees; 18 holes; Par 60
Anna Page East Longs; 18 holes; Par 59
Shady Oaks Alternate w/ 10 Long; 18 holes; Par 58
Rolling Knolls Original Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,229 ft.
Katherine Legge Memorial Park White Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,510 ft.
Rolling Knolls Original Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,229 ft.
Shady Oaks Regular; 18 holes; Par 55
Shady Oaks Alternate; 18 holes; Par 57
Dellwood White 24; 24 holes; Par 76
Shady Oaks Regular; 18 holes; Par 55
Dellwood Blue 18; 18 holes; Par 59
Shady Oaks Alternate; 18 holes; Par 57
Katherine Legge Memorial Whites; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Shady Oaks Alternate w/ 10 Long; 18 holes; Par 58
Eagle Ridge Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54
round 1; 18 holes; Par 56
round 1; 18 holes; Par 56
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56
Short Pins; 18 holes; Par 56
Long Pins; 18 holes; Par 60
White; 19 holes; Par 60
Gold; 19 holes; Par 68
2014 IL States Pro Blue; 24 holes; Par 78
2014 IL States Pro White; 24 holes; Par 75
Short layout; 18 holes; Par 55
Long Pins; 18 holes; Par 58
Grey Fox - Classic Pins; 18 holes; Par 54
Grey Fox - Classic Pins; 18 holes; Par 54
Blue, 6 Pro Temps; 24 holes; Par 78
White, 6 Pro Temps; 24 holes; Par 75
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55
HOMIE Silver; 18 holes; Par 60
HOMIE Blue; 18 holes; Par 58
Long Blue; 18 holes; Par 58
Long Blue; 18 holes; Par 58
Gold; 18 holes; Par 63
Red Worlds; 18 holes; Par 59
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
18 Concrete Tees and 2 Temp Holes Alt Pins; 20 holes; Par 61
18 Concrete Tees and 2 Temp Holes; 20 holes; Par 61
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Unknown Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Halloween FleXL at Kress Creek Farms C29-Oct-2022MP50161898NoNo
Shady Strokes at Shady Oaks - presented by Birdbrain Disc GolfC23-Oct-2022MP40162879NoNo
Shady Strokes at Shady Oaks - presented by Birdbrain Disc GolfC23-Oct-2022MP40269907NoNo
2022 David Reed MemorialB1-Oct-2022MP40159871NoNo
2022 David Reed MemorialB1-Oct-2022MP40262894NoNo
Cary Crosstown Classic 2022 - Presented by Hart Dental - Sponsored by Lucky Disc Golf and Dynamic DiscsB27-Aug-2022MP40173836NoNo
Cary Crosstown Classic 2022 - Presented by Hart Dental - Sponsored by Lucky Disc Golf and Dynamic DiscsB27-Aug-2022MP40255895NoNo
Birdbrain Sanctioned Sundays 2022 - FallL27-Aug to 8-Oct-2022MPO557894NoNo
Birdbrain Sanctioned Sundays 2022 - FallL27-Aug to 8-Oct-2022MPO665896NoNo
Croak at the Oaks: Sponsored by Play it again sports SchaumburgC6-Aug-2022MA40160921NoNo
Croak at the Oaks: Sponsored by Play it again sports SchaumburgC6-Aug-2022MA40263893NoNo
Dellwood and The Masters of The CanyonsB11-Jun to 12-Jun-2022MP50162886NoNo
Dellwood and The Masters of The CanyonsB11-Jun to 12-Jun-2022MP50263876NoNo
The Manville Monster 2C8-May-2022MP40155927NoNo
The Manville Monster 2C8-May-2022MP40255953NoNo
Birdbrain Sanctioned Sundays 2022 - SpringL11-Apr to 6-Jun-2022MA1262905NoNo
Birdbrain Sanctioned Sundays 2022 - SpringL11-Apr to 6-Jun-2022MA1362956NoNo
Birdbrain Sanctioned Sundays 2022 - SpringL11-Apr to 6-Jun-2022MA1461881NoNo
A Shady ChristmasC26-Dec-2021MA1161957NoNo
Shady Strokes at Shady Oaks presented by Birdbrain DGCC10-Oct-2021MP40159862NoNo
Shady Strokes at Shady Oaks presented by Birdbrain DGCC10-Oct-2021MP40262910NoNo
Birdbrain Sanctioned Sundays 2021 - Fall SessionL29-Aug to 3-Oct-2021MA1251938NoNo
Birdbrain Sanctioned Sundays 2021 - Fall SessionL29-Aug to 3-Oct-2021MA1652921NoNo
39th Illinois State Disc Golf ChampionshipsB14-Aug to 15-Aug-2021MP40164876NoNo
39th Illinois State Disc Golf ChampionshipsB14-Aug to 15-Aug-2021MP40264864NoNo
