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Scott Beasley #158963

Scott Beasley #158963

Scott Beasley 158963's picture
Scott Beasley 158963's picture

Player Info

Player Statistics

2021 Season Totals


MA2 · Intermediate4202.00
Am Totals:4202.00

2021 Tournament Results

MA2 · Intermediate

4536.00Columbia Cup: Hyzer at Horning's Sponsored by Westside DiscsC06-Feb to 07-Feb-2021
288.00Flexing at Oak Knoll by Kuhl DiscsC27-Mar-2021
1824.00Kuhl Discs C-Tier #5 - Keizer RapidsC10-Apr-2021
1654.00The Lord of the Flings presented by Innova Champion DiscsB04-Sep to 05-Sep-2021