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Neil Paulick #162242

Neil Paulick #162242

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Highbridge Hills - Blueberry Hill - Blueberry -Long Tee to Purple Basket; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,830 ft.
Highbridge Hills - Granite Ridge - Granite Long Tee to Grey Basket; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,416 ft.
Highbridge Hills - Woodland Greens - Woodland Greens; 18 holes; Par 57; 4,176 ft.
Highbridge Hills - Granite Ridge - Granite Long Tee to Grey Basket; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,280 ft.
Highbridge Hills - Woodland Greens - Woodland Greens; 18 holes; Par 57; 4,315 ft.
Highbridge Hills - The Bear - Bear Shorts; 18 holes; Par 65; 7,303 ft.
Highbridge Hills - Granite Ridge - Granite Long Tee to Grey Basket; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,280 ft.
Highbridge Hills OpenB10-Sep to 11-Sep-2022MA3164796YesYes
Highbridge Hills OpenB10-Sep to 11-Sep-2022MA3278723YesYes
Highbridge Hills OpenB10-Sep to 11-Sep-2022MA3371692YesNo
Highbridge Hills OpenB11-Sep to 12-Sep-2021MA3169800NoNo
Highbridge Hills OpenB11-Sep to 12-Sep-2021MA3264782NoNo
Don't Poke the BearC29-May-2021MA3195716NoNo
Don't Poke the BearC29-May-2021MA3279719NoNo