ParKings Summer Traveling LeagueL12-Jun to 14-Aug-2021MPO857923NoNo
Birdbrain Sanctioned Sundays 2021 - Spring SessionL11-Apr to 13-Jun-2021MA1155927NoNo
The Spring Thing presented by Castle Chiropractic & Birdbrain Disc Golf ClubC28-Mar-2021MP40170911NoNo
The Spring Thing presented by Castle Chiropractic & Birdbrain Disc Golf ClubC28-Mar-2021MP40273884NoNo
A Shady ChristmasC20-Dec-2020MP40165914NoNo
Shady Strokes at Shady Oaks - presented by Birdbrain Disc Golf ClubC20-Sep-2020MP40158880NoNo
Shady Strokes at Shady Oaks - presented by Birdbrain Disc Golf ClubC20-Sep-2020MP40262926NoNo
2020 Discontinuum Club Challenge InvitationalXC2-Aug-2020MA2154893NoNo
2020 Discontinuum Club Challenge InvitationalXC2-Aug-2020MA2260902NoNo
38th Illinois State Disc Golf Championships - All DivisionsB11-Jul to 12-Jul-2020MP40161823NoNo
38th Illinois State Disc Golf Championships - All DivisionsB11-Jul to 12-Jul-2020MP40263885NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sundays - SummerL14-Jun to 26-Jul-2020MA1267901NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sundays - SummerL14-Jun to 26-Jul-2020MA1356849NoNo
A Shady Christmas presented by Birdbrain DGC and Skulls BrotherhoodC22-Dec-2019MPO162941NoNo
Shady Strokes at Shady Oaks - presented by Birdbrain Disc GolfC6-Oct-2019MPO162859NoNo
Shady Strokes at Shady Oaks - presented by Birdbrain Disc GolfC6-Oct-2019MPO259940NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sundays - FallL11-Aug to 29-Sep-2019MPO258954NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sundays - FallL11-Aug to 29-Sep-2019MPO364910NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sundays - FallL11-Aug to 29-Sep-2019MPO554954NoNo
DGU Invitational VIIC15-Jun-2019MP40162876NoNo
DGU Invitational VIIC15-Jun-2019MP40258917NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sundays - SummerL15-Jun to 4-Aug-2019MPO261899NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sundays - SummerL15-Jun to 4-Aug-2019MPO353946NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sundays - SummerL15-Jun to 4-Aug-2019MPO478933NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sundays - SummerL15-Jun to 4-Aug-2019MPO552873NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sundays - SummerL15-Jun to 4-Aug-2019MPO662892NoNo
The Northern Illinois Open - Pro/Adv presented by IMSAB8-Jun-2019MPO156905NoNo
The Northern Illinois Open - Pro/Adv presented by IMSAB8-Jun-2019MPO258927NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sundays - SpringL7-Apr to 2-Jun-2019MPO456938NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sundays - SpringL7-Apr to 2-Jun-2019MPO554895NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sundays - SpringL7-Apr to 2-Jun-2019MPO759909NoNo
2nd Annual Spring Thing presented by Discraft & Birdbrain Disc Golf ClubC31-Mar-2019MP40168883NoNo
2nd Annual Spring Thing presented by Discraft & Birdbrain Disc Golf ClubC31-Mar-2019MP40267889NoNo
A Shady ChristmasC23-Dec-2018MA1160962NoNo
Greater Joliet Bag TagsL10-Nov to 29-Dec-2018MPO389891NoNo
Shady Strokes at Shady Oaks presented by Birdbrain Disc Golf ClubC23-Sep-2018MP40154931NoNo
Shady Strokes at Shady Oaks presented by Birdbrain Disc Golf ClubC23-Sep-2018MP40262911NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League IIIL29-Jul to 16-Sep-2018MA1156957NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League IIIL29-Jul to 16-Sep-2018MA1263884NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League IIIL29-Jul to 16-Sep-2018MA1351924NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League IIIL29-Jul to 16-Sep-2018MA1653908NoNo
A Mid Summer's Flight presented by Birdbrain Disc GolfC22-Jul-2018MA1163903NoNo
A Mid Summer's Flight presented by Birdbrain Disc GolfC22-Jul-2018MA1266876NoNo
