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Ben Schreff #147440

Ben Schreff #147440

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Sewee Outpost Disc Golf - Heavily Wooded; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,517 ft.
Sewee Outpost Disc Golf - Heavily Wooded; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,517 ft.
Sewee Outpost Disc Golf - Alternative Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 4,689 ft.
Sewee Outpost Disc Golf - Alternative Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 4,689 ft.
The Sarge at Sergeant Jasper Park - 20 hole layout White; 20 holes; Par 61; 5,900 ft.
The Sarge at Sergeant Jasper Park - 20 hole layout White; 20 holes; Par 61; 5,900 ft.
Sewee Outpost Disc Golf - Heavily Wooded; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,517 ft.
Sewee Outpost Disc Golf - Heavily Wooded; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,517 ft.
3rd Annual Beyond the DiscC11-Sep-2021MA3155896YesYes
3rd Annual Beyond the DiscC11-Sep-2021MA3259848YesYes
2021 Sewee Sling: A CDGC Fundraiser for the Charleston Classic - Driven by InnovaC10-Jul-2021MA3162867YesYes
2021 Sewee Sling: A CDGC Fundraiser for the Charleston Classic - Driven by InnovaC10-Jul-2021MA3259899YesYes
Springtime @ the SargeC20-Mar-2021MA3161830YesYes
Springtime @ the SargeC20-Mar-2021MA3262818YesYes
Beyond the Disc 2nd AnnualC21-Nov-2020MA3159849NoNo
Beyond the Disc 2nd AnnualC21-Nov-2020MA3261825NoNo