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Chelsea Schikora #154570

Chelsea Schikora #154570

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Kensington Black Locust - Blue - North short tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,870 ft.
Kensington Black Locust - Green - South short tees; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,678 ft.
Flip City Disc Golf Park - 18 Am States ; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,540 ft.
The Edge Disc Golf at Riverside Park - The Edge - Scottville; 24 holes; Par 72; 6,614 ft.
Leviathan - Am Tees 2021; 24 holes; Par 72; 5,478 ft.
Hudson Mills Metropark - Original - Original Course | Short Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,810 ft.
Hudson Mills Metropark - Monster - Monster Course | Short Tees; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,916 ft.
Hudson Mills Metropark - Monster - Monster Course | Short Tees; 24 holes; Par 73; 6,636 ft.
3 Birdies in a RowC27-Nov-2021FA3168746YesYes
3 Birdies in a RowC27-Nov-2021FA3276712YesYes
Discraft Michigan Amateur State Championships presented by Dungrass Co.B4-Sep to 5-Sep-2021FA3176710YesYes
Discraft Michigan Amateur State Championships presented by Dungrass Co.B4-Sep to 5-Sep-2021FA3287762YesYes
Discraft Michigan Amateur State Championships presented by Dungrass Co.B4-Sep to 5-Sep-2021FA3384738YesYes
32nd Annual No Foolin' Tournament presented by DiscraftA17-Apr to 18-Apr-2021FA4165748YesYes
32nd Annual No Foolin' Tournament presented by DiscraftA17-Apr to 18-Apr-2021FA4265760YesYes
32nd Annual No Foolin' Tournament presented by DiscraftA17-Apr to 18-Apr-2021FA4388746YesYes