36th Illinois State Disc Golf Championships - Pro/AdvB30-Jun-2018MP40173915NoNo
36th Illinois State Disc Golf Championships - Pro/AdvB30-Jun-2018MP40270877NoNo
2018 Palatine Classic (GDG $5K/$10K Event)B17-Jun-2018MP40165883NoNo
2018 Palatine Classic (GDG $5K/$10K Event)B17-Jun-2018MP40253909NoNo
DGU Invitational VIC9-Jun-2018MP40154942NoNo
DGU Invitational VIC9-Jun-2018MP40252937NoNo
Birdbrain Sanctioned Sunday League IIL3-Jun to 15-Jul-2018MA1370903NoNo
Birdbrain Sanctioned Sunday League IIL3-Jun to 15-Jul-2018MA1652952NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday LeagueL8-Apr to 27-May-2018MA1278934NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday LeagueL8-Apr to 27-May-2018MA1354923NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday LeagueL8-Apr to 27-May-2018MA1456967NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday LeagueL8-Apr to 27-May-2018MA1578929NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday LeagueL8-Apr to 27-May-2018MA1654947NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday LeagueL8-Apr to 27-May-2018MA1856936NoNo
Spring Thing presented by Birdbrain Disc Golf ClubC25-Mar-2018MA1161888NoNo
Spring Thing presented by Birdbrain Disc Golf ClubC25-Mar-2018MA1257928NoNo
IOS #86 - Throwdown at Rolling Knolls - All Other DivisionsB13-Aug-2017MM1157894NoNo
IOS #86 - Throwdown at Rolling Knolls - All Other DivisionsB13-Aug-2017MM1254928NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League 3L6-Aug to 1-Oct-2017MA1180924NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League 3L6-Aug to 1-Oct-2017MA1353939NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League 3L6-Aug to 1-Oct-2017MA1455905NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League 3L6-Aug to 1-Oct-2017MA1571912NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League 3L6-Aug to 1-Oct-2017MA1654914NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League 3L6-Aug to 1-Oct-2017MA1756909NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League 3L6-Aug to 1-Oct-2017MA1850963NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League 3L6-Aug to 1-Oct-2017MA1954916NoNo
35th Illinois State Disc Golf Championships - All Pro & All Advanced except MS1B1-Jul-2017MPM168955NoNo
35th Illinois State Disc Golf Championships - All Pro & All Advanced except MS1B1-Jul-2017MPM262958NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League 2L4-Jun to 30-Jul-2017MA1165859NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League 2L4-Jun to 30-Jul-2017MA1360930NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League 2L4-Jun to 30-Jul-2017MA1554927NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League 2L4-Jun to 30-Jul-2017MA1754876NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday League 2L4-Jun to 30-Jul-2017MA1855890NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday LeagueL26-Mar to 28-May-2017MA1155928NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday LeagueL26-Mar to 28-May-2017MA1261898NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday LeagueL26-Mar to 28-May-2017MA1371927NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday LeagueL26-Mar to 28-May-2017MA1457906NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday LeagueL26-Mar to 28-May-2017MA1561930NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday LeagueL26-Mar to 28-May-2017MA1655957NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday LeagueL26-Mar to 28-May-2017MA1755915NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday LeagueL26-Mar to 28-May-2017MA1858922NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday LeagueL26-Mar to 28-May-2017MA1960908NoNo
