15 | 90.00 | Brandenburg Am Championship Presented by The Shop | B | 13-Mar-2022 |
1 | 87.00 | SLM 2022 Fundraiser #1 at Lapping | C | 16-Apr-2022 |
2 | 30.00 | SLM 2022 Fundraiser #2 at Seviren Lang | C | 17-Apr-2022 |
9 | 60.00 | Wendell Moore Spring Classic (Presented by Bang-A-Chain) | C | 14-May-2022 |
2 | 45.00 | The Pre Buffalo Trace Open | C | 12-Jun-2022 |
1 | 103.50 | The Buffalo Trace Open Presented By Squatch | XB | 26-Jun-2022 |
8 | 270.00 | Gatekeeper Media presents Charlie Vettiner Open Powered by Prodigy | A | 02-Jul to 03-Jul-2022 |
11 | 76.50 | 2022 Frankfort Amateurs Championship | B | 27-Aug to 28-Aug-2022 |
8 | 30.00 | 1st Annual Active Heroes Open | C | 18-Sep-2022 |
8 | 57.00 | The Ryan Lee Memorial Presented by Bang A Chain | C | 22-Oct-2022 |
1 | 6.00 | 11th Annual So In Classic | C | 20-Nov-2022 |
1 | 18.00 | The First Annual Turkey Hangover @ Active Heroes Presented by Disc Crazy | C | 26-Nov-2022 |
4 | 24.00 | The Challenge at the Y | C | 10-Dec-2022 |