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Tyler Webber #159994

Tyler Webber #159994

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Airport Lakes Disc Golf Course - RAD White Long to Short; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,138 ft.
Airport Lakes Disc Golf Course - Long / Short B pool; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,570 ft.
Lake Hiawatha Preserve - White/Gold; 18 holes; Par 65; 7,219 ft.
The LakeHawk at Lake Sumter State College - White/Gold; 18 holes; Par 61; 6,016 ft.
Green Gauntlet at Palmetto Point Park - White/Gold; 18 holes; Par 67; 6,549 ft.
Barnett Park - North - BN-S Barnett North Shorts Rd2; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,413 ft.
Barnett Park - Parkside - Barnett Parkside Shorts; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,886 ft.
Floral Park - Floral Reds; 24 holes; Par 74; 6,029 ft.
The Quarry Golf Course - Quarry Blues; 20 holes; Par 63; 6,217 ft.
Floral Park - Floral Blues; 24 holes; Par 74; 8,195 ft.
Bill Frederick Park at Turkey Lake: The Original - Orig White PM; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,184 ft.
Bill Frederick Park; T2-The Turkeynator - T2 Red AM; 18 holes; Par 60; 5,126 ft.
TDTMX - W2 - Red Course; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,888 ft.
Barnett Park - North - BN-S Barnett North Shorts; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,413 ft.
Barnett Park - Parkside - BP-S Barnett Parkside Shorts; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,886 ft.
Sunset Ridge Disc Golf Course - Chainstar Baskets (Short); 18 holes; Par 55; 4,219 ft.
The Quarry Golf Course - Red Tee Pads; 20 holes; Par 64; 4,552 ft.
Floral Park - Red Tees Short (Original Layout); 24 holes; Par 74; 5,858 ft.
The Quarry Golf Course - Mini Canyon Matinee Red Pads; 20 holes; Par 64; 4,552 ft.
The Quarry Golf Course - Mini Canyon Matinee Red Pads; 20 holes; Par 64; 4,552 ft.
Northside Park - Short Pads - A Position ; 18 holes; Par 57; 4,991 ft.
Northside Park - Short Pads - A Position ; 18 holes; Par 57; 4,991 ft.
Holloway Park Disc Golf Course - Short Tee Pads; 18 holes; Par 62; 6,334 ft.
Holloway Park Disc Golf Course - Short Tee Pads; 18 holes; Par 62; 6,334 ft.
Floral Park - Red Pad 24 Hole Layout; 24 holes; Par 74; 5,878 ft.
South County Regional Park - South County White; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,466 ft.
North Charlotte Regional Park - North County White; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,965 ft.
Legend in my Hometown C25-May-2024RAD151909YesYes
BPC Fundraiser Airport Lakes Flex-Start (Layout B)C30-Dec-2023MA2152914YesYes
The 2023 Lake County Trailblazer Driven by Innova - Am WeekendA4-Nov to 5-Nov-2023MA2363899YesYes
The 2023 Lake County Trailblazer Driven by Innova - Am WeekendA4-Nov to 5-Nov-2023MA2261903YesYes
The 2023 Lake County Trailblazer Driven by Innova - Am WeekendA4-Nov to 5-Nov-2023MA2167912YesYes
Barnett Park Championships presented by Orlando Disc GolfB4-Feb to 5-Feb-2023MA2263852YesNo
Barnett Park Championships presented by Orlando Disc GolfB4-Feb to 5-Feb-2023MA2159877YesYes
DG1 Presents: The Winter Wonderland Amateur ShowcaseA20-Jan to 22-Jan-2023MA2370893YesYes
DG1 Presents: The Winter Wonderland Amateur ShowcaseA20-Jan to 22-Jan-2023MA2262869YesYes
DG1 Presents: The Winter Wonderland Amateur ShowcaseA20-Jan to 22-Jan-2023MA2174894YesYes
2022 Orlando Open presented by Orlando Disc GolfB7-May to 8-May-2022MA2255899NoNo
2022 Orlando Open presented by Orlando Disc GolfB7-May to 8-May-2022MA2159852NoNo
Discraft presents Sun King's Throw Down the Mountain X (Weekend 2)B12-Mar to 13-Mar-2022MA2165856NoNo
Barnett Park Championships presented by Orlando Disc GolfB5-Feb to 6-Feb-2022MA2158893NoNo
Barnett Park Championships presented by Orlando Disc GolfB5-Feb to 6-Feb-2022MA2252954NoNo
DG1 Presents: The Winter Wonderland Amateur ShowcaseA21-Jan to 23-Jan-2022MA3348898NoNo
DG1 Presents: The Winter Wonderland Amateur ShowcaseA21-Jan to 23-Jan-2022MA3256906NoNo
DG1 Presents: The Winter Wonderland Amateur ShowcaseA21-Jan to 23-Jan-2022MA3164913NoNo
Sun King presents Mini Canyon Matinee powered by InnovaC/B25-Sep to 26-Sep-2021MA3255901NoNo
Sun King presents Mini Canyon Matinee powered by InnovaC/B25-Sep to 26-Sep-2021MA3153926NoNo
Gainesville Innova C-TierC28-Aug-2021MA3258853NoNo
Gainesville Innova C-TierC28-Aug-2021MA3156877NoNo
NADGT Exclusive @ HollowayB7-Aug to 8-Aug-2021MA3270837NoNo
NADGT Exclusive @ HollowayB7-Aug to 8-Aug-2021MA3167866NoNo
2021 Floral Fling Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC11-Apr-2021MA3174825NoNo
2021 NoSo Open presented by CCDGC/Sun KingB27-Mar to 28-Mar-2021MA3161849NoNo
2021 NoSo Open presented by CCDGC/Sun KingB27-Mar to 28-Mar-2021MA3261856NoNo