Birdbrain Disc Golf Sanctioned Sunday LeagueL26-Mar to 28-May-2017MA11051918NoNo
DGU Invitational IVC18-Jun-2016MA1152930NoNo
DGU Invitational IVC18-Jun-2016MA1256932NoNo
DGU Bag Tag SinglesL14-Apr to 19-May-2016MA1255902NoNo
DGU Bag Tag SinglesL14-Apr to 19-May-2016MA1351950NoNo
DGU Bag Tag SinglesL14-Apr to 19-May-2016MA1556890NoNo
DGU Invitational IIIC6-Jun-2015MA1153921NoNo
DGU Invitational IIIC6-Jun-2015MA1262868NoNo
IOS #65 Squaw Creek Summer Soiree Presented by Discontinuum (All Others)B10-Aug-2014MM1158875NoNo
IOS #65 Squaw Creek Summer Soiree Presented by Discontinuum (All Others)B10-Aug-2014MM1274896NoNo
32nd Illinois State Disc Golf Championships (All Pro & Adv Divisions except MS1)B19-Jul-2014MPM181910NoNo
32nd Illinois State Disc Golf Championships (All Pro & Adv Divisions except MS1)B19-Jul-2014MPM276908NoNo
DGU InvitationalC14-Jun-2014MA1157891NoNo
DGU InvitationalC14-Jun-2014MA1262906NoNo
Cold Turkey VIII - Pros & MA1C30-Nov-2013MPM161905NoNo
Cold Turkey VIII - Pros & MA1C30-Nov-2013MPM263885NoNo
31st Illinois State Disc Golf Championships - Pro/AdvB27-Jul-2013MM1180935NoNo
31st Illinois State Disc Golf Championships - Pro/AdvB27-Jul-2013MM1274945NoNo
DGU InvitationalC8-Jun-2013MA1155899NoNo
DGU InvitationalC8-Jun-2013MA1254963NoNo
2012 HOMIE Fall Celebration - All Adv, All ProB7-Oct-2012MM1159934NoNo
2012 HOMIE Fall Celebration - All Adv, All ProB7-Oct-2012MM1257921NoNo
2011 HOMIE Fall CelebrationB9-Oct-2011MA1162883NoNo
2011 HOMIE Fall CelebrationB9-Oct-2011MA1264863NoNo
2011 Indiana State Championships - PROB10-Jul-2011MPO172913NoNo
2011 Indiana State Championships - PROB10-Jul-2011MPO258940NoNo
9th Annual Homie Fall CelebrationB10-Oct-2010MA1163871NoNo
9th Annual Homie Fall CelebrationB10-Oct-2010MA1257896NoNo
23rd Channahon Classic - Pro/AdvB26-Sep-2010MA1161956NoNo
23rd Channahon Classic - Pro/AdvB26-Sep-2010MA1258914NoNo
IOS #8 - The Doug Baker Memorial - All other divisionsB12-Sep-2010MA1167878NoNo
IOS #8 - The Doug Baker Memorial - All other divisionsB12-Sep-2010MA1258941NoNo
8th Annual Homie Fall CelebrationB11-Oct-2009MA1156939NoNo
8th Annual Homie Fall CelebrationB11-Oct-2009MA1251982NoNo
20th Channahon Classic - Pro / AdvB23-Sep-2007MA1170922NoNo
20th Channahon Classic - Pro / AdvB23-Sep-2007MA1273927NoNo
27th Indiana State ChampionshipsB29-Jul-2007MA1159967NoNo
27th Indiana State ChampionshipsB29-Jul-2007MA1264921NoNo
27th Illinois State Championships - Pro / AdvB15-Jul-2007MA1177937NoNo
27th Illinois State Championships - Pro / AdvB15-Jul-2007MA1277963NoNo
22nd Annual Oly Spring OpenerC29-Apr-2007MA1176927NoNo
22nd Annual Oly Spring OpenerC29-Apr-2007MA1279910NoNo
26th Illinois State Championships - Pro / AdvB9-Jul-2006MPO176958NoNo
26th Illinois State Championships - Pro / AdvB9-Jul-2006MPO285916NoNo
Lumber Cup - Pro/AdvC4-Jun-2006MPO179912NoNo
Lumber Cup - Pro/AdvC4-Jun-2006MPO279940NoNo
Homie MemorialB9-Oct-2005MPO163921NoNo
Homie MemorialB9-Oct-2005MPO273869NoNo
18th Channahon ClassicC25-Sep-2005MPO158912NoNo
18th Channahon ClassicC25-Sep-2005MPO263909NoNo
IOS #5 Stream Shady - Pro/AdvC/B14-Aug-2005MPO158932NoNo
IOS #5 Stream Shady - Pro/AdvC/B14-Aug-2005MPO258931NoNo
25th Illinois State ChampionshipsB10-Jul-2005MPO174957NoNo
25th Illinois State ChampionshipsB10-Jul-2005MPO281932NoNo
IOS #2 at Lombard - Pro / AdvC/B28-May-2005MPO162938NoNo
IOS #2 at Lombard - Pro / AdvC/B28-May-2005MPO270887NoNo
Oly Spring OpenerC1-May-2005MPO164969NoNo
Oly Spring OpenerC1-May-2005MPO268941NoNo
Illinois Series #2 - Crystal Cruise - SaturdayC/B24-Jul-2004MPT150929NoNo
Illinois Series #2 - Crystal Cruise - SaturdayC/B24-Jul-2004MPT251913NoNo
Illinois Series #1 - Streamwood Starter - SaturdayC/B26-Jun-2004MPT157889NoNo
Illinois Series #1 - Streamwood Starter - SaturdayC/B26-Jun-2004MPT252944NoNo