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Thomas Bowhay #173536

Thomas Bowhay #173536

Player Info

Ratings Detail

CSUMB Oaks Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 65; 8,278 ft.
CSUMB Oaks Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 65; 8,278 ft.
Pinto Lake Championship Disc Golf Course - Short Layout; 19 holes; Par 58; 6,610 ft.
Pinto Lake Championship Disc Golf Course - 2 Lap Circuit; 19 holes; Par 59; 5,785 ft.
Pinto Lake Championship Disc Golf Course - Short Layout; 19 holes; Par 58; 6,610 ft.
Oaks and Cypress Are Back-Sanctioned LeagueL31-Jul to 4-Sep-2021RAD184826YesYes
Oaks and Cypress Are Back-Sanctioned LeagueL31-Jul to 4-Sep-2021RAF279866YesYes
Pinto Lake Sanctioned SeriesL13-Mar to 17-Apr-2021MA2277766YesYes
Pinto Lake Sanctioned SeriesL13-Mar to 17-Apr-2021MA2374826YesYes
Pinto Lake Sanctioned SeriesL13-Mar to 17-Apr-2021MA2576776YesYes