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Rafael Mediano #143065

Rafael Mediano #143065

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort and Casino - Red Tees; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,526 ft.
Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort and Casino - White Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,100 ft.
James Rooney Memorial Park - New Layout Short A; 22 holes; Par 71; 7,729 ft.
James Rooney Memorial Park - New Layout Short A; 22 holes; Par 71; 7,729 ft.
Ft. Stockton Disc Golf Course - Normal Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,724 ft.
Ft. Stockton Disc Golf Course - Normal Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,724 ft.
DISConnect One Day C-tier at the Inn of the Mountain GodsC30-Apr-2022MA50166854YesYes
DISConnect One Day C-tier at the Inn of the Mountain GodsC30-Apr-2022MA50261839YesYes
LowPutt Disc Golf Presents 7th Annual Comanche Springs BlowoutC22-May to 23-May-2021MA50187799YesYes
LowPutt Disc Golf Presents 7th Annual Comanche Springs BlowoutC22-May to 23-May-2021MA50282839YesYes
Low Putt Disc Golf Presents 6th Annual Comanche Springs BlowoutC15-Aug to 16-Aug-2020MA3163831NoNo
Low Putt Disc Golf Presents 6th Annual Comanche Springs BlowoutC15-Aug to 16-Aug-2020MA3262842NoNo