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Ryan Bujol #150872

Ryan Bujol #150872

Player Info

Ratings Detail

2022 Red Stick Rumble; 22 holes; Par 72; 7,743 ft.
2022 Red Stick Rumble; 22 holes; Par 72; 7,743 ft.
The Admiral - Admiral Whites; 18 holes; Par 65; 7,186 ft.
Cottage Hill Park - Whites; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,000 ft.
University of South Alabama - Whites; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,227 ft.
City Park - CP current course red tees long baskets (POG22); 18 holes; Par 59; 6,330 ft.
City park old course POG 22; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,884 ft.
St. Julien - Jester Blend 2.0 ; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,489 ft.
Magnolia Park - Concrete Tees; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,540 ft.
Pool G: Searight Park - Searight Park; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,173 ft.
Pool H: Williamson County Disc Golf Course - Williamson Wilco; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,110 ft.
Pool G: Cat Hollow Disc Golf Course - Cat Hollow; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,301 ft.
Pool H: Searight Park - Searight Park; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,173 ft.
Pool G: Williamson County Disc Golf Course - Williamson Wilco Rd3; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,110 ft.
Pool H: Cat Hollow Disc Golf Course - Cat Hollow Rd3; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,301 ft.
Pool G: Williamson County Disc Golf Course - Williamson Wilco Semis; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,110 ft.
Louisiana Healthcare Connections DiscGolfPark - 2021 Hurricane Ida Layout Pool B; 20 holes; Par 60; 4,455 ft.
Louisiana Healthcare Connections DiscGolfPark - 2021 Hurricane Ida Layout Pool B; 20 holes; Par 60; 4,455 ft.
The Preserve at Graham Creek Nature Preserve - Preserve White; 18 holes; Par 59; 5,761 ft.
The Prairie at Graham Creek Nature Preserve - Prairie White; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,859 ft.
Solomon Disc Golf Course - 2021 SOLOMON CENTER OPEN; 23 holes; Par 73; 6,460 ft.
Solomon Disc Golf Course - 2021 SOLOMON CENTER OPEN; 23 holes; Par 73; 6,460 ft.
Solomon Disc Golf Course - 2021 SOLOMON CENTER OPEN; 23 holes; Par 73; 6,460 ft.
City Park - NADGT 1st round; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,078 ft.
City Park - NADGT 2nd round; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,703 ft.
Magnolia Park - NADGT Concrete Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,540 ft.
Magnolia Park - NADGT Modified 13 hole; 13 holes; Par 39; 3,356 ft.
Magnolia Park - NADGT Concrete Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,540 ft.
Parc des Familles Disc Golf Course - White Tees; 20 holes; Par 71; 8,086 ft.
Parc des Familles Disc Golf Course - Red Tees; 20 holes; Par 71; 6,361 ft.
Solomon Disc Golf Course - The Bunny Toss; 19 holes; Par 60; 5,440 ft.
Solomon Disc Golf Course - The Bunny Toss; 19 holes; Par 60; 5,440 ft.
Red Stick RumbleC4-Jun-2022MA2280868YesYes
Red Stick RumbleC4-Jun-2022MA2184837YesYes
29th City of Mobile ChampionshipsA/B6-May to 8-May-2022MA2369887YesYes
29th City of Mobile ChampionshipsA/B6-May to 8-May-2022MA2267815YesYes
29th City of Mobile ChampionshipsA/B6-May to 8-May-2022MA2160917YesYes
2022 Pot of Gold hosted by New Orleans Disc Golf Club (NO Team)B/C19-Mar to 20-Mar-2022MA2257936YesYes
2022 Pot of Gold hosted by New Orleans Disc Golf Club (NO Team)B/C19-Mar to 20-Mar-2022MA2156871YesYes
Cajun Jesters Charity Bash, Sponsored by Thought Space Athletics (CEP Charity - Rated)XC19-Feb-2022MA2260911YesYes
Cajun Jesters Charity Bash, Sponsored by Thought Space Athletics (CEP Charity - Rated)XC19-Feb-2022MA2163834YesYes
NADGT-National ChampionshipsB/A28-Oct to 31-Oct-2021MA3268903YesYes
NADGT-National ChampionshipsB/A28-Oct to 31-Oct-2021MA3160873YesYes
NADGT-National ChampionshipsB/A28-Oct to 31-Oct-2021MA3355899YesYes
NADGT-National ChampionshipsB/A28-Oct to 31-Oct-2021MA3Semis67878YesYes
7th Annual Capital City Crush Driven by InnovaC23-Oct-2021MA3253919YesYes
7th Annual Capital City Crush Driven by InnovaC23-Oct-2021MA3158856YesYes
6th Annual Mid Summer Meltdown sponsored by Dynamic DiscsA16-Jul to 18-Jul-2021MA3259880YesYes
6th Annual Mid Summer Meltdown sponsored by Dynamic DiscsA16-Jul to 18-Jul-2021MA3155841YesYes
The Solomon Center OpenB3-Jul to 4-Jul-2021MA3376861YesYes
The Solomon Center OpenB3-Jul to 4-Jul-2021MA3271906YesYes
The Solomon Center OpenB3-Jul to 4-Jul-2021MA3171906YesYes
NADGT Exclusive @ NoLa City ParkB5-Jun-2021MA3155902YesYes
NADGT Exclusive @ NoLa City ParkB5-Jun-2021MA3261855YesYes
NADGT Exclusive @ Magnolia DGCB22-May to 23-May-2021MA3262868NoNo
NADGT Exclusive @ Magnolia DGCB22-May to 23-May-2021MA3141864NoNo
NADGT Exclusive @ Magnolia DGCB22-May to 23-May-2021MA3366826NoNo
The Battle of BaratariaB8-May-2021MA3275882NoNo
The Battle of BaratariaB8-May-2021MA3162908NoNo
The Bunny TossC3-Apr-2021MA3267824NoNo
The Bunny TossC3-Apr-2021MA3157930NoNo