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Thomas Matthews #152500

Thomas Matthews #152500

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Barwon Valley Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 1,950 m
Barwon Valley Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 1,950 m
Inverleigh Disc Golf Course - Gold; 18 holes; Par 64; 2,906 m
Inverleigh Disc Golf Course - Gold; 18 holes; Par 64; 2,906 m
The 11th Annual Rudolph RiotC5-Dec-2020MA4159906YesYes
The 11th Annual Rudolph RiotC5-Dec-2020MA4257927YesYes
Aussie Disc Golf Day - Inverleigh Open 2020C21-Nov-2020MA4179838YesYes
Aussie Disc Golf Day - Inverleigh Open 2020C21-Nov-2020MA4275871YesYes