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Ethan Bossert #159672

Ethan Bossert #159672

Ethan Bossert 159672's picture
Ethan Bossert 159672's picture

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Show Low Disc Golf Course - Extended; 25 holes; Par 75; 6,449 ft.
Show Low Disc Golf Course - Extended; 25 holes; Par 75; 6,449 ft.
Show Low Disc Golf Course - SLP Extended; 25 holes; Par 75; 6,074 ft.
Show Low Disc Golf Course - SLP Extended; 25 holes; Par 75; 6,074 ft.
Show Low Disc Golf Course - SLP Extended; 25 holes; Par 75; 6,074 ft.
Watson Lake - Watson Skip 2024; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,595 ft.
Watson Lake - Watson Skip 2024; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,595 ft.
Willow Lake Disc Golf Course - Willow Skip 2024; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,491 ft.
Wood Land - LONG EXTENDED ; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,974 ft.
Wilderness Ranch - NADGT 2023 - LONG; 18 holes; Par 62; 7,451 ft.
Mountain Meadow Ranch - BFF 2024; 18 holes; Par 61; 6,717 ft.
Mountain Meadow Ranch - BFF 2024; 18 holes; Par 61; 6,717 ft.
Wilderness Ranch - Pro Tees AZ States 2023; 18 holes; Par 62; 7,445 ft.
Wilderness Ranch - Pro Tees AZ States 2023; 18 holes; Par 62; 7,445 ft.
Wilderness Ranch - Pro Tees AZ States 2023; 18 holes; Par 62; 7,445 ft.
Mountain Meadow Ranch - BFF2023 Mix ; 18 holes; Par 61; 6,776 ft.
Mountain Meadow Ranch - BFF2023 Mix ; 18 holes; Par 61; 6,776 ft.
Fountain Hills Disc Golf Course - Current 20 Long Hole Layout; 20 holes; Par 60; 6,627 ft.
Fountain Hills Disc Golf Course - Current 20 Long Hole Layout; 20 holes; Par 60; 6,627 ft.
Oso Canyon Disc Golf Course - LCW3 - O'So Flex (MPO/FPO/MP40/MA1) Rd3; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,788 ft.
Moon Mountain - Moon Mountain - Lincoln County War 3; 18 holes; Par 62; 8,121 ft.
Oso Canyon Disc Golf Course - LCW3 - O'So Flex (MPO/FPO/MP40/MA1); 18 holes; Par 57; 6,788 ft.
Casa Grande Disc Golf Course - College Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,634 ft.
Casa Grande Disc Golf Course - College Park - Main 9 Repeated; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,700 ft.
Watson Lake - Chasin the Chains; 20 holes; Par 61; 5,623 ft.
Watson Lake - Chasin the Chains; 20 holes; Par 61; 5,623 ft.
Show Low FREEZE Presented by Innova Champion DiscsB1-Feb-2025MA1272930YesYes
Show Low FREEZE Presented by Innova Champion DiscsB1-Feb-2025MA1172930YesYes
Show Low CRAZE Presented By Innova Champion DiscsB5-Oct to 6-Oct-2024MA1379868YesYes
Show Low CRAZE Presented By Innova Champion DiscsB5-Oct to 6-Oct-2024MA1277886YesYes
Show Low CRAZE Presented By Innova Champion DiscsB5-Oct to 6-Oct-2024MA1173921YesYes
Watson Skip B/C22-Jun to 23-Jun-2024MPO356898YesYes
Watson Skip B/C22-Jun to 23-Jun-2024MPO2471002YesYes
Watson Skip B/C22-Jun to 23-Jun-2024MPO150966YesYes
The Lakeside Summer ShowdownC15-Jun to 16-Jun-2024MA1258911YesYes
The Lakeside Summer ShowdownC15-Jun to 16-Jun-2024MA1168936YesYes
4th Annual Bigfoot FlingC18-May-2024MA1162945YesYes
4th Annual Bigfoot FlingC18-May-2024MA1257989YesYes
Arizona State Championships Pro presented by DiscraftA18-Aug to 20-Aug-2023MPO169936NoNo
Arizona State Championships Pro presented by DiscraftA18-Aug to 20-Aug-2023MPO269936NoNo
Arizona State Championships Pro presented by DiscraftA18-Aug to 20-Aug-2023MPO367951NoNo
Bigfoot FlingB13-May to 14-May-2023MA1261953NoNo
Bigfoot FlingB13-May to 14-May-2023MA1168891NoNo
Desert Oasis Open presented by Dynamic Discs Phoenix B22-Apr to 23-Apr-2023MA1259946NoNo
Desert Oasis Open presented by Dynamic Discs Phoenix B22-Apr to 23-Apr-2023MA1161926NoNo
Lincoln county war 3B3-Mar to 5-Mar-2023MA1367894NoNo
Lincoln county war 3B3-Mar to 5-Mar-2023MA1261946NoNo
Lincoln county war 3B3-Mar to 5-Mar-2023MA1156966NoNo
Throw Down at Casa Grande II Presented by Infinite Discs, Powered by ProdigyC18-Feb-2023MA1143982NoNo
Throw Down at Casa Grande Presented by Prodigy DiscC10-Dec-2022MA1152862NoNo
Chasin the Chains at Watson LakeC21-Feb-2021MA2158941NoNo
Chasin the Chains at Watson LakeC21-Feb-2021MA2256962NoNo