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Curtis Van Slyke #159541

Curtis Van Slyke #159541's picture's picture

Player Info

Career Wins

28-Jan to 29-Jan-202310th Annual Maricopa Open presented by Infinite Discs - AMMixed Amateur 40+B
10-Dec to 11-Dec-2022The Big Arm Challenge 3Mixed Amateur 40+B
04-Jun-2022Sedona Resort Disc Golf Mixed Amateur 40+C
28-Jan to 30-Jan-20229th Annual Infinite Discs Maricopa Open presented by the Disc ShackMixed Amateur 40+B
01-Jan to 02-Jan-2022NADGT: Zanfel Premier Tour Presented by Discmania @ Red MountainMixed Amateur 40+A
18-Dec to 19-Dec-2021Big Arm ChallengeMixed Amateur 40+C
28-Nov-2021The Autumn Classic Mixed Amateur 40+C
25-Sep to 26-Sep-2021NADGT Premier - The 11th Hour @ The Mountain: Presented by Infinite - Supported by RPMMixed Amateur 2B
20-Mar-2021NADGT Exclusive @ Vista Del Camino (Moved from Buffalo Ridge)Mixed Amateur 40+B