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David Huie #144095

David Huie #144095

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Zebulon Community Park - Zebulon Standard; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,233 ft.
East Carolina University - ECU Purple; 18 holes; Par 63; 8,029 ft.
Farmville Disc Golf Course - Farmville Hybrid; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,871 ft.
The Meadow at West Meadowbrook Park - Meadow Purple; 18 holes; Par 65; 7,708 ft.
Kentwood - MAIN; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,085 ft.
Jones Park - NCSU All Star Layout; 19 holes; Par 59; 5,958 ft.
Buckhorn at Harris Lake County Park - Blue Layout - Hole 1 in Long Position.; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,036 ft.
Buckhorn at Harris Lake County Park - All Star Long Pin 1; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,349 ft.
Buckhorn at Harris Lake County Park - All Star Short Pin 1; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,076 ft.
Goliath - BFB2023 - Goliath (longs); 18 holes; Par 62; 7,516 ft.
New London Tech Disc Golf Course - BFB2023 - NL Longs; 18 holes; Par 68; 11,583 ft.
BFB2023 Ivy Hill - Worlds Preview; 18 holes; Par 66; 11,589 ft.
Jones Park - NCSU Blues; 19 holes; Par 58; 6,412 ft.
Jones Park - NCSU All Star Layout; 19 holes; Par 59; 6,089 ft.
Jones Park - NCSU Whites Layout; 19 holes; Par 59; 5,616 ft.
Jones Park - NCSU Blues; 19 holes; Par 59; 6,541 ft.
Valley Springs Park - Big Valley All-Star; 22 holes; Par 71; 6,415 ft.
Valley Springs Park - Blue-Blue Four more; 22 holes; Par 73; 7,533 ft.
Valley Springs Park - White tees to short baskets; 22 holes; Par 67; 5,533 ft.
Cedar Hills Rotary Park - CADL Tags - Long Baskets (56) , Long 18; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,843 ft.
East Clayton Park - Blue Tees; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,085 ft.
Zebulon Community Park - Zebulon Rd2; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,499 ft.
East Clayton Park - Blue Tees; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,085 ft.
Cedar Hills Rotary Park - CADL Tags - Long Baskets (55); 18 holes; Par 55; 5,843 ft.
Cedar Hills Rotary Park - Short on 7 and 18, hole 13 par 4; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,608 ft.
Kentwood - MAIN; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,085 ft.
Diavolo at New Hope - Diavolo Fusion White (12 & 15 in B pin); 19 holes; Par 71; 8,534 ft.
Diavolo at New Hope - Diavolo Diciotto Blue (skip 4/5 and 14/15); 18 holes; Par 63; 8,491 ft.
Farmville Disc Golf Course - FarmVille ECO Pro; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,859 ft.
Cedar Hills Rotary Park - Short on 7 and 18, hole 13 par 4; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,608 ft.
Kentwood - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,107 ft.
Cedar Hills Rotary Park - CADL Tags - Long Baskets (56); 18 holes; Par 56; 6,000 ft.
Cedar Hills Rotary Park - CADL Tags - Long Tees except #7, #10, #18 - Short Baskets (55); 18 holes; Par 55; 5,314 ft.
Cedar Hills Rotary Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,579 ft.
Valley Springs Park - Blue-Blue Four more; 22 holes; Par 73; 7,533 ft.
Valley Springs Park - Big Valley All-Star; 18 holes; Par 57; 4,834 ft.
Valley Springs Park - White tees to short baskets; 22 holes; Par 67; 5,533 ft.
Valley Springs Park - Red (1-18); 18 holes; Par 54; 3,347 ft.
Diavolo at New Hope - Diavolo Tutte Le Stelle; 22 holes; Par 77; 9,143 ft.
Middle Creek High School - Short tee on 1, all long tees elsewhere; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,834 ft.
Middle Creek High School - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,866 ft.
Jones Park - NICU 23 Hole Layout; 23 holes; Par 71; 6,554 ft.
Falling Creek Park - Red - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,136 ft.
Independence Park - Shorts; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,284 ft.
Falling Creek Park - Red - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,136 ft.
Jones Park - Short Tees; 19 holes; Par 59; 5,904 ft.
Zebulon Community Park - Zebulon; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,499 ft.
East Clayton Park - White Tees; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,645 ft.
Cedar Hills Rotary Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,166 ft.
Ayden Park - Ayden District Park; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,480 ft.
Ayden Park - Ayden District Park; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,480 ft.
Farmville Disc Golf Course - DEPC 2020; 18 holes; Par 60; 7,276 ft.
