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Dung Le #148049

Dung Le #148049

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Hudson Mills Metropark - Original - Hudson Combo - long tees; 18 holes; Par 57; 7,092 ft.
The Gulch at Merrill Park West - 18 Short; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,632 ft.
The Gulch at Merrill Park West - 18 Short; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,632 ft.
Huron Valley Spring SinglesL9-Mar to 11-May-2021MA2167843YesYes
A3Disc Fall 2020 Singles LeagueL14-Sep to 26-Oct-2020MA1567767YesYes
A3Disc Fall 2020 Singles LeagueL14-Sep to 26-Oct-2020MA1766779YesYes