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Cassius Medeiros #153073

Cassius Medeiros #153073

Player Info

Career Wins

10-Jun-2023NDGC presents Treasure Cove Summer Series: Walk the PlankMixed Junior ≤18C
05-Mar-2023The BOB - Battle of Blair #3Mixed Junior ≤15C
31-Jul-2022Nebraska Disc Golf Co. Summer Series at Cunningham Lake Mixed Junior ≤18C
23-Jul-2022Treasure Cove Summer Series: Blackbeard Flex Mixed Junior ≤18C
17-Oct-2021Rumble Royale VIMixed Junior ≤18C
30-May-2021Elk Horn OpenMixed Junior ≤12C
07-Mar-2021The BOB - The Battle of BlairMixed Junior ≤12C
06-Mar-2021The BOOB - The Battle of Ox BowMixed Junior ≤12C
29-Nov-2020Happy Thanksdiscing - Part 2Mixed Junior ≤15C