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Christopher Kaufman #164128

Christopher Kaufman #164128

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Picnic Island Disc Golf - GCCO - Picnic Short; 18 holes; Par 60; 5,068 ft.
Picnic Island Disc Golf - GCCO - Picnic Short; 18 holes; Par 60; 5,068 ft.
Showmen's Disc Golf Course - Yellow Basket ; 24 holes; Par 77; 7,278 ft.
2021 Tampa Area Charity OpenC/B2-Oct to 3-Oct-2021MA3174718YesYes
2021 Tampa Area Charity OpenC/B2-Oct to 3-Oct-2021MA3270762YesYes
Showmen's Easter Weekend Showdown C3-Apr-2021MA2184876YesYes