Zebulon Flex XVC25-Nov-2024MA2164837YesYes
Down East Players Cup presented by Yeet Street DiscsA25-Oct to 27-Oct-2024MA2372857YesYes
Down East Players Cup presented by Yeet Street DiscsA25-Oct to 27-Oct-2024MA2267853YesYes
Down East Players Cup presented by Yeet Street DiscsA25-Oct to 27-Oct-2024MA2159975YesYes
Flexwood XXVC17-Jun-2024MA2151832YesYes
Wolfpack Fundraiser Flex Start VC8-Mar-2024MA2165852YesYes
CADL Presents: The 23rd Annual Buckhorn OpenB3-Feb to 4-Feb-2024MPO366892YesYes
CADL Presents: The 23rd Annual Buckhorn OpenB3-Feb to 4-Feb-2024MPO259915YesYes
CADL Presents: The 23rd Annual Buckhorn OpenB3-Feb to 4-Feb-2024MPO160889YesYes
The Bluechip Technologies Battle for Bedford presented by Destination BedfordB27-Oct to 29-Oct-2023MA1174899NoNo
The Bluechip Technologies Battle for Bedford presented by Destination BedfordB27-Oct to 29-Oct-2023MA1295863NoNo
The Bluechip Technologies Battle for Bedford presented by Destination BedfordB27-Oct to 29-Oct-2023MA1380950NoNo
The Red and White ClassicC14-Oct to 15-Oct-2023MA1175815NoNo
Wolfpack Fundraiser Flex Start IIIC1-Sep-2023MA1157932NoNo
Basket Bashers & CADL Inc Present: The 2023 North Carolina Amateur ShowcaseB19-Aug-2023MA1251961NoNo
Basket Bashers & CADL Inc Present: The 2023 North Carolina Amateur ShowcaseB19-Aug-2023MA1167880NoNo
Basket Bashers Disc Golf Presents: The 2023 Big Valley Challenge Sponsored by Motorco Music HallB10-Jun to 11-Jun-2023MA1374870NoNo
Basket Bashers Disc Golf Presents: The 2023 Big Valley Challenge Sponsored by Motorco Music HallB10-Jun to 11-Jun-2023MA1274944NoNo
Basket Bashers Disc Golf Presents: The 2023 Big Valley Challenge Sponsored by Motorco Music HallB10-Jun to 11-Jun-2023MA1165902NoNo
2023 CADL Wednesday League_Pt. 2L7-Jun to 19-Jul-2023MA1459871NoNo
40th Annual Dogwood Crosstown ClassicA31-Mar to 2-Apr-2023MA1373849NoNo
40th Annual Dogwood Crosstown ClassicA31-Mar to 2-Apr-2023MA1263900NoNo
40th Annual Dogwood Crosstown ClassicA31-Mar to 2-Apr-2023MA1172858NoNo
2023 CADL Tag LeagueL29-Mar to 3-May-2023MA1653928NoNo
Oak City CrosstownC18-Mar-2023MA1153925NoNo
Oak City CrosstownC18-Mar-2023MA1252834NoNo
CADL Inc. Presents: 2023 Winter Singles LeagueL15-Jan to 12-Mar-2023MA1172909NoNo
CADL Inc. Presents: 2023 Winter Singles LeagueL15-Jan to 12-Mar-2023MA1366911NoNo
BTW Global presents the 2022 ECO Tour powered by Prodigy Farmville - Pro/AMC6-Nov-2022MA1158871NoNo
Flex the Hills XC10-Oct-2022MA1155889NoNo
Saturday SinglesC16-Jul-2022MA1146915NoNo
CADL Wednesday Night TagsL6-Jul to 7-Sep-2022MA1358869NoNo
CADL Wednesday Night TagsL6-Jul to 7-Sep-2022MA1754885NoNo
Flex the Hills #5C4-Jul-2022MA1155912NoNo
Big Valley ChallengeB4-Jun to 5-Jun-2022MA1175931NoNo
Big Valley ChallengeB4-Jun to 5-Jun-2022MA1462831NoNo
Big Valley ChallengeB4-Jun to 5-Jun-2022MA1368865NoNo
Big Valley ChallengeB4-Jun to 5-Jun-2022MA1245933NoNo
The 2022 CADLBASH @ DiavoloC29-May-2022MA2179888NoNo
Flex the Creek #3C16-May-2022MA1155885NoNo
Flex the Creek #2C9-May-2022MA2153913NoNo
Passanante's Home Food Service and Fly Guy Disc Golf Present: The UNC Children's Hospital Fundraiser Driven by CADLXC20-Nov-2021MA2164943NoNo
BRDGT - The Battle for Bedford Presented by Bluechip TechnologiesB17-Sep to 19-Sep-2021MA2349946NoNo
BRDGT - The Battle for Bedford Presented by Bluechip TechnologiesB17-Sep to 19-Sep-2021MA2263923NoNo
BRDGT - The Battle for Bedford Presented by Bluechip TechnologiesB17-Sep to 19-Sep-2021MA2155869NoNo
Fly Guy Disc Golf hosts the CADL Quarterly at Jones Park Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC27-Jun-2021MA2158875NoNo
Republic Wireless presents the 38th Annual Dogwood Crosstown Classic, Driven by CADLA27-Mar to 28-Mar-2021MA2358918NoNo
Republic Wireless presents the 38th Annual Dogwood Crosstown Classic, Driven by CADLA27-Mar to 28-Mar-2021MA2259892NoNo
Republic Wireless presents the 38th Annual Dogwood Crosstown Classic, Driven by CADLA27-Mar to 28-Mar-2021MA2153921NoNo
GVDG Scholarship Shootout II presented by GVDG KidsC16-Jan-2021MA2261894NoNo
GVDG Scholarship Shootout II presented by GVDG KidsC16-Jan-2021MA2163874NoNo
Fly Guy presents DEP Cup Warm Up Flex Start Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC18-Sep-2020MA2166920NoNo